I think Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 2

Saint Proverbius from that thread.

Me. Fallout 2 suffered greatly in design from a lot of "Wouldn't it be kewl if.." and a general lack of communication between designers, and it shows. Fallout 3, even though it has some goofy things in it like the vampire wannabes, feels a lot more like a very cohesive design for the setting of the locations around the game. Fallout 3, in terms of the setting, feels a lot more like Fallout than Fallout 2 did.

Then again, I'm one of those wacky Fallout fans that puts Fallout on the pillar and puts most everything else, including Fallout 2, on the ground around it. I don't excuse Fallout 2's faults in the setting just because it's bigger and has more quests.
^ And that whole "review" has AMAZINGLY low standards.

And you're right, it's pretty funny. Not amazing enough, though. Getting repetitive.
Saint Proverbius is right in a way but that doesn't mean that Fallout 3 is better than Fallout 2.

Having a mostly empty world for a setting with nothing to do and sticking a very short and poorly thought out main quest somewhere in it does indeed make a game more 'cohesive' but if that's what makes the game so good then wouldn't it be even more cohesive if you only had to escape the vault as a main quest? It certainly would be far more cohesive than Fallout 2 and thus better, right?
gregor_y said:
FALLOUT3 well...

Whats more to say its a lot better than F1 and F2 combined together...

It got briliant graphics it will define standards for many years to come...

Sound and music are made by most skilled musicians its just too good to exist...

Interface is mind blowing only fev buttons are required to play for console players its just amazing plus auto aim for slow kids so they thinked about everyone...

Gameplay its just well AMAZING the dialogue is made to less briliant people would fell good,quests are just well very interesting and require to use at least 1% of brain,combat is just mind blowing vats gives such preaty lights and blood with slow moo...also i can undress all characters...its just perfect...

Thank you i hope you fell same way as im :lol:

Dear lord.... I hope you are being sarcastic,. With 200+ posts I hope you are not just trolling.

So the worse the game is the more thoughtful it is for gamers? That says a lot about gaming standards today... ''Wow in this game you actually have to think, it so awesome!''
Commiered said:
Having a mostly empty world for a setting with nothing to do and sticking a very short and poorly thought out main quest somewhere in it does indeed make a game more 'cohesive' but if that's what makes the game so good then wouldn't it be even more cohesive if you only had to escape the vault as a main quest? It certainly would be far more cohesive than Fallout 2 and thus better, right?

Yup, Fallout 3 (to me) could feel more "cohesive" only because it has less content, less interesting things to do and less people to talk to with no real dialogue. So, it's basically easier to get 2 things lined up than 400 things lined up.

So yeah, I could buy it, I guess.

Considering Fallout 2 probably had 1/3rd the team Bethesda had, they put out a ton more interesting content and due to time constraints had some issues. Oh well, happens.

Fallout 3 bad a big budget, lots of time and nothing really all that exciting to do. I guess I'd agree more if we stated that cohesion actually means a uniform boredom.
Rev. Layle said:
I will say that pumping out FO2 in approximately 10 months is an achievement, bugs and all.

Not really its exact copy of F1 just other quests and little improvements...
The only reuse was graphics assets, many sounds and 95% of the game .EXE

They had to write completely new quests, dialouge and maps for all the new locations. On top of that there were completely new talking heads and voice acting with that (albeit half of FO1), new rendered movies, new music bits to coordinate... and then the QA for all the new quests and plot that is easily bigger and more complicated than FO1 to be remotely shippable.

That is pretty good in 10 months, even reusing assets.

(edit, a map reuse was vaults, however, they could have easily use the template for V15 or V13 in FO1 to help build vault locations in FO2)
Fallout 2 was made a year after Fallout, and the graphics were pretty good back then. What else would you expect? A massive jump from 2D iso to 3D iso with todays graphic engine?
Well, from what I remember, most reviewers (10 years ago) said that the shortcomings of Fallout 1 and 2 (even in 97 and 98) that the graphics were a bit dated, *even then*

8 color palette for a Win95/98 game is pretty bad. Plus the colors were very smey...then again, that is normal for post-apoc.
Critter said:
Yup, Fallout 3 (to me) could feel more "cohesive" only because it has less content, less interesting things to do and less people to talk to with no real dialogue. So, it's basically easier to get 2 things lined up than 400 things lined up.
I can see where people would argue that Fallout 3 is more cohesive with itself than Fallout 2 was but I don't see how it's more cohesive with Fallout than Fallout 2 was as I thought almost all of the content (I can't think of any exceptions but I'm sure they exist) was off rather than just large chunks of it like in Fallout 2. Fallout 2 also has all around better writing than Fallout 3 as well as aesthetically being more similar to Fallout than Fallout 3 was, though that is in part because it used the same engine and much of the same graphics.

Rev. Layle said:
Well, from what I remember, most reviewers (10 years ago) said that the shortcomings of Fallout 1 and 2 (even in 97 and 98) that the graphics were a bit dated, *even then*

8 color palette for a Win95/98 game is pretty bad. Plus the colors were very smey...then again, that is normal for post-apoc.
Indeed and Fallout 3 follows the tradition by having dated graphics, though I'd say that Fallout 3's graphics are more dated than Fallout 1&2's were at their time. Not saying that excuses anything, just saying that it's not an area that Fallout 3 did any better in.
What scares me the most about this thread is how certain people are willing to adjust their ideas and thoughts about FO3 simply because a Fallout veteran (what does that mean anyway?) like Saint Proverbius states that FO3 could have been better than FO2 if it had been iso + TB.
And I call myself wishy-washy. Bwahahaha! Compared to some of you, I'm the most stubborn cock on this farm.

Give me a break, people. The fact that you paid €50 for that piece of shit (or "had a mecenas give it to you", yeah right :roll: ) tells me more than I ever needed to know. The fact that even the self-acclaimed Fallout fans of olden times dare to state that it is a good game in itself, but not a good Fallout sequel is genuine blasphemy. Hey: Star Wars: Episode 2 - Attack of the Clones was another lousy Star wars movie, but you know what: it was a good movie in itself. WHAT? What's your point? What sense does that make? It's still a good flick because it has moving pictures and exciting camera angles and actors who don't suck the whole time, but it rapes the whole Star Wars lore, but hey: it was still a decent movie in itself?

This is turning into the most pathetic Fallout forum on the internet (and there aren't that many). What's more: it has its faithful members to blame for this. The apocalypse must be right around the corner. One would almost hope it is.

Truly, truly, truly disappointed because of all this ridiculous flip-flopping lately.
Wow, you're idea of a possible upcoming apocalypse is rather, i dunno... easy to achieve?


Personally, as it comes to games or any media... I'm easy to amuse and entertain in such fashion. Makes things more enjoyable, and I bitch less about things... well at least things like entertainment.
I think fallout 1&2 have better graphics than fallout 3. Better post-apoc feel.
I have a quastion for everyone

If you hate FO3, even as not Fallout game, do you like FPS games?