I know this is heresy, but I like Fallout 76


T-65 Combatant!
I don't know what it is about it! I got it for sale for about 10 bucks last october and I can't get off it since! I liked the first 2 Fallouts, (I got hardened PA and a Turbo plasma rifle + Alien blaster pistol in Fo1 and I escpecially liked doing the Adytum quests like clearing out the deathclaw den and getting the .223 pistol from that guy in The Hub, and in Fallout 2 I got APA, a gauss rifle, the Highwayman, Goris, and an avenger minigun with like 1300 5mm rounds lol) and I also enjoyed the Bethesda Fallouts, and honestly I liked the story of 3 and 76. 4, not so much. I'm looking to play Tactics too, and I will, but something about 76 I like. I don't know if it's the camp building system or if it's the friendly playerbase, or the power armor, but there's just something about wandering around Appalachia in Excavator power armor. I mean, I feel like an ABSOLUTE TANK, like in Fallout 1! And the world/environment is just wonderful and very rewarding to explore! The questlines, while linear, and boring 50% of the time, have their moments, and as cheesy and corny, and buggy as this game is, there's just something that keeps me coming back, and I don't know what
I find your lack of mentioning New Vegas disturbing.

It's not heresy to like something. It's only heresy if you go around proclaiming you know the series like those who've played since the original. This might sound elitist, but in case of Fallout, it was transformed way beyond what made its original the classic, that it only makes sense to treat the originals + New Vegas as if it's completely separate from...whatever the hell Bethesda made.
I don't care about you enjoying a non-canon Fallout entry.
I do care that you're enjoying an addiction simulator with macrotransactions though.
It's not heresy to like something. It's only heresy if you go around proclaiming you know the series like those who've played since the original. This might sound elitist, but in case of Fallout, it was transformed way beyond what made its original the classic, that it only makes sense to treat the originals + New Vegas as if it's completely separate from...whatever the hell Bethesda made.
I don't adress Beth games as canon. Maybe 3, but that's the end of it. I did play the originals as well, but I only clocked 18 hours on both fo1 and fo2
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It's not heresy to like something. It's only heresy if you go around proclaiming you know the series like those who've played since the original. This might sound elitist, but in case of Fallout, it was transformed way beyond what made its original the classic, that it only makes sense to treat the originals + New Vegas as if it's completely separate from...whatever the hell Bethesda made.
With microsoft purchasing Bethesda and Obsidian, will we get another Obsidian FO?
The worst heresy of this thread is why the fuck is it in General Discussion?
The problem is Reddit is a shithole honestly. The Mod issue alone is disturbing.
There are good parts for sure. I browse but don't post.
Yeah, the retarded moderators over there IP banned me for posting my opinion, so I browse reddit, but don't pitch my ideas in.
My reddit routine for the day is just going on r/damnthatsinteresting or r/the10thdentist and watching stuff happen.