Is the US a shitty place to live?

Since I see that it is mentioned in this thread - what is it exactly that the US have against Iran having nuclear weapons (although that's not what they're trying to get)? Or anyone, for that matter? Fear of nuclear weapons is the reason the whole second half of the 20th century wasn't one big, bloody war between east and west, so who's to say that Iran having nukes (like Israel does) isn't going to keep the middle east region more peaceful?

Well, they do have an Ayatollah (old fella, grizzled white beard in a turban that's assumed to be a Shiite Islamic fundamentalist cleric) that says DEATH to our country and one of our allies on a regular basis.

Not too long ago, another fundamentalist faction (Sunnis/ Al- Qaeda) commandeered three large passenger jets and used them to attack our country, leaving 2,977 of our citizens dead and many more chronically ill. Fanatics like these show no fear of death, nor the ramifications of their actions. To the contrary, they believe they will be rewarded in the afterlife.

Hezbollah which the Iranian government supports (with I don't know how much approval from the Iranian citizenry) hasn't attacked the U.S. to my knowledge, but they do regularly attack our ally in the region. The majority of my countrymen and our allies don't favor the idea of groups such as these to acquire nuclear strike capability. I'm sure in light of relatively recent events, you can understand our apprehension.

Imagine if you will, a small device whether a fission bomb or a radiological (dirty bomb) smuggled into our country, Israel, or our European allies. It would create terror and panic on a level far beyond what happened on 9/11/01.

Thankfully in our favor, the Shiites and Sunnis despise each other. If Hezbollah &Al-Qaeda (and I presume IS) cooperated they'd be a formidable and difficult to monitor foe.
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Japan relies on the U.S. for national defense. If they get attacked by a much bigger foreign power, America is duty bound to INTERVENE.

America has a HUGE role in NATO. If we went and stuck our heads in the sand, well suffice to say we have given up on intervention and left the other NATO members high and dry.

So just because some nations have nukes then everyone should have them?

Sure we have MAD, I don't dispute that.

Thing is, having a nuke means those nukes need to be secured. The regime that has them has to be stable. Then there is the arms race that needs to be discussed. Iran having a nuke would give them a lot more bargaining power and that is something neither the U.S. nor our Sunni/Israeli allies want.

Nobody NEEDS to attack Japan in order to control it. That was the reason Japan went conquering Manchuria and bidding to control the pacific in the first place.I have the feeling that the Japanese understand this very well.

America IS NATO. Outside of say, England, France, and other countries trying to cling to national sovereignty they no longer have, everyone understands that. In NATO, there's America and its European proxy - Germany.

Your Sunni/Israeli allies? Seriously? How many of the people that undertook terrorist action against the US were Shia? Alas, I do not have a great understanding of Muslim sectarianism, but it would seem to me that most of them were Sunni (not that I have anything against the aforementioned denominaton) but seriously, Israel - That's the reason you're doing things in the middle east? Everyone who isn't American can cite a thousand reasons why Israel is wrong (most of all the fact that the Arabs got to lose land on the basis of a genocide the Germans committed).
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Thankfully in our favor, the Shiites and Sunnis despise each other. If Hezbollah &Al-Qaeda (and I presume IS) cooperated they'd be a formidable and difficult to monitor foe.

Of course, the SD marked Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, and that means that it is one. Seriously? Hezbollah was fighting ISIS (along with Bashar Al-Assad) while the US was busy sending it weapons and instructors. Do you even feel guilty about toppling Gaddafi? Do you even know who he was and what he did for his country? Do you know that Syria was the only bastion of multiculturalism in the ENTIRE MIDDLE EAST until you went propagating democracy?

Just stick to your own continent. Monroe Doctrine. What was ever wrong with it?
Since I see that it is mentioned in this thread - what is it exactly that the US have against Iran having nuclear weapons (although that's not what they're trying to get)? Or anyone, for that matter? Fear of nuclear weapons is the reason the whole second half of the 20th century wasn't one big, bloody war between east and west, so who's to say that Iran having nukes (like Israel does) isn't going to keep the middle east region more peaceful?

Well, they do have an Ayatollah (old fella, grizzled white beard in a turban that's assumed to be a Shiite Islamic fundamentalist cleric) that says DEATH to our country and one of our allies on a regular basis.

Not too long ago, another fundamentalist faction (Sunnis/ Al- Qaeda) commandeered three large passenger jets and used them to attack our country, leaving 2,977 of our citizens dead and many more chronically ill. Fanatics like these show no fear of death, nor the ramifications of their actions. To the contrary, they believe they will be rewarded in the afterlife.

Hezbollah which the Iranian government supports (with I don't know how much approval from the Iranian citizenry) hasn't attacked the U.S. to my knowledge, but they do regularly attack our ally in the region. The majority of my countrymen and our allies don't favor the idea of groups such as this to acquire nuclear strike capability. I'm sure in light of relatively recent events, you can understand our apprehension.

Imagine if you will, a small device whether a fission bomb or a radiological (dirty bomb) smuggled into our country, Israel, or our European allies. The terror and panic it would create on a level far beyond what happened on 9/11/01.

Thankfully in our favor, the Shiites and Sunnis despise each other. If Hezbollah &Al-Qaeda (and I presume IS) cooperated they'd be a formidable and difficult to monitor foe.

My friend, the entire world hates America (speaking for the Balkans here).

So, the problem is that Hezbollah hates Israel (hint hint - so does the rest of the WORLD). And if America's goal wasn't to make the middle east a wasteland, its ally wouldn't be the singe most belligerent country in the history of the region.

Yeah, he's the dickhead from Libya that Ronald Reagan sent fighter planes to attack. Sadly, one of his children died in that attack.

I'm not an apologist for the dumb moves my country's made in the region. I realize that my government has made many. It's just that whether we made the mess or not, we still need to protect ourselves from the groups left behind that want us dead. Making it easier for these groups to acquire nuclear material and weapon technology isn't in the best interest of our health and welfare as it were. ;)
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Yeah, he's the dickhead from Libya that Ronald Reagan sent fighter planes to attack. Sadly, one of his children died in that attack.

I'm not an apologist for the dumb moves my country's made in the region. I realize my government has made many. It's just that whether we made the mess or not, we still need to protect ourselves from the groups left behind that want us dead. Making it easier for these groups to acquire nuclear material and weapon technology isn't in the best interest of our health and welfare as it were. ;)

Of course he's a dickhead. That's why your BBC removes sections from their own documentaries which describe how he built rivers through the Sahara and show images from ARMA 2 of how he sent weapons to he IRA. Yugoslavia had a much greater connection to Libya then your "democracy" ever did. And Libya was doing just fine before you decided that ISIS was democracy and Gaddafi had to die. Also, do please hang Hillary if she loses the elections.

Edit: Mea Culpa - Gang her if she wins also. Hang everyone, I don't really care.
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Maybe it's time that this all gets its own discussion because we moved further away from is the US a shitty place to live in to does the US make other places shitty to live in?
Maybe it's time that this all gets its own discussion because we moved further away from is the US a shitty place to live in to does the US make other places shitty to live in?

Živio, Crni Vuče!

True that, because that would be pretty much any other topic in existance.

The BBC is the UK, not the U.S.

I am a Liberal/ Progressive. However, I'd much prefer Bernie Sanders to win. I'd be okay with Ms. Clinton, but not nearly as happy as with a Sanders victory.

That's as much politics as you'll get out of me. There is a bitter battle of the minds being fought in my country between the Conservatives and the faction I support. Many of my fellow citizens are members here and I'm willing to bet that many support the faction I oppose. I had to close my facebook account because I was so sick and tired of the political infighting with friends. I have no stomach for more of it here. Peace. :)
Eh, there is one thing that we ALL can agree upon. In all seriousness. When we look at our polticians, no matter if on the balkan, Europe, like Germany, France etc. or the US, than it becomes clear that they are nothing but monkeys - not meant as racistic comment to Obama >_>! Trained and well dressed monkeys. The one behind it are the rich people. That simple. And you don't have to take my word for it.


And he is one of the richest people in the world. Well.
Hillary's only rason to win the elections is that she's female? Is it not? Tamo Daleko

No, she represents the Liberal party (Democrats). Sanders though running as a Democrat, is an Independent Populist and to the Left of her (more Liberal). You know if Hillary wins it will create many firsts: The first Female POTUS, the first First Husband, and the first President married to a former POTUS.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone recently (probably was the absinthe talking). And I apologize if anyone found him/herself offended by my ranting, but, don't you feel that as the de jure most powerful country in the world - you ought to be a tad bit more responsible in electing your leadership? For example, you have Obama. Obama won the elections. Why? Because he played the race card (which doesn't really make sense since he's as white as he is black, but never mind it). Barely anyone likes him nowadays. And now a new president is to be elected by the very same criteria (that it's "cool" to have a black/female/unusual president) The issue of Hillary is - not even Hitler dared make remarks like "we came, we saw, he died" before he was elected. Especially not for someone executed in such a brutal manner and taking into consideration the chaos that ensued. It's basic disregard for human life, it's just evil.

Regarding Bernie, as much as I hope he wins (as I did for Ron Paul several years ago) he won't. And even if he did it would probably turn out to be a hoax a la Tsipras.

And as for whether or not the US is a shitty place to live - despite my general disliking of the country due to its foreign policy, there's a great deal that we can learn from it. And the quality of life, as I see it, differs from state to state. How seriously do Americans take state legislature? From what I've seen (and mind you, I haven't seen much, my knowledge of 'Murica is limited to the internet) people seem to be a lot more concerned about congress and presidents, the stuff that affects their everyday lives the least.
LordAshur said:

Well, Japan doesn't have a full scale military since the WW2 days. Unless you believe a tiny island nation can beat a nuclear armed, non Qing era, China.

Hey, ask the Taiwanese who dealt with PRC aggression 3 times already.

You have a point with the Salafist/Wahhabi issue. TBH, there is no clear cut good answer short of abandoning the ME altogether. We can just be racist Americans who hide behind our walls screwing over the brown peoples.

We can tell an ALLY/colony, that we had always promised to protect, to go fuck themselves. Might as well tell that to all our allies, oh wait, I mean our (colonised second class euro brethren)‚ the same. That would do so much more to better our reputation as a land of peace loving ostriches.

We did try, again, lesser of the two evils. But McCain couldn't beat the bringer of a socialist utopia who was young, black, charsmatic and had ZERO, foreign policy/leadership experience. I mean hope and change, just as good sounding as peace, land and bread. Obama argues Rome WAS built in a day.

I wanted Colin Powell anyways myself but he didn't want to deal with the shitstorm we call politics. I mean, who wants to try and educate folks who believe Obama was going to buy them a house.

PS: Of course this thread was de-railed by the very ignorant subject title. Everybody knows its fashionable to throw punches at Murica and many the troll had a large bounty.
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Being an island nation does have its perks, especially if you're on the defensive. And the whole idea of China invading Japan is just slightly less unrealistic than the idea of North Korea invading the USA.

Why exactly did you always promise to protect your "ally"?
The PRC may not necessarily commit to a land invasion, but if they did, Japan would be hard pressed without a true standing military, to stop them.

The PRC could just control the area/sea with force projection. They are already training on the Liaoning and are determined to begin domestic carrier production within a decade. They are rapidly modernising their military with more strike capability, the WZ 10 and the J20/J31 being the most recent examples.

Israel. Every single politician who wants to win the presidency knows who AIPAC is.
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I'm guessing it's the people who brand you an anti-Semite for pretty much anything they disagree with (in regards to the AIPAC).

I get the impression that, unlike American force projection, people actually seem to profit from the Chinese variant.