Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Four Suited Jack said:
If I could get a hold of Fallout and Fallout 02 I would embrace the opportunity to get stuck into them.
I see the Fallout Trilogy (Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout: Tactics) all the time in stores that sell PC games. Although, I'm not in Ireland.
verevoof said:
Four Suited Jack said:
If I could get a hold of Fallout and Fallout 02 I would embrace the opportunity to get stuck into them.
I see the Fallout Trilogy (Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout: Tactics) all the time in stores that sell PC games. Although, I'm not in Ireland.

I haven't spotted them either unfortunately.
Welcome Four Suited Jack.

Republic of Ireland uh. I have a friend who lives in Derry, Northern Ireland. She's scottish tho.

I'm from nowhere near there tho, I'm in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

And yes, most old gamers here consider the first games to be more of the "original" trilogy. Altho I do not consider Tactics to be part of the trilogy, it's a spin off after all.
A community dedicated to the fantastic world of Fallout, why I'm so late!?

Was first introduced to the Fallout franchise when I, do I even dare to say it, bought Fallout 3. Amazing as it was, I skipped the first games until I recently got New Vegas and now I'm totally hooked on give the older games a serious try. Especially since F1/2 and Tactics are cheap as 8 dollars together. Sweet!
Hey. I already have a few posts but I just now found this thread. I'm from the U.S.A. Specifically Alabama. Despite the fact I have spent every single second of my life in the deep south, I am not a 'redneck' by any means.

I got my start in the Fallout series with Fallout 3. I'm a big Call of Duty player, but the open world of Fallout 3 appealed to me. I played the game, and I loved it. I played over a hundred hours, way more time than I had spent on any other single-player game.

Although, I mainly just wandered around and killed shit on Fallout 3. I would also do some side quests here and there, but I never really payed too much attention to the main quest. In fact, I never even completed the main quest until my 7th character or so. (Which was about 2 years after I had got the game.) Fallout 3's main quest didn't appeal to me that much.

The essential NPC's were annoying. The BoS had no real personality to them, they just seemed dull and uninteresting. (And sometimes just goofy "To arms Brothers!). I hated the cramped Metros with the unending stream of fucking feral ghouls. I thought it was kind of stupid how every living creature in the wasteland wanted you dead. How do Bloatflies even survive as a species if they attack and get killed by fucking everything? I also thought that it was weird how small towns were. Nevertheless, I loved the game despite the aforementioned flaws and many other flaws.

This led me to start reading about the other Fallout games on the Fallout wiki. I found them intriguing. I had thought about playing them, but I never really got around to it.

Then, New Vegas came around. I didn't get it until about 2 or 3 months after it came out due to a lot of people saying that it wasn't as good as 3 or it was just an expansion pack, etc etc. I decided to get it anyways, because, hey, it's more Fallout. I started to play it, and I didn't like it at first. I played for a few hours, and I put it away for a week or two. I came back and finished my playthrough, and as I got deeper into the game, I liked it more and more. I loved how detailed the end was. I love playing games that let me see the results of my actions (one reason why I like Europa Universalis 3, I get to see my nation grow over time).

Needless to say, it was pretty much the best singleplayer game I have ever played. I started learning more and more about the first two games (which is where I started to like the BoS). Now, I've started playing the original Fallout (with a mod to increase weapon damage. I can't stand that having to shoot people 6 times to kill them BS. One reason why I play Call of Duty and not Halo). It's quite different. At first I didn't like it that much, and I never got passed the part where you have to go to the other vault right at the beginning of the game. But I came back to it 2 weeks later due to my desire to experience the early Fallout lore for myself, and so far, it's pretty enjoyable. I don't quite like it as much as New Vegas (as I'm mainly and FPS player and not an RPG player), but it's good, and I suspect I'll like it more as I go on, because with Fallout 3 and New Vegas I found that the beginning of the game is the most boring part (and in 1 I'm only in Necropolis. Haven't even found the BoS yet).

Sometimes I'll talk about stuff that happened in the first 2 games, which may seem weird since I haven't really played them too much, but I have read quite a bit of stuff on the Fallout Wiki and I've watched Let's Plays, so I have a decent amount of knowledge on the first two games.

Oh, and sorry for my grammatical errors. This novel is just way too long to edit properly.
Putting freakosities aside (its not a word), I got into Fallout cause of my mom playing the first one, then I got hooked inot them up to new vegas. Never tried the Dlc's but I've got a hunch theyr good. I'm glad to be a part of this great community even I'm a speck to its universe. I hope I can be accepted nevertheless so greetings to all :D
Hello there,

The first Fallout game I played was Fallout 3 (don't hit me) that I enjoyed. I found the actually RPG elements to be a bit lacking though - the Tenpenny Tower mission for example was awful.

I bought both Fallout 1 and 2 on the budget PC stand at a local GAME shop and loved 'em. I then pre-ordered New Vegas liked it more then 3 but not as much as 2.

I've heard a lot about this forum and hopefully most of it is exaggerated.

It's 1:46 in the morning so apologies if it came across as rambling.
Exaggerated? Rumours? :scratch: Just don't take this place's oddities and characters too seriously. Other than that you'll be just fine.
Hi! I've been around the bloc for awhile. I originally joined NMA in 1998 but left around 2003 :roll: I came back in 2008 but I only posted a few times then my username went inactive :roll:

So Im back at it again, and hopefully this time I don't loose interest and leave. :lol:
I joined a while back but forgot to say hello, played all of the Fallout games apart from Tactics and BOS, does anyone know where I can buy them?