Illuminati Confirmed!
Workers demanding better working conditions has nothing to do with the idea of communism. The commies just (successfuly) used the working man's demands to propagate their own ideology.
The idea of communism comes from the conditions the working class was in, though.Workers demanding better working conditions has nothing to do with the idea of communism. The commies just (successfuly) used the working man's demands to propagate their own ideology.
Was this really where Marx got his ideas from? I just started to read Das Kapital.The idea of communism comes from the conditions the working class was in, though.
Capitalism has loads of skeletons in its closet, too. Let's not kid ourselves. Sure, the Western world and parts of the developping world live in prosperity... but other people provide much of their goods. Those 200$ Iphones, cheap food imported from around the globe, 20$ shirts, and so on? All those dirt cheap natural ressources that keep our high-paying and much-beloved first and second sector jobs rolling here? Someone makes them, and they sure as hell aren't paid anywhere near the minimal US wage.
They're not always grossly exploited to the point of being slaves in all but name, but their working conditions often aren't all that different from those we saw in the dawn of Europe's industrial age, which inspired communism and socialism.
It's easy to buy votes with welfare policies after several decades or even centuries of capitalism made your country rich enough to be able to afford it. But it leads to collapse in the long run.Socialism is another thing, however, and nowadays pretty much every Western country has adopted socialist policies to an extent, even the US. Merging a capitalist economy and a kinda-sorta-socialist state (call it welfare state or whatnot) was one of the clearest political trends of the last century, and indeed one of the Western world's greatest achievements if you ask me.
And they don't pay nearly as much for goods and services either.
They are trying to get rich by doing what made Europe rich. The only logical choice of action. And if they're ready to accept such appalling working conditions, just imagine how much it must have sucked for them before all those businesses moved in.
It's easy to buy votes with welfare policies after several decades or even centuries of capitalism made your country rich enough to be able to afford it. But it leads to collapse in the long run.
Well one of the reasons Soviet communism/socialism collapsed was due to the Cold War it had to wage against the First World countries. This put a pretty huge drain on their economy. This on top of WW 2 in which they, as Gonz stated, bore the brunt of the Nazi warmachine's assault. The Soviet Union was started partly because WW 1 was a drain on them and made them sceptical of the West.
Actually it was everything to do with military spending.Military spending was not the main problem, as USA did the same thing and was ok.
Actually it was everything to do with military spending.
Thats a silly statement to make, the USA did the same thing and it was ok, because it had more money, it had a better economic base.
Military spending was the main problem because the soviets tried to keep up in an arms race, and they ran out of money. They figured out that it just was not possible to continue the way it was, because Reagan turned the defence budget into a kind of economic warfare. It eventually caused a collapse.
Throughout President Reagan's two terms (1981-1989), military spending was very high; however, he was able to accomplish it without breaking out into an economic sweat. Reagan's administration managed it while enjoying noticeably positive growth — albeit with massive budget deficits.
The Reagan years also saw the beginnings of a dramatic era of innovation. "Silicon Valley" came into its own. By contrast, the Soviet Union, and its military, was in an economic dilemma while attempting to stay in the race for preeminence, and their computing industry lagged far behind the West.
So what? The west didn't have quality goods and services until we developed either.Not anywhere near to make up for the difference. When they even have access to goods and services that are remotely comparable in the first places. To say nothing of the sometimes appaling or even dangerous working conditions, such as in Bangladesh when a factory crumbled, killing hundreds a few years back, or even just the incredibly long shifts of very hard/tedious labor that we escape here.
It's not that simple. Forced industrialisation is a thing. Sometimes, the only alternatives are working or starving. Making more efficient farms is great, but when it comes at the cost of ensuring many farmers are out of a job and forced to work in sweatshops, that has a cost.
Murder and theft are also very convenient at times, but that doesn't make them right.I'm not going to address the third statement since that will take us way off topic. I'll just say I also decried the welfare state until my family found itself in dire need of it through no fault of anyone. It's not perfect by any means, but boy at some point in your life are you glad it's there.
I doubt it's the workers choice to industrialise in those cases.If you are retarded enough to go industrialize even if it actually kills you, then you deserve to die.
Murder and theft are also very convenient at times, but that doesn't make them right.
I see so many lefties in the U.S. complaining about sweatshops yet they have their Iphones, Nikes, what the fuck ever.
Sure, I get it, theft is moral because it's convenient for you.Man, get over yourself. You're comparing murder and theft to my father getting experimental treatments that might have saved his life from a rare cancer; it didn't work out in the end, but all the same, it would have cost my family a fortune if we didn't have the healthcare service we have in Canada. We're talking a sell-the-house level of fortune. My mom already sunk into depression and almost killed herself, if she was half ruined by the medical costs she would maybe have actually done it. But I suppose we all deserved it in your mind, didn't we?
If you care for these people so much, maybe you should be glad that their countries are following a proven path to success. And how are capitalism and factory owners to blame for all these states being douchebags? If it wasn't for them, they would just be douchebags with a poorer people to exercise their douchebaggery upon.I'm not even going to comment on the rest, because you don't seem aware of how these things work up from your pedestal. If you're in China and the government decides that your farm will become industrialized, thereby probably costing your you job and way of life, or that the nearby lands will be flooded to make a dam, you don't have a word of say in it. Same for the majority of the places where abusive labor practices are common, which so happen to very often be dictatorships where your pleas are at best ignored, at worst get you in jail. But we should be totally OK because that happened in Europe more than a century ago? What kind of ass-backwards logic is that.
Pretty much all of east Asia got out of poverty by having export based economies until they developed their own consumer markets. That's a far brighter example than South America, especially the epic failure that is now Venezuela.Most used dismissive excuse ever.
Also, as always we get to see the arrogance of the evil empire. And yes, whenever you say things like "we can use our/U.S. military or economic might and TELL/ORDER (other countries) (do/not do) (something)", you are basically confirming what others say when they call the US an evil empire.
I live in a third world country, and in these last 12 years I learned that whenever we separate ourselves from the wolrd and start developing internal market instead of focussing on exports our economy starts developing. But as if a perpetual cycle trough our history, eventually every government that priorizes internal market over exports is branded as evil by the US and the neoliberals (Cristina Fernandez in Argentina, Dilma Roussef/Lula Da Silva in Brasil, Evo Morales in Bolivia, Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, etc.) and they use every tool, trade, economical, judiciary and the media, to bring those kind of govenrments down. In 12 years of internal market development our nation achived that in our third world nation people could afford cell phones, TV's, only complaining that they had to pay 100% tax for imported goods, and they were doing so well they could still afford to pay if a lot of the time, I'm talking things that in US dollars costed twice as much here than in the US, and this was the working class.
The adivce I would give to developing nations is this: Basing your economy on exports is bad business, all the goods leave and your population gets none of it. Develop internal market instead, things your own population will consume, and give them enough money to consume it. It's really that easy. Develop internal markets first, and once you have a good solid base of internal consumption, export surplus of things you don't use in exchange of things you can't produce yourself, but only and after only you have a good internal market base. There, problem solved, start doing it... that is of course if the internal elite of your nation allows it, if not, you better rid yourself of them somehow.
And this has to be done internally inside every nation, it will never come from outside, why would it, why would first world nations shoot themselves in the foot helping the third world consume what they would rather be consuming themselves.