Hey, sounds like conspiracy and Iranian propaganda to me. Yes, once again, the great satan has made ISIS along with Al Qaeda, the Taliban, etc, etc. Everytime we intervene in the world, regardless for us or our allies, we are destined to screw up. We should really stick our heads in the sand.
Minding your own business is NOT the same as "sticking our heads in the sand." It's minding your own business.
For example, I'm keenly aware of the ignorant shit a hypothetical person just said, and I'm dissecting it in my brain into all the little absurdities that comprise that hateful thought, and I'm arriving at the conclusion that this pissant is a worthless piece of human filth (by my measure). But I'm not going to intervene and tell them off because the need a harsh lesson in who can beat who up, cause I'd have nothing to gain from that encounter... Let them live their ignorant, piece of shit life, I have no illusions that their influence will amount to nothing. I'm not cowering from them in this hypothetical situation, I'm not hiding myself from the truth, I'm not shielding myself from reality. I'm making myself very aware of what's going on around me, but I'm NOT pushing my prerogatives onto those around me. That's the major difference.
The U.S. minding its own business does NOT mean being ignorant of Iran's nuclear goals, nor does it necessitate NOT knowing what's happening with Germany, or Greece, or Russia, or Japan. It just means, to use a historical example, NOT sending in CIA agents to start spreading rumors of ethnic-based secession to various cities within a sovereign nation to directly plant the seeds of civil war... simply because it would be convenient if we could build a military base there and have direct access to real estate right on top of one of the world's richest ore deposits.
Also I never said that intervention MUST result in creating our own enemies. I said that history has served as an example that it KEEPS happening, time and time again. Clearly the South Koreans are not our mortal enemies. Clearly Panama isn't some kind of deranged threat against us. Clearly Germany is powerful ally/puppet to the U.S. interests in Europe. Obviously, foreign intervention has worked for the U.S. But it's also failed catastrophically, and it would be a huge lapse in judgement to ignore that some of the worst threats of the past 20 years have been of U.S. creation.
PS: Sorry for the personal attack (trashing on the U.S.), your comment about how I was close to joining the masses of U.S. sheeple rubbed me the wrong way. Also, IMO, the way you defended Putin and the CPC. Its your opinion, friendly debate. Anyways, yeah, we do agree on the internal problems that effects our nation even though we dis-agree on foreign policy.
I defended them based on facts, and I left matters of opinion alone. See my "if Russia is not your country, you have no say in the matter" comment. I'm not Russian, therefore what Putin wants to do with Russia is not my business. That's all there is to that. Opinion doesn't enter the equation. But he DID do things, and I commented on those things. All I care about are the facts. I don't love Iran, but it is a fact that the "Israel should be wiped off the map" comment was NEVER actually said by Ahmadinejad (God damned names you need to GOOGLE to spell them correctly... ~_~). Therefore, every time that line is paraded around, it is a FACT that it's the propagation of lies. Why doesn't concern me. It could be a concerted effort (a "conspiracy"), or it could be simple ignorance. I'd find the latter more likely, but at the end of the day, I don't care why. All I care about are the certainties and definitives. The known and the absolute.
I didn't say you close to joining "sheeple", I said that you were doing things that they do. We all do, but the difference that defines us is our agency and what we do with our instinctive reactions and habits, and whether we take a moment to say to ourselves, "Naw, I'm not gonna do that." I can't tell you how many times I've DESPERATELY wanted to fire off a comment at some of the mind-numbingly hateful and stupid and arrogant shit that *AHEM* "some people" on these boards have said. But I don't, cause I know it won't lead to much good. Yeah, if anyone thinks I'm prone to flying off the handle (which I'd attribute to the recipient's mental image of me, rather than my actual intended tone), then just IMAGINE all the shit I prevent myself from saying! You can have the instinctual response, and I probably have it too. But what you do with it is what matters, and that's what I was commenting on.
But if "all" we're disagreeing on is U.S. foreign policy, I'd say that's a HUGE area to disagree on! To me, foreign policy is EXACTLY what's wrong with America! It's my main sticking point. It's the one thing I would hope people would agree on...