Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Well humans are pretty brittle, but there are cases where they escape death against much more terrifying creatures such as Bears, Lions etc. even after getting caught or bitten.
I wonder... Say this crazy chimp bites my fingers, then with the other arm i stab it's eyes and take a good hold of those eye sockets... Surely, that could give you dividents, even if you're not build like a tank? Or play the chimp game and bite its balls or dick off, i think that kind of pain is much more to take in than just being shot at, or stabbed.
It definitely is possible to physically fight a stronger wild animal. There are tons of individual stories. Often it helps with attitude, making yourself intimidating (and meaning it )
If you have even the slightest weapon, the excellence-of-humanity immediately shows through, now you can fight off even a bear with a wood-carving knife (as in a fairly recent swedish event, where one guy was mauled badly, another stabbed at the bear, chasing it away, if i remember it correctly)
But think of an animal as a huge karate-dude. Sure, if you are REALLY lucky, you'll get that lucky punch in, trip him over, and break his head against the pavement. But in most cases, you will try to back down, you'll try to negotiate, instinctively, and you'll be chewed up.
At a party, this guy told me "nifty tricks" how to beat a full grown lion hand to hand
He told me "grab on to the lions neck, really hard, w both arms. It's arms are too large, it wont be able to reach you, cus of the wide elbows" something like that.
I asked him a couple of things, neither of which he could answer: "How do you cope with a 200 kilo lion slamming you down at 70 kmph?" "how long are you supposed to hold on?" "what if the lion decides to stay on top of you? with 200 kilos? can you bench 200 kilos?"
Karate is useless even in sport, i was talking more in terms of mixed martial arts, where the fighter has many different backrounds, or say some shit like Krava Maga, that was created for hand to hand combat against terrorists.
As for the party, yeah, that is called bro science