Moe Canibo
It Wandered In From the Wastes

Didn't you Americans get beaten by starving illiterate 80 pounder peasants wielding bamboo sticks? Just sayin'.

Crni Vuk said:riiiight. We heard that a few times in the past. No threat. Easy to win. Bombing them to hell. I guess Vietnam never happened. Why going that far back even?TorontRayne said:You overestimate Irans antiquated military. We don't have to use our Army to fight them. We can pound them into submission with air strikes due to their lackluster air force. They pose no threat to the US. The United States Navy controls the oceans of the world with it's allies, or without them for that matter
How have been things going in Afghanistan lately? Or Iraq ? I see they are great prospering nations now compared to before the wars !
I am not thinking here about the military power of Iran in particular. But even the US with all its military and size is not some nation with unlimited resources. In political and military sense. Each son which did not managed to come home is one issue more for any politician which voted for any potential war with the Iran. And the issue here is sure not to "win" any military operation. The issue always comes what to do once those are over.
Again. It would be better for the US to not do the same mistakes like in Iraq and Afghanistan again. They bomb those places and leave shit holes for centuries to come and they don't expect new problems to grow there for them ? Terrorism or "anti americanism" will find the best breeding ground in areas which are poor and without any stability. Particularly if those situations have been directly or indirectly caused by the US. Bombing a nation into oblivion usually was never a solution. There are way to many examples out there where it didn't helped (in the long run).
And thats going to make things better how ? Bombing alone will sure not stop the ambitions of Iran to get their hands on nuclear weapons if that is what the US (and the rest of the world) want to avoid. Quite the opposite I think. The more the US is threatening the Iran with military actions the more likely is it that they will push their nuclear program and/or answer with actions from their side (like closing the trading route). Even if it is just not to lose their face.DammitBoy said:It's a lot cheaper to just bomb them from the air and then not do any nation building.
Crni Vuk said:so the war in Vietnam was a win ? Sure. lets revert history here.
The US leadership moved with clear targets in to the vietnam conflict. Same with Afghanistan and Iraq. And they did not achieved their targets in Vietnam. destabilizing the North on the cost of the South ? Their target was to prevent the South becoming a communist part of the North. And with that they failed hard. Now I am not a professional-vietnam-history-buff. But its quite obvious that the US did not achieved any of their goals in Vietnam. So it is fair to say that they got defeated there.
And I would not be surprised if similar situations happen in Afghanistan and the Iraq. Tell me. What is going to happen once all US forces move out from Afghanistan and Iraq ? Will those nations follow their "path" to democracy ? If not then why have they deployed any troops there in the first place. If either Afghanistan or the Iraq starts to become again a very unstable region then one can say that the US leadership again failed to achieve their goals.
Sander said:So you're basically saying the US entered a war, lost some 60,000 soldiers (and some 300,000 wounded), created massive domestic conflict, a massive budget deficit and ensuing economic problems, international embarrassment and succeeded only in delaying the takeover of a communist regime in Vietnam by a few years - and that was their goal?
If so, the US really needs to work on setting some higher expectations for themselves, because that's fucking embarrassing.
Missing the point ? Well obviously I have no fucking clue what either Johnson or Mc Nama thought when they decided to get involved in Nam (though just to say this Namara later thought he did pretty much everything wrong with his deicsions for the War and felt responsible for all the deaths) or what the Senators thought when they signed the Tonkin-Resolution.TorontRayne said:I think you miss the point. Just because the US said "We are doing this" does not mean that was their real goal. Look at it like a game of chess. Sometimes you have to sacrifice pieces for the final outcome. You don't let the other guy know your intentions even after you win. You keep that strategy so you can use it next time.
If that would be true though it would have been even worse then their "real official reasons". Losing 60 000 soldiers only for a "delay" ?Sander said:So you're basically saying the US entered a war, lost some 60,000 soldiers (and some 300,000 wounded), created massive domestic conflict, a massive budget deficit and ensuing economic problems, international embarrassment and succeeded only in delaying the takeover of a communist regime in Vietnam by a few years - and that was their goal?
If so, the US really needs to work on setting some higher expectations for themselves, because that's fucking embarrassing.
Pretty much nothing did go with their plans. The US achieved none of their goals in the Vietnam area compard to the war in Korea for example where they at least achieved to hold the "status quo" in the end. With Vietnam they pretty much lost everything. Seriously now. It has a reason why the Vietnam war had such impact in the perception of the US americans and why it left such a huge echo in their history. Even in Korea where they have only achieved a "seace fire" the politicans and general public felt like winners in the war (the chinese and N-Koreans felt as well like the winners by the way ...). Partialy because Mc Arthur managed to pretty much save the whole Korean front with his operations - seriously he became almost untouchable after the battle of Inchon. In the long run the US achieved their goal to secure the South Korean peninsula and retain the original borders. Vietnam was a full scale "defeat" for the US forces and politics.TorontRayne said:Of course everything did not go according to plan.
This alone should have told the US to keep out from Nam. Nothing good came ever out of situations where colonialism was involved. Neither in Africa nor in Asia. The less western forces got involved in such places the better. Obviously in situations where they had already troops deployed they had to react (Korean war). But Vietnam was a french affair. And the US did not knew much about that location either.TorontRayne said:The French were involved before the US was to begin with, and they were beaten badly as we all know.
Crni Vuk said:except that we are not only talking about vietnam alone. It is the number of recent conflicts. Afghanistan, Iraq and maybe Iran as well ? Who knows. Not a good evolution because it leaves the midle east even more unstable in the end giving even more room for terrorism.
And yeah today vietnam is not really important anymore. If it would be we might not have seen Afghanistan or Iraq happen. But people simply forget way to easily.
Sub-Human said:Saying Vietnam was thought to show the Union that communism is a threat to be stopped or 911 an excuse for a resource war is stupid.
Seriously, why sacrifice so much money for a goal as simple as that? Waste human lifes and effort? No way, pals.
Either it's too dumb or too clever, but it's still stupid.
Moe Canibo said:C'mon Rayne. I clogged my toilet. No, there are two options as to why i did it. The first is, i clogged it because i violently dumped a huge concrete turd. The second is, i did it on purpose, because when the turd eventually goes through and makes it's way to the sewers it will clean the rust from the inside of the pipes with it's rugged concrete structure. Wich one is 99% likely to be true?
TorontRayne said:Sub-Human said:Saying Vietnam was thought to show the Union that communism is a threat to be stopped or 911 an excuse for a resource war is stupid.
Seriously, why sacrifice so much money for a goal as simple as that? Waste human lifes and effort? No way, pals.
Either it's too dumb or too clever, but it's still stupid.
Yeah you are probably right. No one has ever wasted human lives for their own selfish ambitions.