Look, Ma! Two Heads!

There is so much judgmental bullshit in this thread. Hilarious.
I don't really see the whole "powerful addiction" angle. I smoked for several years and when I decided I didn't want to smoke anymore, I quit. The only time I feel anything resembling a need to smoke is when I'm drunk. And as for the withrdawal effects, never felt those either.
Or you can be judgmental faggot. I've quit when I got tired of it, and I started when I wanted to. No need to be a prick. Do you drink? Then you are weak. Do you eat sugary foods? Fucking undisciplined. Do you use salt? What a bitch.Because you are a great man. Not everyone can be great; for example Beaushizzle.I don't really see the whole "powerful addiction" angle. I smoked for several years and when I decided I didn't want to smoke anymore, I quit. The only time I feel anything resembling a need to smoke is when I'm drunk. And as for the withrdawal effects, never felt those either.
Or you can be judgmental faggot. I've quit when I got tired of it, and I started when I wanted to. No need to be a prick. Do you drink? Then you are weak. Do you eat sugary foods? Fucking undisciplined. Do you use salt? What a bitch.Because you are a great man. Not everyone can be great; for example Beaushizzle.I don't really see the whole "powerful addiction" angle. I smoked for several years and when I decided I didn't want to smoke anymore, I quit. The only time I feel anything resembling a need to smoke is when I'm drunk. And as for the withrdawal effects, never felt those either.
It's easy for you to talk like that on the Internet. 500$ says you'd never say that to me in person. No, I'm not UFC champion or a strongman world champion. Just a sheet metal worker. Inb4 you accuse me of any of that, too.
No, smoking should not be illegal. Let me do to myself as I want as long as it doesn't harm others. When I want a smoke, I go out of my way to keep clear of others, so they aren't annoyed by it. If smoking is made illegal, then so should drinking, McDonald's and high fructose corn syrup.
You can't ban tobacco.
Is it really necessary to turn every thread on NMA into some preachy, personal polemic against the military industrial complex? Good grief.We are currently wasting so much resources on totally meaningless shit, it's staggering. Just to help us keep up a military presence that is/was questionable to begin with so that our industry can keep up and increase our consumerism where people buy incredible amounts of goods they don't even need in their life.
It is. The reason?
Is smoking cock a human right, or should it be banned?
I thought about it and just cannot fully comprehend the strangeness and stupidity of smoking (tobacco and its derivatives). Out of every other drug you at least get some kind of a buzz, but there stands alone by itself - the cigarrete. You have to smoke a ton of them with no tangible return, plus you stink and cannot smell shit, while also constantly making your lungs put up with breathing smoke of all things! The first time this came to my mind, is when i was 12 years old, standing in the balcony and looking at my l&m pack of cigarretes; I threw them out the window and never looked back.
How to deal with this, is a pretty hard question, as i personally feel that it is purely the product of culture, meaning that people usually start doing this by mimicking others around them and not out of curiosity of radically altering your brains chemical balance, as with other drugs. Seeing the stubbornness (this fucking word has 2 b's 2 n's and 2 s's in it, i mean, come on!?) of smokers, i feel that the only way to tackle this, is by making smoking more and more and more expensive, as to make it less viable for teenagers (the age at which the mind is the most susceptible). Unless you have a dictator who lynches people for smoking, banning will probably do the opposite of making people not smoke.