Hell is not frozen yet! (Diablo 3)

Overall, I'm enjoying the latest patch because I can play 4-man with my friends and actually clear act 2 inferno. This works out for all of us because:

1. We can all play together without getting destroyed
2. They can actually farm decent gear, since ilvl 61, 62 and 63 has a chance of dropping
3. I can actually get decent drops and not feel like I'm wasting my time since we're killing things fast with a chance for higher drops (vs me playing act 4/pony level solo).

At the same time, I'm also a little disappointed that inferno was nerfed to the extent that it was. Being able to run it and beat it actually felt like an accomplishment. I didn't have insane gear, so there actually was a lot of strategy and thought involved (24k dps) when I faced Diablo. But there is a disparity between ranged and melee that makes ranged more capable of performing these feats. I don't think that was reconciled by nerfing damage wholesale.

As for the IAS nerf, I don't disagree with it. I lost probably 25% of my damage with it but honestly... being able to buy some junk int/ias blues and ramp my DPS that high was a little ridiculous. People that had 120k DPS before are complaining that they only have 90k now... like, come on maaaang.
Before patch:
Fully ruined gear repair cost: ~4k
Damage: 21k

After patch:
Fully ruined gear repair: ~20k
Damage: 15k

Before the patch, I was able to solo a good bit of act 2 for gear, while keeping a steady gold amount (still dying constantly of course), but yesterday I spent 3 hours and totalled 100k gold in the negative with nothing to show for it, except a single cleared quest.

In conclusion:
Fuck my gear. Fuck it up its stupid ass.
Just when I thought D3 couldn't become a worse disaster:
A Customer support agent has posted on Diablo 3′s official forums confirming suspicions that there is a wait period on all digital purchases of the game.

Kaltonis says that anyone who purchase the digital edition of the game could be forced to wait up to three days for their game to

Specifically, players will be restricted to the free demo (a.k.a. Starter Edition) of the game.


So not only do you not get to play your single player game offline, you now get to play the DEMO for three days even though you bought the full version. Kudos, Blizzard.

The explanation is the standard Blizzard blabla about fraud and malicious activity which would be irrelevant if they had only included an offline mode.

Enter raging Blizzdrones who think this is totally okay:
I am not sure what is more frightening and disturbing. Blizzard doing this. Or the gamers which support it. And I mean those people which think Blizz could do no wrong. I mean you can like something and still be critical. I am sure a "fan" from some things and people. But that does not mean I have to accept EVERYTHING.
(maybe I got someting wrong, if yes forgive)

But why do you, maka, think it is alright to have a wait period of 3 days even though you payed for the game?
I don't hate the game at all, but this is totally not OK. I could understand Error 37 on launch day to a degree, since this is a massively popular release (even then, not being able to play single-player due to servers being offline sucks), but having to wait three days before playing the game you actually bought? That's bullshit and must be fixed ASAP.
I just like to treat you whiny turds like whiny turds. Just like how you pretentious punks like to label those of us that are just having fun as "blizzdrones" or accusing us (in many words)of selling out to the man. Are you being affected by the problem? No, you're just complaining about a game you don't even have any intention to purchase.
7 million+ players. Do you not understand the scope of that number? Sure, everyone wants everything to be perfect, but I like to take the pragmatic/realistic approach.
uhm? Thats an excuse for anything? Sorry sir. Not buying it. And you complain about why that behavior is seen as "blizz-drone" or "fanboyism".

Maybe, but just maybe Blizzards Diablo 3 is not the first game with such a huge release. And it will not be the last one.

They could have avoided much of the issue by simply separating single player from multi player.

I am not calling you a fan-boy. But seriously. 7 Million or 70 Million users. The consumer has a right to play the game how it was meant to be. If you don't see that as reason for complaining then I don't know what.
Enter a moderator to tell everyone to calm down and stop insulting each other.
Oh hi, Sander. Yeah, I shouldn't let myself get lured in and swap the nasty adnouns and adjectives. But, off-topic, I would be very interested in seeing fedaykin's and creeny's kickstarter page. AoD preorder? Something?


Ah, look; This Blizzdrone helped fund several games with no DRM, to the tune of ~$300. Show me that you practice what you preach, and I might respect your opinions a little more.
I really don't care about all the "blizzdrone" accusation bullshit and all that, but not being able to play the game you paid for until 3 days later is pretty fucked and there should really be no defending that.
Ilosar said:
Yeah, I guess it varies by people. My DH friend had his DPS almost cut in half. That said, he still has close to 100k, so he cuts through enemies like a hot knife through butter.
Well, there's class balance for you.
I already had gimped DPS. I was around 23k DPS, with 1h (950dps weapon)+shield. That's before the nerf.

Now I'm going for resistance, so my DPS dropped to 17k. :cry:
I also pretty much have no special damage dealing abilities left. Everything is spec'ed for survival skills.

When I compare with my friends that play DH, it's retarded how much trouble I put into getting gear etc. The DH can use pretty much all blues (as a manner of speaking) and still own ass enough to make it through Act I & II Inferno.

Ilosar said:
He simply cannot manage to kill the new Ghom, however; the fat bastard creates so many clouds and has so much HPs that glass cannon builds are worthless against him.
Haven't tried him since patch.

Ilosar said:
My own barb didn't feel much, since I specced for raw damage (Frenzy takes care of AS), vitality and resists. Currently on Act 1 Inferno, progression is smooth but I play less, not because of the game but because the Gods and Kings expansion for Civ V just got out :D
Act I Inferno is still kindergarden though. :)
Act II gives the first real bump, and Belial is the worst.

At least they nerfed the wasps... Those used to be murder.

Ilosar said:
In retrospect, I'd say the IAS nerf was also too much. Making it less a king of stats is OK, but such a dramatic nerf is a bit uncalled for. Maybe spread it over two patches to allow players to adapt? And I stand by my statement that enrage timers are an absolutely stupid mechanic that penalizes melee classes to a ridiculous extreme. Want to tank the boss instead of going glass cannon? Ups, after 3 minutes he kills you no matter what. Retarded design.
Probably not retarded, but at least lazy.

Ilosar said:
To be fair, Diablo was always gear-based. There rarely was any skill involved, hell D2 just meant properly building your character (which requires knowledge, not skill), getting the good items (via either the hard way of trading and looting, or the dark side of duping), and then spamming 1 or 2 skills all day long. At least D3 adds skill variety, I'm very thankful for that change. And in Inferno, you need a modicum of skill to survive, again unless you pay through the nose for godly gear.
Always been gearbased sure, but since they're now going more for the multiplayer aspect than ever before (and eventually PvP), you expect more balance & more ways to make skill shine rather than pure gear.

PlanHex said:
Before patch:
Fully ruined gear repair cost: ~4k
Damage: 21k

After patch:
Fully ruined gear repair: ~20k
Damage: 15k

Before the patch, I was able to solo a good bit of act 2 for gear, while keeping a steady gold amount (still dying constantly of course), but yesterday I spent 3 hours and totalled 100k gold in the negative with nothing to show for it, except a single cleared quest.

In conclusion:
Fuck my gear. Fuck it up its stupid ass.
Well, it was too cheap before. Dying really meant nothing. You could just zergrush bosses as long as you had enough DPS. Die, come back for some burst DPS, die, come back, etc. Now it's harder. And I agree with that, really.

Your problem are likely resistances btw. How much resistance do you have? For Act II, you should aim for at least 300 resistance, hopefully 400 by the end.

fedaykin said:
Just when I thought D3 couldn't become a worse disaster:
A Customer support agent has posted on Diablo 3′s official forums confirming suspicions that there is a wait period on all digital purchases of the game.

Kaltonis says that anyone who purchase the digital edition of the game could be forced to wait up to three days for their game to

Specifically, players will be restricted to the free demo (a.k.a. Starter Edition) of the game.


So not only do you not get to play your single player game offline, you now get to play the DEMO for three days even though you bought the full version. Kudos, Blizzard.

The explanation is the standard Blizzard blabla about fraud and malicious activity which would be irrelevant if they had only included an offline mode.

Enter raging Blizzdrones who think this is totally okay:
I had a message saying that when the real money auction house went up (eventhough I had the game since release). As soon as I installed the Iphone Authenticator thing, it went away.
just a reality check guys...

DH are not top of the chain.

wizards are. i keep waiting for archon form to get a nerf. they seem to be nerfing i-win-skills for dh and wizzie, but seem to have overlooked archon form.

plus this latest patch totally screwed over witch doctors as their standard dps skill the zombie bears is completely screwed up now.

my biggest problem with blizzard is they keep nerfing players ability to play the game or farm the game in ways blizz did not anticpate or likes, but is catatonic when it comes to fixing issues that hamper the player.

that is unexcuseable imo

they also keep saying that the goal of diablo games is to let the player become so powerful they feel like gods. and yet keep nerfing everything that allows players to actually become "gods".

IAS being a driving affix is just like D2... IAS is huge and very important. even in D2. and now in D3 it is still going to be huge. players just wont get as much benifit out of it.

they didnt ruin IAS, they just made sure that players had to focus on it more.

and dont get me started on the repair bills.
TheWesDude said:
just a reality check guys...

DH are not top of the chain.

wizards are.
Oh noez! DH are only:
- SECOND best
- only do roughly 10 to 15 times more "actual" DPS (as opposed to "flat" DPS as displayed in character sheet) than Monks & Barbies
- hardly need to consider farming resistance gear to make it to the endgame

Yeah, my only two friends that killed diablo on inferno (without cheating & just getting a waypoint from a friend) are a DH & a wizard. each don't have more than 250 resistance to anything...

You have to recognize that while DH is second best, it's still retardedly far ahead of Monk & Barbie. With my 550 resistance to all, I'm still getting clobbered in Act III eventhough I'm totally spec'ed for survival abilities.
well Diablo was always a bit less forgiving to glass builds and melee fighters.

Though. I cant say how that is in Diablo 3 and the hardest difficulty.

It sometimes depends on the equipment. But in General characters fighting from a distance are not THAT heavily dependant on great equipment just to survive. At least in Diablo 2.
sua, the reason i say that is because you keep talking about DHes in your post.

you should be qualifying your statements that you are comparing to the 2nd best. not even the best.

and no, we dont do 10-15 times the dps.

our normal hatred spender is typically elemental arrow which is only 155% dmg, not 1000% or 1500% dmg.

our highest damage ability is long fuse spike trap at 371% and that can be difficult to hit a champ/boss with.

typically i end up using cluster arrow at 50 hatred for 290%.

plus, based on raw base damage, the #1 combo is 1h mace + wiz/WD offhand.

DH with 20% quiver is #3, and DH with 15% quiver is #6.

which means DHes are balanced around having a minimum of 15% quiver.

and currently i am at about 350 all resist, and i have severe problems when i go to act 2. typically i farm act 1 or hell cows.

and no, a DH cannot just sit there with blues and clear inferno. not without a huge repair bill and numerous deaths.

conversely seeing videos of wizards farming act 3 inferno and clearing a champ pack in like 3-5 seconds makes my e-peen shrink.

or even watching guys at work play their wizards doing the same thing while on my DH i struggle.
It's pretty much as simple as saying the melee fighters start getting fucked over pretty hard on anything after a little bit into Hell difficulty. Inferno is damn near impossible for Barbs and Monks can only eek out some distance, but even then it gets down to the wire.