Impressions thread for positive impressions

TheRatKing said:
I never thought that bringing RadX with you was such a hard thing to remember. IIRC, you were told numerous times that the Glow was extremely radioactive. In my first play through, I brought like 10 RadXs and 10 RadAways. :P

Hmm, you got lucky. I never talked to the guy at the BOS entrance who tells you about the radiation after I got the Glow quest, and rushed right in. Thus, I did not know about having to use RadX. Imagine my reaction after spending several hours exploring the Glow and getting out ^___^

The point is, FO1 does not put an invisible wall and write: "You have no RadX. You may not pass", or start screaming that you are accumulating fatal radiation levels. If you have no Geiger counter, you don't even have a slightest idea.
Ausdoerrt said:
TheRatKing said:
I never thought that bringing RadX with you was such a hard thing to remember. IIRC, you were told numerous times that the Glow was extremely radioactive. In my first play through, I brought like 10 RadXs and 10 RadAways. :P

Hmm, you got lucky. I never talked to the guy at the BOS entrance who tells you about the radiation after I got the Glow quest, and rushed right in. Thus, I did not know about having to use RadX. Imagine my reaction after spending several hours exploring the Glow and getting out ^___^

The point is, FO1 does not put an invisible wall and write: "You have no RadX. You may not pass", or start screaming that you are accumulating fatal radiation levels. If you have no Geiger counter, you don't even have a slightest idea.

Well there should be an indication that you are getting rad poisoning. In real life you would start to feel SOMETHING if you were getting poisoned. I don't see anything wrong with it letting you know you are getting rad poisoned.
There's a message "You have received a large dose of radiation" that appears from time to time. That's about it.
Re: This section is disheartening

Josan12 said:
I agree NMA must seem depressing and cynical to all you new-comers brought in by FO3. I can understand that. Welcome to the forum of 'Glittering gems of hatred' :)

Is there a T-Shirt with that words on it?
Grizzly, very good indeed. Though with the avalanche of Beth Fanbots on here lately, I don't know if 20% protection is enough.
Dude, I made that pic in 2004 or 2005. In interwebs-time, that's aeons.
rcorporon said:
I'm proud to be a "glittering gem of hatred" when it comes to the mediocrity of FO3.

Same here. If I would have to choose. THen I choose "higher standarts". Not only with games of course ...
TorontRayne said:
Ausdoerrt said:
TheRatKing said:
I never thought that bringing RadX with you was such a hard thing to remember. IIRC, you were told numerous times that the Glow was extremely radioactive. In my first play through, I brought like 10 RadXs and 10 RadAways. :P

Hmm, you got lucky. I never talked to the guy at the BOS entrance who tells you about the radiation after I got the Glow quest, and rushed right in. Thus, I did not know about having to use RadX. Imagine my reaction after spending several hours exploring the Glow and getting out ^___^

The point is, FO1 does not put an invisible wall and write: "You have no RadX. You may not pass", or start screaming that you are accumulating fatal radiation levels. If you have no Geiger counter, you don't even have a slightest idea.

Well there should be an indication that you are getting rad poisoning. In real life you would start to feel SOMETHING if you were getting poisoned. I don't see anything wrong with it letting you know you are getting rad poisoned.

Actually in real life you don't really unless it's incredibly high.

Minor exposure takes a few hours to see symptoms, which then go away shortly after which is a latent phase of no symptoms at all. Even in severe radiation poisoning, this latent phase can be as much as 2 weeks.

Louis Slotin, who received a MASSIVE dose of radiation during atomic testing vomited almost immediately, but then felt fine for 2 days. This is referred to as the "walking ghost" phase. He died in 9 days.
Nullifidian said:
Louis Slotin, who received a MASSIVE dose of radiation during atomic testing vomited almost immediately, but then felt fine for 2 days. This is referred to as the "walking ghost" phase. He died in 9 days.

That reminds me of something. When I was playing Fallout 2, still not understanding the whole game's mechanics, I've been irradiated somewhere and didn't know about it or didn't know it was a high dose of radiation. While travelling through the wasteland, suddently I died.
Happened to me in FO1, but not FO2, because there really is not that much chance to get radiated aside from getting attacked by centaurs or aliens, or the green goo. I have never been able to accumulate enough rads to die. after reading this forum (and the collection of fallout 3 threads) i decided to just give my input. This really isn't important enough to post a new thread so i'll just do it here..although i am not trying to "praise" Fallout 3.

Now i have never played Fallout and Fallout 3 before(prob due to overall lack of time and perhaps interest) but Fallout 3 has raised my interest to the old fallout i am going to play them. Prob not immediately but atleast somewhere in the near future once im done with a few other games. Im also pretty much "new" to rpgs as a whole...frankly i cant really say why. Guess i've just been put off by alot of the settings...alot of the more "fantasy"(orcs,elves,middleages,wizards and magic) type rpgs just aren't for me i guess.

The only rpgs i've played really consist of Witcher,Mass effect,Earthbound(which i've tried years ago) and now Fallout 3...and only 1 of those can be considered as real rpg ..with Mass effect(which i liked) and Fallout 3 being more action adventure with elements of rpg. I should note that i've never owned a console myself..and have basically been a pc gamer. Which is strange considering i don't really play RTS and FPS games which are basically the bread and butter of pc gaming. I don't really have a certain genre of games i enjoy..just to give a small example here are some of the games i've really liked : Half life series,Old Lucasarts adventure games(monkey island,sam and max,grim fandango),psychonauts,hitman series,GTA series,bioshock,max payne series.

Having fallout 3 and clocking in at 50 hours so far(mostly doing side quests and exploring) i can say i like the game...its not the best game i've ever played..mass effect and witcher had better stories and writing...but i still like it. I guess i can be considered a "casual gamer"(which by my understanding..alot of you people don't like..seeing as alot of you think casual gamers and consoles have ruined gaming and that the gamer market now consists of unintelligent teenage "console tards) I play games to have be entertained and to escape reality for just a little while. I can forgive alot of the errors and negative aspects of games if the overall experience brings me enjoyment and if i have a fun time. Which is why i like Fallout 3 i guess..i like sidequests..the atmosphere..the music(GNR)..the setting...and the exploration of finding different places (which has so far been fun and not tedious).

It probably helps that i've never played Oblivion(was put off by the setting..and the whole endless cave exploring) or the older Fallout games. Im sure that(as i'll hopefully soon find out) FO1 and 2 both have better writing,dialogue and general rpg elements. But still reading some of these comments on how the game is "utter shit" and how Bethesda raped the franchise is a bit too much. Its not a perfect game...but its enjoyable and fun enough for me. I do understand why some of you hate it tho. Seeing as most of you here are all hardcore rpg fans..Fallout 3 is nowhere near the deepness and storytelling as the older games. i've still been having a blast tho with Fallout 3...the story could be alot better..but the overall world and experiences i've had made up for it.

Just my 2 cents.
not everyone of us hate "casual gamers". Particularly since I count my self as one as well. I dont believe the "the casual gamer wants this/that" and hence games have to be butchered down.

I have more the imagination that companies just tend to tell them "this is what you NEEED! to survive!" trough marketing and media and constantly go for simpler games with better visuals cause they are a lot easier to make and sell compared to well games with either complex (but yet not boring!) gameplay and stories. Particularly RPGs need a specific form of craftsmanship. To throw out a mediocre like shooter experience that can be sold as awesome experience is much easier to achieve compared to a RPG leaving alone a game with turn based mechanics.

I think its not that "complex" RPGs get killed by the gamers but by the market which tells the gamers what they "should" like. And I mean ... it works pretty good in relation with reviews and such. I am pretty sure that if they would still make a game like Fallout 1 or Planescape Tourment even (well that might be a bit TO much though ...) with the right graphics and marketing it would get a lot of costumers. I think the casual gamer is more intelligent then they [companies] think.
Crni Vuk said:
But to return to games again. The thing what I dont believe is just ... that some companies must really think about their costumers as beeing mentaly retarded or something when I think about what they really offer them. Certain Bethesda developers seriously have been worried Fallout 3 might have to much to read for console gamers or references to god might be to much or all that kind of handholding like a visible percentage of how succeful your spech will be ... wtf?!. Is this a RPG now or not? Do they really fear the big mass of their costumers are some group of unedcuated ADHD FPS junkies that cant even concentrate on some game for 5 min. I am sure that you can give the usual console or PC gamer more credit then just that. Even the newest generation of 15 or 16 years old gamers. And for the case it would NOT be that way ... and the usual gamer crowd is really that dum and its about time already that companies start to do somewhat against it already and educate people.
Today's average gamers are borderline illiterate morons whose attention spans can be measured in seconds. Go to places like Gametrailers and Steampowered and see for yourself. The original Fallouts would be a completely overwhelming challenge for them. Even something as simple as Counter-Strike is too much for a lot of people.

If Bethesda believes that their customers are idiots, they are absolutely right.
failout said:
Today's average gamers are borderline illiterate morons whose attention spans can be measured in seconds. Go to places like Gametrailers and Steampowered and see for yourself. The original Fallouts would be a completely overwhelming challenge for them. Even something as simple as Counter-Strike is too much for a lot of people.

If Bethesda believes that their customers are idiots, they are absolutely right.

Which is not representative to the "whole" mass of 'casual' gamers though. The casual gamer is a buzzword missused for the marketing purpose just like immersion or innovation. I am not that old just 24 years to say that but I seen enough people and heard enough of things from people that are a lot older to know that "dullness" is timeless. Just as people today just tend to show it to everyone cause of a much biger linking-up and better forms of communication they did stupid things 60 years back, like my sport trainer who is in his 50s respectievly a very inteligent person and studied physics went with his whole class completely drunk to school and most could barely stand. my father in the 1950s or 60s? as 12-13 year old yungster smoked dry straws ... I mean people do moronic things and stupid stuff. Some just tend to not grow out of it. They did that in past and they do that today. But the actions of a certain group is at no point representative for everyone unless we are talking about a trend like this idiotic branding and self-mutilation people did cause it was "cool" or some nonsense (but thats a different topic).

The casual gamer reaches probably from the 14-15 yeare old to the end of the 30s and here you can find everything from the "usual" RPG loving fan to the fast pased shooter fanatics. But that are just the "extremes" most people tend not to post idiotic stuff (cause they have not the desire to do so). Just when you ask around here, which as well is only a "small" part of the market and consumer you can see that a lot do not just enjoy deep and rich games like Fallout 1/2 but as well eventually totally brainless games like Blood, Duke Nukem, Hallo 3 or Doom 3 or Half-Life etc. And why not? I love Doom 3 for what it is. A shooter.

Just as the "casual gamer" has no united moronic attitude the NMA community is not one united front of "fallout 3 haters" :mrgreen:

Its all more then what you can see on the surface.

Public said:
Maybe he should have done some voice acting in Fallout 3 (or any Bethesda game at all). He definetly meets the criteria.
This is really annoying. People Jaust because fallout3 isnt turnbased doesnt mean its going to be a bad game.Honestlyp :mrgreen:
Gametrailers tends to have silly console arguments and whatnot..but it really isn't that bad of a place. So you take a few examples of someone having fun with the game on youtube..and name the general gaming community "low attention span illiterate morons" granted alot of these people are just kids who haven't matured yet having fun. But you guys(not everyone mind you) try to make it seem like your somehow more intelligent or "better" than everyone else just because you've finished "smarter" games. The kids who think everything 5 minutes ago sucks will mature...and the rest are just having fun. I like my fair share of "dumb" and "intelligent" games. I don't play games just so i can stroke my IQ..i play em to have fun.