Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hello all,
I have been a fan of fallout ever since ¨the old days¨
However.............. I havent been playing it for over years and these beautiful games have been laying under my bed for a few years now. I have two copies of fallout 2, and a copy of fallout tactics and fallout 1, but havent been able to track that down yet). If anyone is interested send me a PM with your adress info and Ill give them to you (minus postal costs of course, which can be send later).

P.S. this isnt some Nigerian money scheme, Im Caucasian (;)) and just looking for someone to enjoy the games.
hey i'm Hurk! i'm 22 and deliever pizza's. i've been playing fallout for a few years i think my favorite is the first one which i'm sure is just because i've never beat the second, i've made it to the oil tanker!!
Welcome to everyone!

(Except for White Knight. I've got a bad feeling about you, buddy - and I'll be watching. Like a hawk.)
Jebus said:
Welcome to everyone!

(Except for White Knight. I've got a bad feeling about you, buddy - and I'll be watching. Like a hawk.)

I've been on this forum for almost a year. You're kinda late.
I said I came to this forum through encyclopedia dramatica, which suggested ways of trolling. I only read that site for a laugh every once in a while, and its quite obvious the articles are written to piss everyone off. I said I thought they exaggerated the opinions of this site in my first post.
Hiya, im Khfan60. I've been playing Fallout since FO3 came out and I gotta say, it's a great series. Im trying to play FO2, but it's pretty hard(or maybe im just bad lol). I tried following the guide on the Fallout wiki, but im still having difficulties, I saw that there are some walkthroughs here, are they any better?

Other than Fallout, im a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts, Battlefield and Guitar Hero.

Seems like an awesome website and forum, hopefully i'll fit in well. :D
Hello, I'm the President of the United States of America.

Nah, I'm not. I'm just a random Canadian. I've been a Fallout fan since 2004, and you guys may call me Rich for short. Aside from just being a Fallout fan, I like to make up different alternative histories in my spare time.
Rich Dickardson said:
I like to make up different alternative histories in my spare time.

If you can promise us you won't do any worse than Harry Turtledove, welcome aboard!

(I'm as interested in what-if's as the next guy, but I'm sure the world can do without another tale of how radically different things would've been if Hitler's toilet had clogged on the day they raided the bunker.)
Why hello there fellow Fallout nerds, freaks, dorks, and lovers.

I am...Kybaraian. I bet you couldn't have guessed that. ;D

Well I shouldn't have to say why I'm here, but I will anyway.

I absolutely ADORE Fallout 3.
I say Fallout 3, because that title was my entry-way into the series.

And it's the superior in my opinion.
New Vegas is okay, but it lacks the atmosphere and love that Fallout 3 provided.

I purchased Fallout off of Steam, but haven't played it yet. Hope it's fun! :D

Hm, I like videojuegos in general, music, and thinking. But if you read my profile, you'd have discovered that already.

I'm very open-minded, and will tolerate any discussion idea you throw at me. So talk...learn...and enjoy. :)

How was that? I think I subconsciously copied Mr. Burkes style of introduction.

What do you think? Yes YOU. *points*
Kybaraian said:
Why hello there fellow Fallout nerds, freaks, dorks, and lovers.

I am...Kybaraian. I bet you couldn't have guessed that. ;D

Well I shouldn't have to say why I'm here, but I will anyway.

I absolutely ADORE Fallout 3.
I say Fallout 3, because that title was my entry-way into the series.

And it's the superior in my opinion.
New Vegas is okay, but it lacks the atmosphere and love that Fallout 3 provided.

I purchased Fallout off of Steam, but haven't played it yet. Hope it's fun! :D

Hm, I like videojuegos in general, music, and thinking. But if you read my profile, you'd have discovered that already.

I'm very open-minded, and will tolerate any discussion idea you throw at me. So talk...learn...and enjoy. :)

How was that? I think I subconsciously copied Mr. Burkes style of introduction.

What do you think? Yes YOU. *points*

Hi I'm Sabirah Ibn Khalid. I like fallout 3 too
Yamu said:
Rich Dickardson said:
I like to make up different alternative histories in my spare time.

If you can promise us you won't do any worse than Harry Turtledove, welcome aboard!

(I'm as interested in what-if's as the next guy, but I'm sure the world can do without another tale of how radically different things would've been if Hitler's toilet had clogged on the day they raided the bunker.)

Well, I'm only 19, but I do try and put a lot of effort into my stuff. I can promise you that I won't be another Harry Turtledove.
Hello sirs. Fallout is my favorite game series, so I joined this place. Other than playing Fallout, I make dark ambient. And that's it, really.