Or how Curie repeats the same lines every single time you enter the lower decks and exit at the Constitution that anticlimactically crashes into a building again after you fix it. *Funny but pretty lame overall. Here kill more Raiders, oh I mean Scavengers. Take this stupid weapon. Bye.
"Oh it landed on the roof"
She says as I see it the 50th time. Hey Bethesda! Turn off those clever one liners after the third time or so. Maybe that will save some people one more mod in their 250 + bug fix/tweak process.
You had Curie? Wanted to try out that robot ass eh?

I kid.
Good God was that annoying, Piper always kept saying "I don't think that ship landed there, or did it?" every time, like EVERY time. Fuck that noise.
I had Piper jump into my armor without my permission, then afterwards tells me something along the lines of "This power armor is useful, you should get yourself a pair.". Yeah like the power armor you currently sitting in and currently won't give me because this atrocious sorry excuse for a companion command wheel.
When you talk to her you can order her out of it.
But it's weird, nobody has ever taken any of my power armours in Sanctuary. They know that I'll disable their essentiality and slaughter them all if they would...
But PA dialogues are fun. Cait, when I put on PA: "An' wot am Oi supposed to wea'?" *voice muffled through the helmet of the PA she's wearing*
Oh no no no, I had to maneuver through the dialogue to reach that option. I can't remember it too well since I try to suppress the horrible memories of that unintuitive mess. I am a sucker for women with those Irish accents.