Youre not a mother. And I mean it.
Dont understimate the biology, schock or what ever, that can happen to your body. I mean seriously. The world is full of stories by more or less ordinary humans doing all sorts of crazy stuff that seems either unbelievable or outright impossible. People that survived fatal wounds, yet still managed to kill dozens of enemies and beating the shit out of the enemy. How do you explain what some people can do when they are hypnotized. I sadly dont know all the details, because I havn't read it in english, but it seems that our brain has a lot of barriers that keeps us from actually using our full potential with our muscles, for the simple reason to protect us from hurting our self like the joints, so when you sit there doing your 50 pounds on the bench-pres then your body might take a lot more, but your brain knows that its not good for your health.
Who knows if the body and brain of a chimpanzee isnt ... working in a different manner? So maybe he can do something that seems unbelievable? I mean they dont get as old as we do either. Hey! I am not saying that he will lift 2-3 tons like its nothing or that every chimpanzee will turn in to the hulk when in rage throwing cars around like toys, but yeah. Riping your face off? Or your arm? That probably seems possible.
As far as most articles and studies goes, tentative conclusions suggest that a "typical" chimpanzee might have 2 or even 3 times the strength of a decent football player. Part of that seems to come from the fact that chimps fall in the spectrum of "sprinters" with the way how their bones and muscle density is set up - which was already discussed here. Intersting research, so much for sure. Lets just hope that planet of the apes is still far far away from us ...
When it comes to mother nature and her beasts, the human is rather on the looser side with his body. Most animals of our size (or comparable size) are usually much stronger, can take a lot more pain and are - what surprise! - much better suited to the hazards out there. We compensate this by our motor skills and intelect, and with years of training and all that people can achieve impressive things, but still, when it comes to pure strength we would have already trouble with dogs and pigs in most cases.
Dont understimate the biology, schock or what ever, that can happen to your body. I mean seriously. The world is full of stories by more or less ordinary humans doing all sorts of crazy stuff that seems either unbelievable or outright impossible. People that survived fatal wounds, yet still managed to kill dozens of enemies and beating the shit out of the enemy. How do you explain what some people can do when they are hypnotized. I sadly dont know all the details, because I havn't read it in english, but it seems that our brain has a lot of barriers that keeps us from actually using our full potential with our muscles, for the simple reason to protect us from hurting our self like the joints, so when you sit there doing your 50 pounds on the bench-pres then your body might take a lot more, but your brain knows that its not good for your health.
Who knows if the body and brain of a chimpanzee isnt ... working in a different manner? So maybe he can do something that seems unbelievable? I mean they dont get as old as we do either. Hey! I am not saying that he will lift 2-3 tons like its nothing or that every chimpanzee will turn in to the hulk when in rage throwing cars around like toys, but yeah. Riping your face off? Or your arm? That probably seems possible.
I mean Christ, look at those fucking arms. LOOK AT THEM! I dont even want to imagine what it might be like getting smacked by that.
As far as most articles and studies goes, tentative conclusions suggest that a "typical" chimpanzee might have 2 or even 3 times the strength of a decent football player. Part of that seems to come from the fact that chimps fall in the spectrum of "sprinters" with the way how their bones and muscle density is set up - which was already discussed here. Intersting research, so much for sure. Lets just hope that planet of the apes is still far far away from us ...
When it comes to mother nature and her beasts, the human is rather on the looser side with his body. Most animals of our size (or comparable size) are usually much stronger, can take a lot more pain and are - what surprise! - much better suited to the hazards out there. We compensate this by our motor skills and intelect, and with years of training and all that people can achieve impressive things, but still, when it comes to pure strength we would have already trouble with dogs and pigs in most cases.
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