First time out of the vault

If it can't be fixed with duct tape, throw it away... Also, it isn't illegal until you get caught... like sex in a public bathroom
Well Buddha is believed to have been a real person, though his life history is mired with colloring by various buddhism branches (there are quite a few of them), some of them mild, some of them on the "jesus" level. In it's core buddhism is more akin to philosophy than religion though, but time has skewed this view.
well, describe ordinary dude. If he managed to leave his mark on history, then he was not ordinary I guess. Does it matter if the Bible sees him as messiah for the fact that he existed? Its pretty much accepted that there is a historical side, where jesus at least existed. At least it seems very likely. Its your choice in what side of the story you want to believe. Though I am not sure if that should change something on the message. What ever if you believe in the historical or the mystical figure, what counts is what you take as lesson from it. And that is a very personal choice. I have no doubts that not everything they said about gaius julius caesar is entirely correct. Yet, why do we believe in him as historical figure but have at the same time problems to believe that Jesus was true. If someone wants to believe in him as the mythical figure, then it is not really a problem for me. Not more then someone who believes that the world was created by giant snake or a god castrating his father. I always have a problem with people that take this all as ridiculous or backwards just because its not scientific. Do I believe in it? Hell no! But I dont think that I am better or more inteligent compared to someone who has a very strong believe in mysticism. People believe what they want to believe, and when ever we start to feel supperior to someone, we will start to disslike each other and stop to talk. I tend to believe that all our ideas can cooexist, as long we dont decide to hurt others. Or force them to believe what we do.
except that jesus also existed as historical figure. At least that is what many believe. Most modern scholars agree that Jesus existed. Which is not something you can say for every figure in human history.
But you are right. That doesnt mean you cant give those characters value. What ever if your love lies for someone like Beowulf or Jesus.
Akratus: See the thing is
Akratus: The universe is destroying and remaking itself constantly
Akratus: There's no god, or purpose to human life
Akratus: People see that as a bad thing
Akratus: They're wrong
Akratus: There's no reason to be nihilistic
Akratus: However
Akratus: It's also not a good thing
Akratus: That's the thing
Akratus: The universe don't care
Akratus: Existance is neutral
Akratus: I feel lonely when I feel lonely
Akratus: And I feel good when I feel good
Akratus: No general emotional outlook on life is better or worse, or more real or less real than the other
Akratus: We just try to force ourselves towards the good
Akratus: And it don't always work
I am god.
I think there being no meaning or purpose is the ultimate truth. It's a philosophy that is unappealing because it is a kind of paradox. To truly have a meaning or purpose in life, you must first acknowledge that there is none.
If you believe in religion you can live comfortably without having to ever look too deeply. But choosing your own is scary because in so doing you have to first acknowledge there is none
To accept that there is no meaning is terrifying and at the same time liberating. It means we aren't the center of the universe. It means the things that happen both good and bad just happen for no real reason at all. In the vastness of space and even on earth, we are not even a grain of sand. The complexity of life and space is beautiful and mystifying and we're apart of it but ultimately just a part of it. It wasn't made for us or us for it. It simply is. When we die, our molecules will keep existing, though our consciousness will not. Our molecules and atoms will survive for millions more years becoming a part of and apart from millions of different things but the arrangement that made our conscious thought an existent thing will long be forgotten, like a puzzle taken a part and thrown back in the box.
I think there being no meaning or purpose is the ultimate truth. It's a philosophy that is unappealing because it is a kind of paradox. To truly have a meaning or purpose in life, you must first acknowledge that there is none.
If you believe in religion you can live comfortably without having to ever look too deeply. But choosing your own is scary because in so doing you have to first acknowledge there is none
I don't think you've properly explained how you come to this conclusion, that to choose one's own life's meaning is to first acknowledge that there is none.
I really like your post, and I agree with a lot of it, but in reading it you made a jump from idea to idea without a bridge here, so to speak.
Most of the definitions given above lack a phrase, and that phrase is: 'without any proof'.be·lieve
v. be·lieved, be·liev·ing, be·lieves
1. To accept as true or real: Do you believe the news stories?
2. To credit with veracity: I believe you.
3. To expect or suppose; think: I believe they will arrive shortly.
1. To have firm faith, especially religious faith.
2. To have faith, confidence, or trust: I believe in your ability to solve the problem.
3. To have confidence in the truth or value of something: We believe in free speech.
4. To have an opinion; think: They have already left, I believe.
Vonnegut said:I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.'
There's only one rule that I know of, babies—God damn it, you've got to be kind.
Many people need desperately to receive this message: 'I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.'