First time out of the vault

ahh, it works, played for hours... its so much nicer to look at! just changed it to 240 like you said, thanks 

Did you run f2_res_patcher.exeGrotesque said:Ive installed Fallout 2 with the unofficial FO2patch 1.02.25 and F2 Restoration Project 1.2 and then added the resolution patch 1.2 and the ingame resolution did not changed.
Manually Ive changed the resolution in the f2_res.ini the same as my desktop resolution
#Set the screen resolution here
SCR_WIDTH = 1280
SCR_HIGHT = 1024
Still no effect! What should I do?
I think the error's hardware based. The resolutions that will work are similar to what you can set in Windows display properties.NecroKreep said:I seem to be running into a little bit of a problem with your patch. My native resolution is 1920X1200 with the game running perfectly fine when set to that. I got a little tired of seeing off screen though, so I set AUTO_SCRN_SIZE to 0 and lowered the resolution down to 1680x1050. It works fine but I still felt seeing where the world drops off to a black void to be a little disconcerting. I went down to 1440x900 and that's when things became problematic. I tried all wide screen resolutions along with a few 4:3 res's and, ironically enough, the only one that works is 800x600. With every single resolution between 1680x1050 and 800x600, the error message "Error initializing video mode 640x480" pops up as soon as I execute the Fallout2.exe. Any help would be appreciated.
Darek said:@ Mash
What's the progress report on the Fallout 2 Mapper patch?
I need to remove the outer tiles from a map, but the mapper crashes every time I try to move the map (to be able to reach the tiles). A high res patch would solve that problem, right?
Great work by the way.
killap said:Great job releasing the new version! What exactly changed with the "improved map loading"? No more scrolling outside the map?
There is no reason it wouldn't. Try and tell your experience.Jiddick ExRex said:Has this res patch been tried with MIB88's Megamod patch yet? Any reason why it wouldn't work?
Use can use Timeslip's Sfall mod to do what you ask I think.jimkkk111 said:i think it's an old problem,i moved too fast in the world map how can i slow down world map?i often need one month(game time) to touch off a battle,it‘not good……
Yes try it and let me know.Jiddick ExRex said:Has this res patch been tried with MIB88's Megamod patch yet? Any reason why it wouldn't work?
smeger55555 said:I can not get the res patcher to work, I have extracted everyting to the correct folder "C:\Program Files\BlackIsle\Fallout2\" but when I try to use the f2_res_patcher I get the following error message
Unrecognized Data Found!
fallout2.exe may not be the correct version.
Patch has NOT been installed.
Installation Terminated!
I currently have none of the fallout patches installed and I am running on Vista 64bit.
I would show an image of the error message on my browser but not sure how.
I would realy appreciate any help as this is a very interesting and usefull patch.
What versions of f1 and f2 are you using? The supported versions are listed in the Readme's. The exe's I used (apart from the Chinese version)were extracted from the official patches found in the files section of NMA.joe_strummer said:I have the same problem with f1 and f2
Mash said:What versions of f1 and f2 are you using? The supported versions are listed in the Readme's. The exe's I used (apart from the Chinese version)were extracted from the official patches found in the files section of NMA.joe_strummer said:I have the same problem with f1 and f2
Is that TEAMX's fallout1 1.2?joe_strummer said:fallout 1 is 1.2 version and f2 is not installed, Ill do it later when we are done with f1
Mash said:Is that TEAMX's fallout1 1.2?joe_strummer said:fallout 1 is 1.2 version and f2 is not installed, Ill do it later when we are done with f1
It seems there is a US fallout1 1.2 but I couldn't find a copy of it at the time, so its not currently supported.