Hunt Mutants & Raiders

I love animals, but these animal activists just piss me off. I'm sure Zimbabwe has far more urgent issues to deal with than Cecil. And if he wasn't a tourist attraction, nobody would care. Just like the ivory trade - when Africans kill elephants to sell the precious ivory and make money which might be their only income, that's frowned upon massively. Because we all know that the elephants are there for Juan Carlos to take pot shots at, not some filthy native. And what will all the tourists take pictures of if they are dead?

And what's the deal with all these activists against fur or ivory? When an animal is killed, is it not only wise to use every usable part? I saw a video of ivory statuettes and the like being ground to dust a few months ago as a statement against the ivory trade. It was disgusting - they are destroying culture just because a bunch of activist douche bags get off on it.
The real perverted part is - for teh case it's true - there is a legal hunting as well. The money they raise with it used to protect animals or something like that :V
tbh people who complain about Cecil and then go on consuming animal products are pathetic. Not to say I don't drink milk/eat eggs (not loads, but I admittedly do), but at least I admit I'm paying into torture, murder, chicks getting thrown into grinders for being male and thus financially useless, etc on a grand industrial scale. People are so selectively compassionate about other sentient beings but get so uptight when you point out they pay a middleman to cause immense suffering in the name of sating their tastebuds.

Guy who did it still deserves the career-fuckover he's getting, though. At least these people are starting to get called out + financially stunted for their actions.
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"Burn ancient books to make a statement about saving trees! Burn all the books!"


I saw a video of ivory statuettes and the like being ground to dust a few months ago as a statement against the ivory trade.

That's just stupid and wasteful. Now the animal really did die in vain.
Probably PETA.
I doubt it. If it didn't involve firebombing an animal shelter or euthanizing recovered animals "as a kindness", then it probably wasn't PETA. Destroying culture isn't highbrow enough for them. Gotta destroy some private property or kill people.
Greenpeace are fucking grim, too.


I'm sure y'all have seen it before but if you haven't, that is not Photoshop. Most of the environmentalists/animal activists aren't anywhere near this bad, luckily, and most are just concerned about the respective issues, if a little idealistic. while we're slating major charities/firms/whatever these hacks call themselves, FCKH8 and Autism Speaks can go die in a fire
Still. But maybe I am biased, I have to be fair I never saw the appeal of killing animals for the sole purpose of ... pleasure. Like just killing something because you can kill it. It seems also be not a really natural feeling. There are some creatures, apes mostly, known for very violent behaviour. But as far as I know it usually always has a reason, like space, rivalry, meat etc. The things you would simply expect - and which are also not unkown with humans, hey we do start wars most of the time for those reasons as well, resources, space and such. But killing for the one and only reason. Pleasure? That seems to be more a human thing. There are situations where cats sometimes play with their prey or hunt. But a cat is following its feral and animalistic instict, which they have because they ARE hunters by nature. So for them learning and more importantly keeping hunting skills is a matter of life and death. But for us humans? Not really. Some individuals today hunt for sport and not for food or survival.

Like I said, I am probably the wrong person to understand this. But I also can't get any pleasure out of those TV shows where they throw a giant mantis together with a spider and do a VS. match, which I find even more disgusting honestly ...
It seems to me that most people see it as a return to nature thing. Don't know what they mean by it, but I know it's seen as such. As for myself, I'd take up hunting for the same reason I'd take up farming - for food. I doubt that the meat we have in supermarkets is very healthy, and even if it was it still tastes like crap.

As for the pleasure thing, the way I see it, if you stalk and catch your prey, which you intend to eat and use its fur for warmth, you feel pleasure because you get to live another day. If you catch a challenging prey (for example, kill a wild boar with a sharpened stick) then I also guess one would feel some kind of pleasure or sense of accomplishment.

The pleasure of the kill itself isn't at all unnatural in humans, I'd say. It probably dates back to the days of hunter-gatherer societies, when killing an animal meant getting laid, as well as showing off your prowess to your rivals. Besides, the ability to kill without blinking an eye is an evolutionary advantage, so I figure they like to show that off as well.
Yes, but you're doing it with a purpose, a clear target - Big fur of a Lion = I am getting to bone someone tonight. The fact that you feel a certain pride and joy after you accomplish something is completely understandable, particularly when it is seen as difficiult.

But there are people out there that hunt ... for the killing. Nothing more. Nothing less. It is really just the thrill of killing something with your own hands, or well in most cases with a weapon. And those people are not psychopaths either, they just love it, like how I love no clue a certain colour without a reason I guess. And that's totally alien to me. But I am a very peacefull person to say this and I avoid violence if I can. Though I am not one of those tree hugging hippies who run around and screan each time something dies. Death is a natural process of nature. So if people hunt for meat that's in my eyees alright.
People here in Oklahoma kill deer for sport as well as for food, so I have always understood why people do things like that. If you don't it may be because you live in a city, or haven't been exposed to such things. That being said, going out and killing bears, lions, and elephants is fucking stupid. There are more than enough deer running around, but not very many of the other animals.
I had contact with hunters, farmers and the rural lifestyle. People that hunted various birds and sometimes bigger animals like boars or deer for food and foxes because they killed their chickens and such. At least for the first 12 years of my life I have spend a lot of time on a farm in Serbia. So I definitely understand the necessity of killing something. So, no it isn't that what I am talking about. I am really talking SOLELY about the act of killing as reason. I have seen hunters in a documentary giving that as reason to the question why they hunt, and one of them said the fact that you have this power to kill is what excites her and why she is doing it.
I don't think I was directing that directly at you, since you made it clear that hunting for meat is fine. I've never been a fan of killing things indiscriminately. I know people that shoot raccoon's, possums, and armadillos on sight, but I would only do such a thing if absolutely necessary. I do believe some animals should be hunted especially coyotes and other predators. I've never been bothered by Elk being hunted either, but I see they were endangered at some point, so that probably isn't a good idea either.
I got a friend who hunts moose and deer, and it is markantly different in inherent attitude from airplaning to Africa to shoot giraffes dead, it's just so lame... Hell, even in the Roman Empire people eyerolled when Caligula ran around in the Colosseum stabbing and swinging at a giraffe.

It's not something that makes sense like - is a moose better than a giraffe, or a lion better than a pig, it's just about the attitude. Someone sneaks silently through the forest for a week to shoot one moose that they chop up and freeze down, it's very different from the rich dentist who orders up a lion he can kill. The dentist probably uses the word "kill" when thinking to himself about it, while my friend uses the word "hunt" when thinking about the forest and the moose.
It's a significant attitude-difference.
Well legal hunting is mostly made with the propouse of controlling the population of certain species that reach a peak number in cretain parts of the year and leaving them be would actually result in a bigger ecological disaster due to over population and the like.

Going to Africa to kill a Lion tho is just decadence. Like Lions are already in danger and they want to overcompensate by killing an animal that they saw in a Disney movie as the king of the jungle.
It's like Bullfighting, prove you are a man by killing a bull that has been kept in horrible conditions, starved and even herniated beforehand in front of a bunch of drunks....
I'm the kind of person who, because of his fascination with cooking and learning to make new meals, I get hands-on with a lot of meat, ANY chance I can get. BUT... I cannot go to a slaughter house. I CANNOT watch how chickens are put down. I'm fine with working with selective parts of the animal once it's been turned into ingredients for food, but I can't handle watching a life be snuffed out. It was hard enough being in the same room as relatives while they passed... several times. But I couldn't even handle the knowledge that my childhood dog had been taken to the animal hospital and put to sleep when I was about 11 years old. I just don't want to see the process of killing an animal. I know it must be done, if you're to get the food. I just can't handle watching it happen.

But I can KINDA understand the motivations behind SOME hunters. You're not "shooting fish in a barrel", to use an oft-overused if somehow appropriate under this context phrase. That is, you're not going to some kind of place where you are totally protected and where the creature is completely subject to your whims of how you will dispatch it. You are leaving the confines of civilized society, going up against a dangerous animal that MAY both be capable of and willing to kill you (yes, most likely because you invaded its territory, so you instigated their self-preservation instincts) and you managed to triumph against it, somehow. It's overcoming a primordial experience, and I'm sure that grants an adrenaline rush. But just because I feel like I can understand it doesn't mean I condone or am interested in it. I understand why people bungee jump, skydive, glide, and so on. But I don't any the slightest interest in the activity, myself. Ditto with hunting.

Of course, that doesn't mean EVERY hunter is the same way. Some guy being taken to a place where a protected animal is kept safe from poachers and basically being treated to an easy kill, then taking the trophies because he PAID for the service? That's... that's just frivolous and silly. He didn't EARN the trophies, he just paid for their acquisition. It's not the same thing. Say what you will about hunters, but most of them who have taxidermy animals and mounted heads EARNED them, themselves. You don't have to like it, I don't like it, but at least their acquisition was legitimately through their own effort and skill. But people who take these thing simply because they had the money? Their "ownership" of those trophies is just false advertising, in this context.

I REALLY don't get the mindset behind those types who say they do it cause they like being able to kill. That sounds weird... borderline sociopathic. But at least they don't represent the majority of hunters.

Personally, I understand the sport of hunting bears MORE than the sport of hunting deers. Bears can kill you. Deers can just jump in front of your car and get run over by you, maybe killing you inadvertently. I do understand the PROCESS of hunting deers because they're pests, but I wouldn't consider that very sporting.
Well legal hunting is mostly made with the propouse of controlling the population of certain species that reach a peak number in cretain parts of the year and leaving them be would actually result in a bigger ecological disaster due to over population and the like.

Going to Africa to kill a Lion tho is just decadence. Like Lions are already in danger and they want to overcompensate by killing an animal that they saw in a Disney movie as the king of the jungle.
It's like Bullfighting, prove you are a man by killing a bull that has been kept in horrible conditions, starved and even herniated beforehand in front of a bunch of drunks....

*Shrugs* Would it really? I mean this over population happes because we fucked up the environment in the first place, now they decide in their incredible whisdom to fix it by fucking it up again? Why don't they just get the predators back that used to roam those areas and kept the population of deers and such in check before those predators became extinct in said areas, like wolves, bears, pumas etc. Exctinct because hunters hunted them down for their furr and because they have been competition for the famers/trappers.