That's an interesting point. With that I deduce, what is true for the US could be eventually also true for other nations as well. Particularly those which have been at one point or another super powers. Even if just local ones. Like Germany. The whole reason for what happened between for example 1923 and 1945 was the world's fault. Like WW1, kaiser Wilhelm's resignation, French Revolution, Great depression.
I am not trying to turn your point in to ridiculous, I like you to much for that Derpamine, and I really do not want to insult your intelligence here, as I do know that you have it somewhere in that drug infested and narcotized gray goo that lies beneath your cranial bone. But enough about your anatomy.
Thing is, I guess your point is, I hope, that we should see things from a historical point, in other words in a more neutral manner with cause and effect. And I agree with that. Albeit, I respectuflly disagree with the idea that it's all the world's fault, alone. Just saying. Just as one example. The Invasion on Iraq and the subsequent aftermath of those actions can and should be at least in some cases blamed on the US policy of that time.
As long as we and with that I mean mainly the Western world, decide to solve most if not even all of the problems by military means, we will always face the same kind of situations. Like terrorism, povertiy, economic issues and so on. We've tried this kind of tactic for the last 10 000 years or so. It was sometimes effective, but those are extremly rare cases. For the most time at least in the long run I would say it was pretty ineffective in solving issues, and if it was than only for one side really and that for a relatively short time.
Really, I think that it's about time we try something completely different.
If maybe even a bit radical! But it might work out right in the end. What do we have to loose at this point anyway?