Interplay Website launched, hires Chris Taylor

Bah, with the way games are nowadays, a must have graphics shinning blooming and all that crap it will take ages to release that right?
I will get excited with FOOL once it goes beta or something, the problem with MMOs is that if they don't get enough people hooked it can be a pretty huge money sink, just look at how many have gone under trying to dethrone WOW.
Make Icewind Dale 3 :), just don't make it FPP ( the Forgotten Realms licence is with Bioware now right?dammit)
Ah, you're here. I'm afraid the waterchip you gave us wasn't enough.


We need 10 more waterchips. They're carried by the guerilla soldiers of Water Chip Village.


Water Chips found: 3/10
respatex said:
interplay - its like something that has returned from the dead... is it still the same?

No, even Jesus (i mean the Bible one), was changed after that right? Became zombie jesus.
Hm.... The game is based on Fallout, they have some great talent in the team.... Could this be a revolutionary mmo that's not garbage?

I think it could be possible that they would create something fresh and original, but for now i'll stick to the pesimistic point of view.

Wouldn't it be great, if they would make heaps of money with this mmo and then rebuy the Fallout licen..... Mmm, fantasizing is nice :lol:
I really hope they use the Ultima Online engine and gameplay mechanics. I would approve of that.

Don't say anything. Just let me dream.
JESUS said:
No, even Jesus (i mean the Bible one), was changed after that right? Became zombie jesus.

Yes, unfortunate the stories about resurrected Jesus wanting to eat the brains of the disciples are little known. :P
notice they don't talk much about lazurous after his ressurection either.

...wait a minute, I just survived a hurricane... maybe I shouldn't be discussing this...
Does interplay even have enough money to make a mediocre MMO? I really want them to succeed but realistically there's no way their project can compete with titles such as Warhammer Online and Guild Wars 2. I'm not even going to compare it with World of Warcraft.
ArmorB said:
Food for thought:

Ex-Diablo team to launch Hellgate:London

And how well did that do?

Well the ex-Diablo team actually followed a disturbingly Bethesda-like route with that.

Diablo2: sprite-based isometric
Hellgate: FPS (implying it was an improvement on the dated visual style)

Fallout: sprite-based isometric
Fallout3: FPS (implying it was an improvement on the dated visual style)
The problem is that Fallout 3, by all indications, is going to sell like hotcakes rather than putting Beth out of business and simultaneously coining a negative term in the gaming culture lexicon.

Original topic:

Website looks good (certainly more professional than what they had earlier). News that they hired Taylor = Interest in FOOL + 1.
Oh noez, why the hell they need to do a MMO? :/

By the way, am I the only one who can not use the buttons on the top? Seems like there is something wrong in the code or so..
Ugh. After months of lurking in da news, I had to post about this one.

The stones are rolling again.
When the old Interplay was on the top, I didn't have computer to play their games.

When the company was agonizing, I didn't have the internet to follow up the news.

So now, it is great to see their website, the company alive, the projects in production(even if it's MMO), no matter what the past was, and hoping for better tommorow :clap:
thefalloutfan said:
rcorporon said:
Every MMO that I've ever played has been mediocre at best, so I don't really care about FOOL at all.

Same. Multiplayer games don't interest me in the least bit anymore :shrug:

what about Co-op games? I mean where you play online with someone else. That's MP, right?

I like those games, because I'm more of a social person . I like to play the support role. Watch their back and whatnot.

However, whatever and however FOOL ends up. I wish them the best of luck
nuxiz said:
Does interplay even have enough money to make a mediocre MMO? I really want them to succeed but realistically there's no way their project can compete with titles such as Warhammer Online and Guild Wars 2. I'm not even going to compare it with World of Warcraft.

They do have some European investors, including former CEO of Atari, who also owns Microprose now.