Deathclaw Chameleon
Look, Ma! Two Heads!

Good luck pal 

Jebus said:Welcome to everyone!
(Except for White Knight. I've got a bad feeling about you, buddy - and I'll be watching. Like a hawk.)
Jebus said:Welcome to everyone!
(Except for White Knight. I've got a bad feeling about you, buddy - and I'll be watching. Like a hawk.)
Farmerk said:Hi random canadian. Mind if I call you Rich Dick?
Rich Dickardson said:I like to make up different alternative histories in my spare time.
Kybaraian said:Why hello there fellow Fallout nerds, freaks, dorks, and lovers.
I am...Kybaraian. I bet you couldn't have guessed that. ;D
Well I shouldn't have to say why I'm here, but I will anyway.
I absolutely ADORE Fallout 3.
I say Fallout 3, because that title was my entry-way into the series.
And it's the superior in my opinion.
New Vegas is okay, but it lacks the atmosphere and love that Fallout 3 provided.
I purchased Fallout off of Steam, but haven't played it yet. Hope it's fun!
Hm, I like videojuegos in general, music, and thinking. But if you read my profile, you'd have discovered that already.
I'm very open-minded, and will tolerate any discussion idea you throw at me. So talk...learn...and enjoy.
How was that? I think I subconsciously copied Mr. Burkes style of introduction.
What do you think? Yes YOU. *points*
Yamu said:Rich Dickardson said:I like to make up different alternative histories in my spare time.
If you can promise us you won't do any worse than Harry Turtledove, welcome aboard!
(I'm as interested in what-if's as the next guy, but I'm sure the world can do without another tale of how radically different things would've been if Hitler's toilet had clogged on the day they raided the bunker.)