Introduce yourself! AKA the "Say hello" thread

Hello, first post on here but have been visiting the site on and off over the years. Hopefully I'll be able to get into discussions and be active.
Hello, first post on here but have been visiting the site on and off over the years. Hopefully I'll be able to get into discussions and be active.
Welcome to the party, man. Hope you stick around. Too many come, deal with the community, and leave the way they came. Good luck.
Is your real name Jw? I knew a guy named Bw. Those weren't his initials, just his name. No foreign lineage. I think it was just the initials of a family member but they named him that.

Are you his brother perhaps? Are you him in disguise?

Evil clone??
Not really. A lot of people didn't even register here since FO4 released, and even that spike in numbers can't compare to the one around FNV.
I mean, even if he dies, his account will still technically always be older than yours. I'm afraid you lose, Atomkilla.

Nah, actually we all lose.

Toront is a blind idiot god in the center of cosmos dreaming. When he farts so hard in his sleep that it wakes him up, the universe will end.
And he is about to shit his pants...
howdy all i am DrKalowski, people call me Kal but call me what you will

i have been addicted to post-apocalypse things since i played fallout 3 and watched a Boy and His Dog. i like Fallout, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Mad Max (game and films), and many of Harlan Ellison's stories. I also like western novels and movies. feel free to have a chat with me anytime and i will get back to you when i can, i plan to be active. i also plan to attend Wasteland Weekend one day