Would anybody really be interested in learning to shoot guns if they couldnt kill people?
yes, pretty much most of those people I guess.
I mean there are a lot of people that just enjoy the competitive nature of something, weapons, particularly fire arms can be very intimidating, from their design and technology which has become more and more efficient and we see them in the media all the time used in wars and conflicts, like machineguns, assault rifles and the like. But, I do believe that the sentiment behind firearms is not that far away from someone who's learning the how to use a sword or bow, using the bow rather just the practise the competition and challange, it is usually not meet with the resentment that you just learn it because it could theoretically kill someone. With firearms in particular though you have also the fascination of technology here, the concept behind some firearms from a technological standpoint is extremly fascinationg, like the history and evolution of firearms and artillery!
but let us not turn this in to a "weapons are bad, mkay?!, they are designed only for killing!" discussion. I think it should be never a problem for a full grown up and sane person to own or handle weapons as long we live in a moderate and free society, with a few limitations of course. An armed population is not a problem, a gun culture which sees weapons rather as toys then what they really are, weapons, is though.
There is undoubtly a fascination with weapons, or pretty much anything, that could be considered as such, this includes fire arms just as it does weapons like swords or if you want so even combat related martial arts techniques could fall in to that, this fascination is quite often very sublte though! Could anyone imagine games, movies, books etc. beeing interesting without weapons? Or at least something that could be considered as part of a conflict, didnt we all fall guility of enjoying shooters for what they are, shooters

I dont think this fascination or even the "thrill" of learing it, is really a problem, as long as the people learning those things keep in mind what they learn.
It's fine to want to learn these fading disciplines for the explicit purpose of "keeping them alive (historically)", but not for "fun". To be able to quickly and efficiently dispatch another human life should NEVER be, feel, appear, or seem "fun", even if it's never the person's intention to utilize it in that manner.
I know what you mean and where you are comming from and I do gree with you, but when I say "fun" then I was talking more in a broader sense here, the preservation is what some see fun, I am not going to theorize what is considered fun here for each individual, because there are plenty of reasons, some might just do it for the challange because it is a very diffcult thing, learning the correct use of the Katana for example, is not an easy thing to do, and certain schools of Kung Fu require a very high degree of physical and mental discipline, watching someone shoot a needle trough a glass plate just with his hand is quite impressive! And if someone devotes his whole life to such disciplines because he think its fun, then who am I to tell him that he's wrong?