Yes it really does doesn't it.Phanz said:To spend so much time writing the code for a 10 year old game and to ask nothing in return says a lot about a person. So.. thanks!

Glad your enjoying it.

Yes it really does doesn't it.Phanz said:To spend so much time writing the code for a 10 year old game and to ask nothing in return says a lot about a person. So.. thanks!
Mr.Wolna said:You do not need a patch for FOT to change the resolution.
Mash said:Mr.Wolna said:You do not need a patch for FOT to change the resolution.
It's been a long time since I played tactics but I think it maxed out at 1024x768, although I could be wrong it's been a while. At any rate at the moment I'm still working on fallout1 and 2. But I may check out tactics in the future.
Mr.Wolna said:@Phans and other guys who are playin in this high resulation, is it not to small? Casue i play 800x600. I think even 1260x786 is to big for Fallout.
On my 20" LCD, I'm playing at 1024x768. I agree with you about the native resolution. 1600x1200 results in a really sharp image, but everything is so small. Fallout 2 involves a lot of "pixel hunting" for some items, and when the pixels are that small, it's just not workable. Fortunately, the Dell 2001FP scales to 1024x768 really well. Some of the higher resolutions don't scale quite as well, and do look pretty blurry.Mr.Wolna said:@Phans and other guys who are playin in this high resulation, is it not to small? Casue i play 800x600. I think even 1260x786 is to big for Fallout.
Does this happen when re-viewing the archived movies in the Pip or just when the event occurs on the world-map?Darek said:@ Mash
I seem to have a problem with the Hakunin dream sequences.
Using the original movie size I only get a black screen and the sound playing in the background. If I change it to size 1 or 2 I get a black screen in the middle with a frozen movie behind it.
Is this an error on my part or something on your to do list?
I have the latest high res patch + latest sfall.
Oh, and the other movies work just fine.
I'll add the option to raise the bottom of the viewable map area to the top of the menu/task-bar in the next release. This has the side effect of creating black bars either side of the bar. So to that end I'm currently attempting to allow for custom menu/task-bars to fill the gaps.kungfujoe said:BTW, a bug report for 1.7 - with mostly-default settings (I changed the res, as mentioned above), I'm finding that when a map has a southern exit grid, much of it is hidden behind the menu bar. This wasn't the case with the prior version of the patch that I was using (1.4 or 1.5, I think). The maps need to extend a bit further south to account for the fact that the menu bar blocks part of the bottom-center of the screen.
Still looking into that one.kungfujoe said:Any chance that 1.8 will scale the static screens (menus, etc)?![]()
;Change to 1 if you want to use command line args to tell sfall to use another ini file.
;Set to 1 to enable eax.
;Not supported in the windows 9x version
;Requires supporting scripts to set appropriate eax effects for each map.
;Set to a value between 0 and 25 to choose the default eax environment
;This is the environment used in a new game until a script changes it
;Set to 0 to disable everything in this section
;The speeds corrisponding to each slot in percent. (i.e. 100 is normal speed)
;The initial speed at game startup
;Set to 0 for 8 bit fullscreen
;Set to 4 for dx9 fullscreen
;Set to 5 for dx9 windowed
;dx9 modes cause some corruption of movies
;A dx9 mode is required for any graphics related script extender functions to work (i.e. fullscreen shaders)
;Modes 1, 2 and 3 are no longer supported
;If using a dx9 mode, this changes the resolution
;The graphics are simply stretched to fit the new window; this does _not_ let you see more of the map
;This changes the settings of the hardware scaler in graphics modes 4 or 5
;Set to 0 to disable, 1 to use only if screen res > 640x480, 2 to use if screen res != 640x480 or 3 to use always
;To use a hardware scaler a file called 'global.fx' must be placed in data\shaders, and must contain one technique with one or more passes
;Set to something other than 0 to apply a software scaler in graphics modes 4 or 5
;This can be used instead of, or in addition to, the hardware global.fx shader
;This option is unsupported when using Mash's resolution patch
;0 - Default scaler
;1 - 2xSai
;2 - SuperEagle
;3 - Super2xSai
;4 - hq2x
;5 - AdvancedMame2x
;6 - letterbox
;7 - no scaling
;Set to 1 for a linear texture filter, or 0 to disable
;Set to 1 to override the console, allowing extra text at high resolutions (BETA!)
;Requires DX9 mode
;Set to 0 to disable everything in this section
;This will also disable any input related script extender functions and the keyboard commands used to control other sections!
;Set to 1 to enable the mouse scroll wheel to scroll through your inventory
;The mouse Z position is dividied by this modifier to calculate the number of inventory
;slots to scroll. My mouse moves 120 pixel in the z direction for one click of the mouse
;wheel, but this may vary depending on your mouse manufacturer and windows settings.
;Set to 0 to only ever scroll 1 click
;Adjusts mouse sensitivity to some percentage of normal.
;Negative values are valid, if you want your mouse axis reversed for some reason
;DX scancode of a key to press when the middle mouse button is clicked
;The default of 0x30 toggles between your two weapons
;Set to 0 to disable
;Set these to 1 if you want fallout to access the keyboard or mouse in background mode
;The modifier key you have to hold down to change any speed settings
;If set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key
;A key to press to toggle the speed tweak on or off
;Specify 0 if you don't want a toggle key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;The keys corrisponding to the 10 speed slots
;Set to 0 to disable a slot, otherwise specify the DX scancode of the key you want to use
;The modifier key you have to hold down to change any graphics settings
;Set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key
;Toggle the global shader on or off
;Changes the current scaleing and texture filters
;Everything in this section only applies to fallout 2!
;Time limit in years. Must be between -3 and 13
;Set to 0 if you want to die the instant you leave arroyo
;Set to -1 to remove the time limit, and automatically reset the date back to 2241 each time you would have reached it
;Set to -2 to remove the time limit without reseting the date. The game will lock up on 8th of March 2255
;Set to -3 to remove the time limit, automatically reset the date, but override fallouts GetDate function to return the correct year
;Set to 1 to enable additional scripting functions
;Set to 1 to apply the perception fix to the sharpshooter perk
;Set to 1 to fix the pathfinder perk (25% travel time reduction with 1 level, 50% reduction with 2)
;World map travel time percentage modifier
;Modifies how fast in game time passes while you're moving around the map screen without affecting encounter rate
;The pathfinder fix needs to be turned on for this to work
;100 is normal speed, 0 stops time from passing
;This will change the physical speed at which you move across the map
;Changing this value to something > 30 (default of this mod) will make things speed up.
;Changing this value to something < 30 (default of this mod) will make things slow down.
;Only set to 1 if your systems high performance timer is unreliable for some reason
;Set to 1 to enable Ray's patch to make world map encounter rate independent of your travel speed
;To make the encounter rate decrease, change WorldMapEncounterRate to a number > 30 (default of the mod)
;To make the encounter rate increase, change WorldMapEncounterRate to a number < 30 (default of the mod)
;Obsolete, but can still be used if you know what it does.
;The number of slots available in the locations list panel of the world map
;Set to 0 to leave unchanged. 17 is default.
;Setting this greater than 17 requires a replacement background frm, or you'll get glitched graphics
;Setting this to 1 fixes the bug that can cause the locations list to become unresponsive
;To start a new game somewhere other than, uncomment the next line and set it to the map you want to load
;To change the 'FALLOUT II v1.02d' version string on the main menu, uncomment the next line
;You can use up to 2 %d's in this, if you want to include fallouts version number somewhere
VersionString=FALLOUT II 1.02.25 RP 1.2
;To use a config file other than fallout.cfg, uncomment the next line and add the name of your new file
;To use a patch file other than patch000.dat, uncomment the next line and add your new file name
;If you want to use multiple patch files, you can include a %d in the file name
;The original file is patch%03d.dat
;To change the default and starting player models, uncomment the next four lines.
;The default models can also be changed ingame via script
;To change the various ingame movies, modify the next 17 lines
;Most of these can also be changed ingame via script.
;To change the starting year, month or day, uncomment the next 3 lines
;To change the limit of the distance away from the player to which you're allowed to scroll the local maps, uncomment the next two lines
;Defaults are 0x1E0 in the x direction and 0x190 in the y direction.
;To add additional perks to the game, uncomment the next line and set it to point to a file containing perk information
;Set to 1 if you want the pipboy to be available at the start of the game
;Set to 1 to double the number of available kill types
;If you use this, you need to provide the extra descriptions in proto.msg (entries from 1450 to 1487 are names and 1488 to 1525 are descriptions)
;Changing this option mid game will not invalidate old save games, but the players kill counters will be completely screwed.
;Setting this to 1 may cause problems if the player kills more than 32767 of any one critter type
;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage
;0 - Fallout default
;1 - Glovz's AP ammo mod
;2 - Glovz's tweaked version of the original formula
;Prevents you from using 0 to escape from dialogue at any time.
;Set to 1 to disable the horrigan encounter
;Set to 1 to disable the random element in npc levelling.
;This will cause all npc party members to automatically level up as soon as the player reaches the requirements
;Change the initial starting location and world map viewport
;Leave at -1 for default
;Set to 1 to remove the limit on the number of cities
;Set to 1 to fix the issue with you bonus move being reset if you save in combat
;Set to 1 for force fallout not to use multiple processor cores even if they are available
;Set to 1 to override the art_chache_size setting in fallout2.cfg
;Set to 1 to fix issues with the GainXXX perks not giving all the bonuses that they should
;Set to 1 to fix the issue with the skilldex button dissapearing when you have many active quests and holodisks.
No, it's all good when re-viewing them in the Pip Boy, it only happens on the world map.Mash said:Does this happen when re-viewing the archived movies in the Pip or just when the event occurs on the world-map?
It seems to be working fine for me, but I didn't have a saved game just before a dream movie so I had to cheat a bit. I started a new game with as the starting map and walked out of the cave to trigger a dream and it played fine.Darek said:No, it's all good when re-viewing them in the Pip Boy, it only happens on the world map.
For Fallout2:Karmashock said:My post was relocated here... can someone explain why Fallout 2 runs slow when you enable one of the anti aliasing schemes? The frame rate drops too far to be useful. My machine is not slow... either the program is not using the graphics card acceleration, the engine is extremely inefficient, or I've screwed up the ini file settings.
Please help.
No worries. Glad you could replicate it so it wasn't just me.Mash said:Darek thanks for the saved games. I've been able to replicate the problem so I can now get on with fixing it.![]()
The world map window seems to be drawing on top of the video. I should be able to fix it though.Darek said:Just out of curiosity, do you have any idea what the problem is?
I'm using version 1.2 of the restoration project. When I used the latest version of sfall it gave me an error.Mash said:For Fallout2:Karmashock said:My post was relocated here... can someone explain why Fallout 2 runs slow when you enable one of the anti aliasing schemes? The frame rate drops too far to be useful. My machine is not slow... either the program is not using the graphics card acceleration, the engine is extremely inefficient, or I've screwed up the ini file settings.
Please help.
Judging by the ddraw.ini contents you posted, you may be running an outdated version of sfall. Timeslip has made some improvements in the speed of the dx modes 4 and 5 recently. You can grab the latest version from Timeslip's site here>
If your using a ddraw.ini file that came with the Restoration project or another mod, be sure to backup of your current ddraw.ini file and change the settings in the new to match the old.
It should be, but there are several settings that are changed from the defaults in the ddraw.ini file that came with the Restoration Project. You need to transfer them to the new version you downloaded. At any rate here are the changed settings , they are found in the [Misc] section.Karmashock said:I'm using version 1.2 of the restoration project. When I used the latest version of sfall it gave me an error.
Is the latest version compatible with the restoration project?
VersionString=FALLOUT II 1.02.25 RP 1.2