I was just checking if the hi-res patch wasn't doing anything weird to save.dat, I don't think it is. And since Falche2 seems to work ok if you first save at a lower res, I wasn't going to follow it any further.Alray said:I'm auther of save.dat doc. Can I help? I have some new stuff with save.dat, maybe I can help?
That's not true but the variety of resolutions that will work is dependent on your hardware, mainly your monitor. So some people have trouble finding a res that works. Using the Dx modes in sfall gives you a greater range as it will scale what is set in the hi-res patch.UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:you need sfall for the res patch to work on either game.
My next question then is does fallout2 work if you disable the dx modes? Just trying to figure out why f2 works but f1 doesn't.Menocu said:I'm using the latest version of sfall with FO2. I tweaked its .ini as per your previous message in this thread to make it work with the resolution patch. I do have the "Mode" variable set to 4. I was going to use sfall1 for FO1 but was waiting till after resolving the issue with the resolution prior to installing it.
Anyway, if you can't think of anything no worries. It's more than enough that you put in the effort to put this stuff together on your own. Keep up the good work man.
In f2_res.ini, set "IFACE_BAR_SIDES=0"Styphelus said:I don't like the leather straps. Anyone to remove them? Or change the image into something else?
Sorry - Maybe Im not in topic - This is SPECIAL ? version of this Mr Fixit Mod?Helios said:I make a mod that include Mr.Fixit and support for the HiRes Patch. I see no problems with it.
Here a screen in 1024*768 resolution:
YepMichael A said:Sorry - Maybe Im not in topic - This is SPECIAL ? version of this Mr Fixit Mod?
I use Megamod, which include Mr Fixit. But maybe his version ddoesn't support Higher screen resolution?
Sorry for not responding any earlier, I've still no idea what's causing your problem. If you manage to sort it out let me know.Menocu said:I set Mode=0 in ddraw.ini for FO2, but it still works fine with high resolution and all.
Something else you may wish to know is that when I tried sfall1 with FO1 without the resolution patch, it also results in CTD, despite switching up the dxmode settings. Perhaps a common cause? I'm not in a position to judge.
when I first time see dialogue and rest of the screen was normal world-picture. It was AMAZING, I have fun from this. But you dont like it. strangekohan69 said:is there a way to make the patch work so it changed the resolution to a 4:5 one or adds black pillars in the dialogue screen?
Because It's really game-breaking for me to see the whole world in the background outside the "speech box window"
Im really sorry - I very novice. Are you design Mr Fix-It mod? Or you design MegaMod (think it not true).Mash said:YepMichael A said:Sorry - Maybe Im not in topic - This is SPECIAL ? version of this Mr Fixit Mod?
I use Megamod, which include Mr Fixit. But maybe his version ddoesn't support Higher screen resolution?, it seems I managed to goof up the height fix Helios sent me. I'll get a fix out as soon as I can.
It's probably working for Helios because his modified sfall is fixing my mistake.