Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hello there,

Picked up Fallout free on GOG last week. I wanted to play this game so badly when it first came out, but I never got the chance. Here I am 15 years later hoping to give it a spin sometime this summer.
Awesome georgec84! Welcome aboard fellow Vault Dweller. It's always great to see someone new experience the original game.
I like to introduce myself with a bang. 8-)

Hello! Good sirs and madams. :monocle:
Howdy all. I've been following NMA for a while now. Only recently joined. I eat, sleep and breath FO 1 and 2 but I'm quite enjoying the new ones.
Check out my website. Something post-apocalypt-esque is bound to pop up there from time to time. Just something about the nuclear wastes that's so gorsh dern inspiring.
.Pixote. said:
You've got a real talent for making stuff Moonrabbit, I salute you. :salute:
Thanks, folks. I appreciate it, though I'm not fishing for the praise.
My stuff is meant to be seen, enjoyed, and sometimes to inspire.
Why hello there! It is great to have this sort of introductory thread. I am new here though have been lurking around and looking for the same for a good time coming already though it is one of those things that actually hold a huge amount of replay value in them.

Aside from this, there are a few other games that I actually play and most of them are console games on my PS3. Anyone of you guys a follower of MW3 here?