Shattering Fast
First time out of the vault

Well, the mission isn't really about changing the entirety of the world you live in, so much as playing along with Moira's little quixotic quest. Will the survival guide change the wasteland for the better? Maybe, in tiny episodic bursts (such as the random encounter of the NPC who knows exactly how to take down a Molerat because of the book). Really, though, it's more about what Moira thinks of the work.M-26-7 said:So now there's something wrong with hard work? Oh, boohoo, there can't be artisans in a harsh world such as Fallout's. Frankly by discouraging her you save her a lot of time and heartbreak. How is she going to print this book? Distribute it? Hell what makes she think people will read it? (How many people can read anyways?) I mean why pay to learn shit you've already learned from elders and experience. To say that the book has the potential to change the wasteland is one thing, a statement I don't entirely agree with, but to say it will change anything is slightly preposterous. It would've made more sense for the quest to have you doing stuff for her like testing her new mirelurk bait grenade or her mole rat club. Or finding new supplies of weapons like Minefield for her to sell in her store.Shattering Fast said:nemetoad said:Karma is a way to determine how you'll be reincarnated in the next lifeYay Hinduism meanings that died out in modern culture!
However, Karma in this case is about how you carry yourself personally, not how much you do bad things and get caught. If anything, your karma shows your true colors by how you act. I mean, even the most smooth talker has this aura about them it seems that'll clue some people into thinking " He looks good, but I'm sure his night job consists of a dagger and a body bag."
As for discouraging Moira... it's probably considered bad karma because you're discouraging a slightly deranged, yet smart lady from trying to help the Wasteland. It'd be like discouraging a cancer researcher from holding a class.
Well put. When you discourage Moira, you basically condemn her to a life of shovelling brahmin manure. It's not so much killing a person, so much as the potential contained within that person to make the Wasteland a better place (or, at least, an easier place to live in).
On a side note, in a world where the technology exists to maintain energy weapons and keep pumping out new plasma rounds and energy cells, you'd think binding a few copies of a book wouldn't be too difficult.