Is NV too much NCR-Sided?

I dont argue on vague facts. There should be some solidity here:

Are you telling me EIGHTY SIX tribes destroyed and absorbed by Legion is ALL violent savages who know nothing. I can give you a large part of that is exactly so ( I dont agree but there's no clear fact, so I can give you that). I can not accept that ALL or even most of them were so. Chap, you are asking me to take that on faith? You are not a snake oil seller and I aint no gullible housewife.

Indoctrination with current religions work because it has a strong and deep foundation in every thing: little ceremonies that even you forget the origin yet still keep you on the path, a rich and deep literature of it with (a) strong and central book(s) full of Golden Rules, songs, poems, a large number of practioners with knowledge of it(priests).... Do the Legion has something like that? A bible, as it were. Lots of songs. little ceremonies. No they dont. They are a sham religion. Everything come from Caesar knowledge. not for nothing the possessive term Caesar's in the name.

Tell me the name of smart Super Mutants if you can. Like I said, they are numbered in one hand. You said they are smart. Well name them and prove me wrong. (Undeveloped content doesnt count).

I know I waste my time here. You are caesarboy who just close your eyes and ears toward facts. Still and all, I enjoy expose you for what you are. Good time.
You do realise the eighty-six tribes ARE the Legion right? Like the majority of it? They were absorbed, their tribal identities, destroyed, and all of their children were taken away from their parents, and raised on the fact the that their leader is a violent, bloody god, who will have you slowly murdered to death if you disobey. The Legion, as it stands, is primarily fueled by Caesar's cult of personality.
No The Legion IS NOT the eighty six tribes. Offcially, any Legionaire will slap you so hard for confusing the two. Unoffcially, any ex-tribal will shush you so hard you shut up out of fear.

The eighty six tribes can be generally divided into three group:

Group One who oppose Legion utterly. Died to the last. Some may sneak away alive, but most get killed.

Group Two whose members allied with Legion out of fear or politic. This group get indoctrinated and no longer members of their tribe at all. Also, this is mostly males. i dont think there's female in this group. They are soldiers and/or officers in the Legion.

Group Three are survivors of tribes that resist Legion and rejected members of group two. They are mostly females and/or slaves.

It's highly unlikely the shamans, chiefs, midwives, keepers of traditions of the tribe/clans, can survive as they are an important part to teach oral history of the clan.

Confuse the eighty six with Legion is quite shortsighted of you.
laclongquan said:
No The Legion IS NOT the eighty six tribes. Offcially, any Legionaire will slap you so hard for confusing the two. Unoffcially, any ex-tribal will shush you so hard you shut up out of fear.

The eighty six tribes can be generally divided into three group:

Group One who oppose Legion utterly. Died to the last. Some may sneak away alive, but most get killed.

Group Two whose members allied with Legion out of fear or politic. This group get indoctrinated and no longer members of their tribe at all. Also, this is mostly males. i dont think there's female in this group. They are soldiers and/or officers in the Legion.

Group Three are survivors of tribes that resist Legion and rejected members of group two. They are mostly females and/or slaves.

It's highly unlikely the shamans, chiefs, midwives, keepers of traditions of the tribe/clans, can survive as they are an important part to teach oral history of the clan.

Confuse the eighty six with Legion is quite shortsighted of you.
They are the eighty six tribes. Caesar has only destroyed their identity, indoctrinated them, and recruited them into his budding Roman Empire. The eighty six still exist, but in an unrecognizable form.
A tribe is not just its human bodies. It consists of families, of the interlinked relation between them, of the oral history that they share, etc... Destroy the families, kill the keepers of oral history, enslave some of them, elevate the others to the level where they can abuse slaves And with that, you can destroy the linked relations, and weaken the tribal ties to the level of near non-existance. Caesar know what's he doing with his policies.

Hell, his methods are learnt from old manuals and books, the whose knowledge is from real world application. Current army method of training is of the same principle: you destroy or cut off the current linked relations, force the recruits into a state of doctrination so that they consider Army as their new home, new tribe. The difference is that we dont commit the atrocities Legion do, and we expect to return the soldiers into their former tribes once the term of enlistment run out.
Tell me the name of smart Super Mutants if you can. Like I said, they are numbered in one hand. You said they are smart. Well name them and prove me wrong. (Undeveloped content doesnt count).

All? So what about Marcus? Lou Tenant? Viscious? Zaius? Gammorin? God and others nightkins before suffering from schizophrenia? Master's Army haven't any disloyalty because it was great idea, until someone discovered infertility.
+Erkal, Filip, Francis, Keene, Toccamatta, Neil...

Every smart, as average human.

So there is 12 intelligent SM.
The whole number is 40...'s_Army

Yeah... intelligent SM are myth. :clap:
Although it's kinda weird with the intelligence. Marcus describes Keene as „smart“, but Keene's INT stat is only 3. It might be because of gameplay reasons, SPECIAL alowing only so many points...
Hassknecht said:
Although it's kinda weird with the intelligence. Marcus describes Keene as „smart“, but Keene's INT stat is only 3. It might be because of gameplay reasons, SPECIAL alowing only so many points...

Well, Master have 2 charismo so. :)
laclongquan said:
I dont argue on vague facts. There should be some solidity here:

Are you telling me EIGHTY SIX tribes destroyed and absorbed by Legion is ALL violent savages who know nothing. I can give you a large part of that is exactly so ( I dont agree but there's no clear fact, so I can give you that). I can not accept that ALL or even most of them were so. Chap, you are asking me to take that on faith? You are not a snake oil seller and I aint no gullible housewife.

Indoctrination with current religions work because it has a strong and deep foundation in every thing: little ceremonies that even you forget the origin yet still keep you on the path, a rich and deep literature of it with (a) strong and central book(s) full of Golden Rules, songs, poems, a large number of practioners with knowledge of it(priests).... Do the Legion has something like that? A bible, as it were. Lots of songs. little ceremonies. No they dont. They are a sham religion. Everything come from Caesar knowledge. not for nothing the possessive term Caesar's in the name.

Tell me the name of smart Super Mutants if you can. Like I said, they are numbered in one hand. You said they are smart. Well name them and prove me wrong. (Undeveloped content doesnt count).

I know I waste my time here. You are caesarboy who just close your eyes and ears toward facts. Still and all, I enjoy expose you for what you are. Good time.

OK Seeing as I need to provide a practical example, when the Romans left Britain do you think all Roman like activity stopped the moment the last centurion left and the locals packed up and returned to Woad wearing tribes living in wattle and daub round houses? Nope in parts of the British isles Roman like activity has been found to about the mid 6th century AD. Now the romans when they took over a area had two way's of dealing with the local population and culture.

1) Peaceful assimilation, where the local tribal leaders where indoctrinated into Roman culture, and occasionally local God's and Goddesses where found the equal in the Roman pantheon and the local places of worship had temples built to them using the Roman and a Latinised name for the local god, the population of tribes like this where treated mostly like Romans of the same stature in Rome.

2) War, they would go to war with the tribe (or tribes) and either exterminate them or push them to the point where they have to surrender and obey Roman rule and they where not treated as equals by the Romans.

Now in the Legion, the default option seems to be domain by conquest rather than assimilation in the traditional Roman sense. They operate like the Roman army where local troops did not serve any where close to home after they where recruited they where marched from one end of the empire to the other. The theory at the time was, you have no connection to the local people and any strange ways or customs they may have so you are not likely to side with them if there is a uprising challenging Roman rule.
Caesars Legion, when they have concurred or assimilated a tribe take the men of fighting age and mix them in with men from other tribes who have little in common other than they now fight for the Legion, fostering a common bond within the new identity. Children born into the legion have no other frame of reference they might while they are to young to know what's a tabboo question ask what's the funny marks on that man or woman's skin? when it comes down to tribal tattoos on older people, so they would not just pack up and go back home either. The odd trace of language might survive too, but not as a common spoken thing possibly the odd swear word under the breath when a legionary hit's his thumb with a hammer kind of deal.

Essentially once a tribe is part of the legion no matter how it happens they are broken up, moved across to the other side of the territory, can not associate with people of there own tribe because there isn't any, unable to speak there native tongue and are forced to speak a new one. They are indoctrinated into a whole new culture by force, and most of the people they have concurred accept this as for the most part they have been living in a post apocalyptic land scape where death and starvation are only around the corner, they have access in the legion to food and are some what more safe in the larger group than they did have as a tribal, it's a risk / reward calculation that all humans perform.
However not every one will come to the same conclusion and some will be trouble i.e. escape or desertion, refusal to follow the rules etc and I am sure that the legion has very painful very public ways of dealing with it just like the real Romans did, we have seen one method used in the game that the Romans most certainly used and that is crucifixion it's painful, public and slow.

Imagine if you will, Your the member of a freshly subjugated tribe you are a proud warrior, in the last few week's you have seen your home lands destroyed, your friends and family broken up into groups, been beaten and marched across the wasteland for a few weeks and humiliated, hot, thirsty and have not got much left in you apart from a tiny spark of defiance your lead into the camp of this new tribe and it's bigger than you have ever seen and just inside the gates one of the elders of your tribe is nailed to a cross crying out in pain, beaten black and blue he is the first person that you know you have seen in weeks your emotionally at your lowest ebb and that spark you had and all the pain and suffering you have experienced nearly snuffs out the remaining spark, but just dampens it down further and it's nearly dead.
Then your put in a prison cell over looking the crucifixion grounds, your given some food and water, the man in the cell next to you has tried to talk but you don't understand him but recognise the body language he was a tribal warrior just like you and boy is he mad and your spark is starting to be rekindled knowing your not alone, when the next time the slave accompanied by legionarys comes round to give you food and water he takes the bowl and throws it back in there face, two of the legionnaire's open the cell throw him to the ground and beat him, he is dragged down to the crucifixion grounds and beaten again and held over a old metal drum and whipped. A body is cut down from the cross and loaded onto a small cart then defiant man is first tied onto the cross the body was just cut down from and is then nailed to it, after a few moment's you notice the hand cart is coming towards your cell's and is drawn slowly past each and every cell so that you and the other captives can take a long hard look at what disobedience earns you it's only then you realise it was your tribal elder and that spark that tiny dull spark is finally gone.

Edit to add:

That little bit of fiction is there to demonstrate that the legion is very willing and able to break people down and strip them of any remaining identity and thoughts of resistance, and will then start to rebuild you in legion form.
Muff said:
Oppen said:
Nightkin are smart. You just don't know enough of them through gameplay interaction because they either consistently try to kill you in Fallout 1 or they are schizophrenic for the use of stealthboys. Also, there is an unfinished faction in Fallout 1, named Thinker Nightkin. They are not only smart, but seem to be somewhat rebel to the Master's plan (instead of assimilating everyone into the Unity, they believe humans and mutants should live together as a society, pretty much like what Marcus tries to do in Fallout 2 and New Vegas). And again, you was the one who said charisma is not the same as intelligence, when citing the case of Marcus. You can get a hint of charisma through conversation, but trying to measure intelligence through conversation is misleading. So, either you get me a detailed IQ test for every mutant to prove your point, or is as valid and based upon nothing as mine.

I have to pull you up there, while some super mutants have baseline human IQ levels, most are quite dumb. Marcus was a oddity possibly a low rad count human prior to being dipped, the original super mutants where created by Grey as a army, numbers mattered not brains. He was interested in creating smarted super mutants, mostly to lead the stupid ones, the Lieutenant in FO1 for example military rank at a level that needs more than point this end at the person you want to die and pull this to make them die. The whole point of the master wanting the vault is for low rad count humans, as they make better mutants this is most likely because they will retain some form of higher reasoning and analytical skills.

Not much history is given about Marcus, apart from he wandered round the wastes for a bit after the master was killed he fought with a Paladin from the BOS (who became his best friend), and the rest is covered in game.

As for that faction, the faction was cut I don't know why but it could have been because it makes little sense in the main plot of the game. As apart from a relitivly small number of mutants they are as thick as a whale omelet, served on a brick sandwich.
I said Nightkin are smart, not supermutants in general. I said previously intelligence (and the success of the mutation in general) is dependent in the rad count. Of course, most mutants are stupid because most people in Fallout world have had some time in the wasteland, exposed to radiation.

laclongquan said:
I know I waste my time here. You are caesarboy who just close your eyes and ears toward facts. Still and all, I enjoy expose you for what you are. Good time.
I'm not sure if this was directed to me, but I'm not defending Caesar, I'm only saying The Master's army wasn't loyal strictly because they were dumb. In fact, I never (NEVER EVER) played for the Legion, I don't like them. I'm FAR MORE NCR sided.

laclongquan said:
Tell me the name of smart Super Mutants if you can. Like I said, they are numbered in one hand. You said they are smart. Well name them and prove me wrong. (Undeveloped content doesnt count).

Some other user did for me. I just wanted to add that if undeveloped content doesn't count, my point is stronger. 12/40 supermutants in game are smart, AND NONE OF THEM IS UNLOYAL. The undeveloped content was somewhat unloyal.
Languorous_Maiar said:
+Erkal, Filip, Francis, Keene, Toccamatta, Neil...

Every smart, as average human.

So there is 12 intelligent SM.
The whole number is 40...'s_Army

Yeah... intelligent SM are myth. :clap:

:insertfoulcursehere: Now you are resorting to strawman evidence? Out of the name you name, the highest seem to be Leutenant and Erkal, with IN 7, the rest lower than 6 with some 6 here or there. And out of the 40 you name only third of that has stat...

I know you people like to cling to your curious notion but this isjust ridiculous~
laclongquan said:
No The Legion IS NOT the eighty six tribes. Offcially, any Legionaire will slap you so hard for confusing the two. Unoffcially, any ex-tribal will shush you so hard you shut up out of fear.

No, they'd congratulate on you knowing their history.

The eighty six tribes can be generally divided into three group: Group One who oppose Legion utterly. Died to the last. Some may sneak away alive, but most get killed.

Group Two whose members allied with Legion out of fear or politic. This group get indoctrinated and no longer members of their tribe at all. Also, this is mostly males. i dont think there's female in this group. They are soldiers and/or officers in the Legion.

Group Three are survivors of tribes that resist Legion and rejected members of group two. They are mostly females and/or slaves.

Groups one and three are synonymous. Both are dead.

Group two does not exist.

The only group that exists are those that were assimilated by the Legion and thoroughly indoctrinated, broken, and remade.

It's highly unlikely the shamans, chiefs, midwives, keepers of traditions of the tribe/clans, can survive as they are an important part to teach oral history of the clan.

They were good fuel for the pyres.

Confuse the eighty six with Legion is quite shortsighted of you.

It's your denial, not our eyesight, that's the problem.

laclongquan said:
Are you telling me EIGHTY SIX tribes destroyed and absorbed by Legion is ALL violent savages who know nothing. I can give you a large part of that is exactly so ( I dont agree but there's no clear fact, so I can give you that). I can not accept that ALL or even most of them were so. Chap, you are asking me to take that on faith? You are not a snake oil seller and I aint no gullible housewife.

Most of them were ignorant savages, yes. The remainder that wasn't totally savage was still on a comparable level of development.

And no, I ask you to listen to JE Sawyer:

Edward Sallow created Caesar's Legion as an imitation of the Roman Legion, but without any of the Roman society that supported the Roman Legion. I've written this before, but there are no optimates, no populares, no plebes, no equestrians, no patricians, no senate, no Rome. There's no right to private property (within the Legion itself). There's no civil law. There aren't even the ceremonial trappings of Roman society. Legates don't receive triumphs following a victory. No one in the Legion retires to a villa in Sedona. It's essentially a Roman legion with only the very top commander having any connection to the "source" culture, the rest being indoctrinated conscripts from cultures that were honestly less well-developed than anything in Gaul.

Gauls are pretty sophisticated compared to the 80+ tribes. Gauls could read the Latin or Greek alphabets (Gallic language, obviously), had extensive permanent settlements, roads, calendars, mines, and a whole load of poo poo that groups like the Blackfoots never had. What Caesar gave to those tribes was order, discipline, an end to internecine tribal violence (eventually), common language, and a common culture that was not rooted in any of their parent cultures. The price was extreme brutality, an enormous loss of life and individual culture, the complete dissolution of anything resembling a traditional family, and the indoctrination of fascist values.

Caesar's Legion isn't the Roman Empire or the Roman Republic. It isn't even the Roman Legion. It's a slave army with trappings of foreign-conscripted Roman legionaries during the late empire. All military, no civilian, and with none of the supporting civilian culture.


Indoctrination with current religions work because it has a strong and deep foundation in every thing: little ceremonies that even you forget the origin yet still keep you on the path, a rich and deep literature of it with (a) strong and central book(s) full of Golden Rules, songs, poems, a large number of practioners with knowledge of it(priests).... Do the Legion has something like that? A bible, as it were. Lots of songs. little ceremonies. No they dont. They are a sham religion. Everything come from Caesar knowledge. not for nothing the possessive term Caesar's in the name.

What you say is contradicted by pretty much every single cult that sprung up throughout the years, from the biggest ones like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, to fringe groups like Branch Davidians or Jim Jones.

You're also employing circular logic. A religion needs rituals to survive, but to have rituals you need religion.

Tell me the name of smart Super Mutants if you can. Like I said, they are numbered in one hand. You said they are smart. Well name them and prove me wrong. (Undeveloped content doesnt count).

Lou, Vicious, Keene, Davison, Marcus, almost every single Nightkin in the Cathedral and Master's Vault, Gammorin, Zaius, Francis, the sergeant guarding the atom bomb for the Master, Scavenger teams hunting for normies for dipping... You're gonna need a whole lot of hands.

We've been backing our posts with facts and quotes, while you failed to provide even a single piece of evidence.
laclongquan said:
:insertfoulcursehere: Now you are resorting to strawman evidence? Out of the name you name, the highest seem to be Leutenant and Erkal, with IN 7, the rest lower than 6 with some 6 here or there. And out of the 40 you name only third of that has stat...

I know you people like to cling to your curious notion but this isjust ridiculous~

Now you're being just unfair. If cut content (which happens to be in game files, as you can see here, and is not taken out of interviews, but from game files) is invalid because the player can't perceive it through game, SPECIAL doesn't count either, since you have no way through game to know those stats, the same way you have no way in game to know about Thinker Nightkin. You rely on what the game says, or you rely on files review too. If you do, you MUST accept Thinker Nightkin. Sorry.
If not, INT stat means nothing, since the NPCs can have arbitrary attributes and you can't check them in-game. The only stats that actually have a meaning there are STR, PER, END, AG, LK. Charisma is only used on checks for the PC and for determining some base skills and party size, thus irrelevant to NPCs, INT is used for base skills and skillpoints per level, again, only valid for PC. You have no way in game to get an idea of the value of these stats, except from dialog and in-game texts (holodisks and such things).
:insertfoulcursehere: Now you are resorting to strawman evidence? Out of the name you name, the highest seem to be Leutenant and Erkal, with IN 7, the rest lower than 6 with some 6 here or there. And out of the 40 you name only third of that has stat...

I know you people like to cling to your curious notion but this isjust ridiculous~

Now it's just getting funny.
SPECIAL have nothing to real intelligence in Fallout games. (see: Master and 2 charisma, characters in FNV (or F2 - Horrigan, an idiot with 10 int) having 10 in every statistic etc.)
It's just mechanics and gameplay stuff. Just read their dialogues... and then, whoops, they really can speak properly like humans! (And even start their own agenda like Francis and Zaius)
But heh, seems like you're losing any logical arguments to use. :oops:

Some question, you even played Fallout 1, 2 or New Vegas? All your words indicate that not.
Character stats are a mixed bag. While in some cases they are perfectly applicable (John Maxson etc.), in some they are completely off (many characters in Fallout 3 have the default point allocation).

Also, we have to consider that the low levels may be a result of debilitating illnesses, rather than innate characteristics.
My last pointless counter-argument here: if you cant trust in the data gather from creatures' files using editor tools, what can you trust? Your vague sense of intelligence? Hah. Out of 40 SM you name, about third has their SPECIAL reported, and from there, half of them has intelligence lower than 5. And from your own link, too. Smart Super Mutants, Hah~

Thank you, all of you. Your posts are proving my my point perfectly. I am sure readers will draw their own conclusion .
SPECIAL stats only hugely matter if they're used in any given section of gameplay. If ever Super Mutant was built from Level 1 and up, then yes, it's SPECIAL Intelligence might matter. but since it wasn't, only EN, ST, AG, LK, and PE really matter, and even then, not so much. The player character relies on his SPECIAL much more than any NPC.

Their SPECIAL stats do not matter so much as the things they do and say in game. The Master is infinitely more charismatic than his 2 CH would indicate.
laclongquan said:
My last pointless counter-argument here: if you cant trust in the data gather from creatures' files using editor tools, what can you trust? Your vague sense of intelligence? Hah. Out of 40 SM you name, about third has their SPECIAL reported, and from there, half of them has intelligence lower than 5. And from your own link, too. Smart Super Mutants, Hah~

Thank you, all of you. Your posts are proving my my point perfectly. I am sure readers will draw their own conclusion .
As said before, the SPECIAL stat for intelligence doesn't really matter for NPCs.
I have no idea why the stats are all over the place whe they're in game described as smart. Marcus, for example, has 3 INT in New Vegas, but when you talk to him he's pretty obviously not stupid at all. Same for Keene.
So yeah, the INT stat is kinda misleading as it seems not not accurately represent characters in game, or at least the description of the characters.
laclongquan said:
My last pointless counter-argument here: if you cant trust in the data gather from creatures' files using editor tools, what can you trust?

Thank you, all of you. Your posts are proving my my point perfectly. I am sure readers will draw their own conclusion .

Their dialogue and interactions with the player?

Yes, I am sure readers will reach the conclusion that you have no idea what you are talking about. :clap: