Overall, I'm enjoying the latest patch because I can play 4-man with my friends and actually clear act 2 inferno. This works out for all of us because:
1. We can all play together without getting destroyed
2. They can actually farm decent gear, since ilvl 61, 62 and 63 has a chance of dropping
3. I can actually get decent drops and not feel like I'm wasting my time since we're killing things fast with a chance for higher drops (vs me playing act 4/pony level solo).
At the same time, I'm also a little disappointed that inferno was nerfed to the extent that it was. Being able to run it and beat it actually felt like an accomplishment. I didn't have insane gear, so there actually was a lot of strategy and thought involved (24k dps) when I faced Diablo. But there is a disparity between ranged and melee that makes ranged more capable of performing these feats. I don't think that was reconciled by nerfing damage wholesale.
As for the IAS nerf, I don't disagree with it. I lost probably 25% of my damage with it but honestly... being able to buy some junk int/ias blues and ramp my DPS that high was a little ridiculous. People that had 120k DPS before are complaining that they only have 90k now... like, come on maaaang.
1. We can all play together without getting destroyed
2. They can actually farm decent gear, since ilvl 61, 62 and 63 has a chance of dropping
3. I can actually get decent drops and not feel like I'm wasting my time since we're killing things fast with a chance for higher drops (vs me playing act 4/pony level solo).
At the same time, I'm also a little disappointed that inferno was nerfed to the extent that it was. Being able to run it and beat it actually felt like an accomplishment. I didn't have insane gear, so there actually was a lot of strategy and thought involved (24k dps) when I faced Diablo. But there is a disparity between ranged and melee that makes ranged more capable of performing these feats. I don't think that was reconciled by nerfing damage wholesale.
As for the IAS nerf, I don't disagree with it. I lost probably 25% of my damage with it but honestly... being able to buy some junk int/ias blues and ramp my DPS that high was a little ridiculous. People that had 120k DPS before are complaining that they only have 90k now... like, come on maaaang.