The Vault Dweller
always looking for water.
Zaij said:Finding a relationship is weird. A bit of a cliche, but it seems to always happen when you're not looking for it. The biggest problem a lot of people that are perennially single is that they don't put themselves out there to find someone. By this, I don't mean signing up for a dating site, I mean joining some kind of activity group where they can actually meet someone. Unless you're active in online dating, it's very much a 'well, I joined a dating site so now I just have to wait' kind of response which simply serves to make you feel like you've achieved something that you haven't. Go out into the world, join a mixed sport team or something and talk to new people. Even if you don't find the person you're looking for, you'll make friends who will grant you access to their friends where you might find someone, broadening your potential playfield. Plus you'll have fun regardless.
Other than that, you seem to have a lot of preconceived (and in my eyes, wrong) notions of relationships. They don't necessarily cost a lot of money - you can always find things to do that don't cost anything. They just require a time and emotional commitment. But I think this might be related to your living situation in that you seem to live in a very religious area with your step dad? Here I think is the best advice I or anyone in this thread can give you.
Move to another city.
First, you can reinvent yourself. Keep the parts of you you like and are sure of, whilst working out the sides of you you're unsure of in an environment where no one knows you yet or cares about you. Find a city that you think will have the atmosphere you value, all cities have a reputation for having certain kinds of people. Not only that, again you'll be broadening the possible pool of people you can form a relationship with.
But really, it seems you have to work out some issues with yourself and that's simply not going to happen if you're stuck in an environment where you're trapped by old ways of acting and surrounded by people with judgemental viewpoints constricting your possible viewpoints. Experiencing what the world has to offer and moving to different cities is huge and helps you 'mature' and figure yourself out in hundreds of different way.
Also, you owe us a picture. I'm curious about this mysterious seeming hybrid of all ethnicities and religions
I can't join a "club" or such since I work always on weekends and usually during evenings. I could afford to take a day off once or twice a month, but at the expense of all my "fun" income.
I can't move. I have multiple family members I live with that need my share of rent to get by...they can't afford to live alone. I was going to say I hate the idea of moving (I always have), but you are absolutely right about it changing my perceptions in a necessary way.

Thank you for reminding me about the picture. I did promise to post a picture of myself, but forgot besides the fact that you're curious I'm sure everyone here is. YOU WILL HAVE A WHOLE SET OF PICTURES TOMORROW AND I AM PROMISING THIS SO I DON'T FORGET IT MYSELF! I have a family member with a high quality digital camera and plenty of time to take pictures. I'll take multiple angles since just a face shot wouldn't do it justice.
donperkan said:Vd please show yourself.
Tomorrow I swear.
Dr Combat Shotgun said:A)You seem to a kind of person to avoid it, feel free to do anything you feel comfortable with.
B)Im from a country that forces men through army, I, for myself took different route and was in jail about a year(not very harsh, forced labor at best) .
C)Religion should allways be dependant on ones self. Problems nowadays are all something entirely different.
Alec said:Dear VD
Go see a psychologist/psychiatrist, please.
-- A friend
As I said earlier thank you, but I can't afford to.

Izual said:Anyway, I wanted to post to say: wow, you're brave to make such a topic, and everyone answered seriously and kindly. This thread restored my faith in humanity a bit.

donperkan said:I agree with Zaij you need to change something about your life, i suggested experimenting with opiates because i saw it worked many times.
I couldn't afford drugs and even if I could my family has a history of addiction. Either they've never used them or they become addicts. Believe me there are times I envy people who can escape reality so easily, but for me it would be death.
The Vault Dweller
You WILL get your pictures. Mark my words. From the front, sides, and back. In fact since this is so groundbreaking a moment and the subject of my weight was part of this and I'm feeling so grateful I'll force myself to take a shirt-less picture.