Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

^ How do they even keep a straight face with that dialog?! :lol:

Welcome to the shit Horatio.
Hey, I'm Ross, I am new. The user name was just something a friend once called me for no reason other than it rhymed.. I got into Fallout when I borrowed fo3 from a mate and loved it so much I traded 3 games to keep it. And now I just wait..and grow more dubious about the appearance of number 5
Dragula said:
You'll fit right in I'm certain. We all love Fallout 3 so much we traded our houses for it.

See. This is why we can't have nice things. :lol:
Greetings to NMA! Also, check out my Youtube!

Hello! My name is dinosaurifyful! Id like to say i love Fallout and hope it lives on for as long as possible!
This is my Fallout 3 Heavily super Modded series i have on youtube! If anyone wants to know what Fallout would be like with an overloading amount of mods...this is what it would be like...
Re: Greetings to NMA! Also, check out my Youtube!

dinosaurifyful said:
Hello! My name is dinosaurifyful! Id like to say i love Fallout and hope it lives on for as long as possible!
This is my Fallout 3 Heavily super Modded series i have on youtube! If anyone wants to know what Fallout would be like with an overloading amount of mods...this is what it would be like...

Welcome to NMA, dinosaurifyful.
Hello! I am neko_ceko and, obviously, a Fallout fan.

I was introducted to the series in 2009 when I got Fallout 3. I instantly fell in love with the Fallout universe and Fallout 3 itself. And, to this day, it's my favourite game. I know many of you here downright hate Fallout 3, but hey, what can I say? As soon as I started the game I got hooked and really interested to the Fallout lore and so on. After I finished Fallout 3 [a few times] I got the original game. God, that game was hard. I mean, I guess I can say that I'm spoiled by piss easy modern games, but I really struggled to get past the first quest I found (something about killing radscorpions in Shady Sands). But I finished it and it was quite a game which hooked me even more. Spent a lot of time studying (lol) Fallout lore on the Fallout wiki (The Vault/Nukapedia). Didn't play Fallout 2 yet, but I plan on doing it. Finished New Vegas a few times, and massivly enjoyed it, but I still consider Fallout 3 to be my favourite Fallout game. Perhaps because it's the first Fallout game I played.
neko_ceko said:
Hello! I am neko_ceko and, obviously, a Fallout fan.

I was introducted to the series in 2009 when I got Fallout 3. I instantly fell in love with the Fallout universe and Fallout 3 itself. And, to this day, it's my favourite game. I know many of you here downright hate Fallout 3, but hey, what can I say? As soon as I started the game I got hooked and really interested to the Fallout lore and so on. After I finished Fallout 3 [a few times] I got the original game. God, that game was hard. I mean, I guess I can say that I'm spoiled by piss easy modern games, but I really struggled to get past the first quest I found (something about killing radscorpions in Shady Sands). But I finished it and it was quite a game which hooked me even more. Spent a lot of time studying (lol) Fallout lore on the Fallout wiki (The Vault/Nukapedia). Didn't play Fallout 2 yet, but I plan on doing it. Finished New Vegas a few times, and massivly enjoyed it, but I still consider Fallout 3 to be my favourite Fallout game. Perhaps because it's the first Fallout game I played.

Always heartwarming with a new FO3 fan going back to the original, and showing full appreciation for it :D
Hello, my name is Simon.

I've been a writer and artist for quite some time, doing a number of different short-term projects for a number of different companies, ranging from gaming to graphic novels, mechanical drawing, topographical map details, short stories, ghost writing, etc.

Within the past few months, I found a home with a small publisher called Arcanum Syndicate. To date, they have put out two separate game lines, both the fantasy-style Dark Kingdoms, and the gritty futuristic Chaos 6010 A.D. The Chaos 6010 A.D. Role Playing Game is a gritty cyber-goth horror setting focused on a dark future in which magic has been rediscovered through the assistance of alien races, Earth has been rendered into a wasteland of horrors by an apocalyptic event, and corporations secretly control the galaxy. I currently work on the Chaos 6010 line, having provided the bulk of the writing and artwork for a singular product to date (Chaos Contracts; Tides of Sin), and I have a few other projects currently in various stages of completion.

I have always had a fondness for both science fiction elements, and fantasy. Many times I would begin my own works based in either genre, only to get about halfway through it and long to work in the other genre. Thankfully, the combination found within Chaos 6010 allows me to combine elements of both, from faster-than light spacecraft to demon summoning, from plasma sword fights on alien worlds to shooting elves in the face.

The artwork that we design comes from a number of sources, from photomanipulation of existing source material to hand drawn images and even technical design using CAD programs. Often we will get a handful of models, gather and create costumes and props, and take a number of pictures, for later use in our products. Most of the models we meet through our normal daily routines, while others have requested to work with us.

Not only are we working on a number of sourcebooks and modules for the Chaos line, we're also looking to release a 28mm line of miniatures for use with our setting, including vehicles. We looked over the current offerings on the market, and felt that certain elements were lacking, namely a decent source of customizable vehicles and elements to add to those vehicles. As of this writing, we are currently designing a number of vehicles with modular parts and accessories, using CAD software, which will later be offered as a "print on demand" system with a 3d printer company. Of course, one of our goals with the miniatures is to have them available at a rational price.

Of course, I'm always looking to meet new people, and willing to talk about things.
Welcome to NMA, Simetradon! We share many common interests. Stick around. :smile:
Helllooo, my name is Hans Omega, Hans is my real name. I am a big fan of the fallout series but have only played the third, and New Vegas(my favorite). The first time I played Fallout was Fallout 3 in 2010, I had just bought a ps3 and a few games and I threw Fallout on top, I went home started playing the game eventually got to Megaton where I killed a store owner then ran outside (not a good idea) So, I was pretty much set up to die, over, and over, and over again. I thought the game was broken or stupid and what not so I returned it. At the end of 2010 I bought New Vegas and loved the game, enough for it to become an all time favorite. After beating that game multiple times I tried Fallout 3 again and loved it almost as much as NV. I now frequently play Fallout on console over and over gain, changing my character, choices, and quests.
So, I'm Mameluk and I'm relatively new to Fallout series (started playing in 2010), but despite that I managed to finish most games, except Tactics and BOS (I'm not touching it). I even beat 1, 2 and New Vegas more than once.
Apart from that, I'm a fan of post-apocalyptic franchise, in games, movies and literature. I'm also a hard fan of strategic games, an aspiring, but lazy, polyglot (I speak Polish, English, French and a bit of Italian and Russian) and overall a cynical, right-wing bastard who enjoys a good, intelligent discussion. I'm also 22 and Polish.
Whew, guess that's it. Welcome all.
Mameluk said:
So, I'm Mameluk and I'm relatively new to Fallout series (started playing in 2010), but despite that I managed to finish most games, except Tactics and BOS (I'm not touching it). I even beat 1, 2 and New Vegas more than once.
Apart from that, I'm a fan of post-apocalyptic franchise, in games, movies and literature. I'm also a hard fan of strategic games, an aspiring, but lazy, polyglot (I speak Polish, English, French and a bit of Italian and Russian) and overall a cynical, right-wing bastard who enjoys a good, intelligent discussion. I'm also 22 and Polish.
Whew, guess that's it. Welcome all.

Welcome Mameluk. You should fit in just fine. :)
hello, I'm a long time lurker that decided to join today after reading a debate about the FO 2 dog companions.

As my name suggests, I'm a vet of the FO series. I'm a girl, which seems to make me a minority among the FO players; but I don't mind :)

I love the FO games, especially 2. Big thanks to Killap for my favorit FO mod as well--the RP :D :D

Love the forum, and see you guys in the posts.


Hello everyone! A little delayed i suppose, but better late than never...
I'm Connor and a HUGE fallout fan ever since my discovery of Fallout 3 in 2008. Obsession is a very accurate word to be honest. I am very happy to join the #1 fallout fan site and truly become one with the fallout franchise/community that i love and worship! Well, hope to get some great info and share my ideas with all.

Oh God, introductions suck don't they? Well, um hello I guess. In a nutshell (and of relevance to my being here) I love Fallout and post-apocalyptic fiction in general. I don't have a bunker set up because I ain't got no cash...but one day! :mrgreen: I started my Fallout journey with Fallout 3 , moved back to Fallout and Fallout 2, then New Vegas. And before someone gets the flamer ready the correct order of Fallout games by quality is
1. Fallout 2
2. Fallout
3. New Vegas
4. Fallout 3
The first two are interchangeable :) Did I guess the secret password? I actually love all Fallout games (1,2,3,NV), but the first two really are the best.
Right now I'm trying to get used to Wasteland in anticipation for the sequel. And uh, Mark Morgan rocks guys, think I'll listen to the soundtrack of Fallout 2 every time I post here. That about covers it for now.