Is the US a shitty place to live?

I notice no ones mentioned that college shooting that happened today, that killed over ten and wounded more than twenty.

Unsurprisingly, the shooter was a poster on 4Chan (the /r9k board, which is basically a message board for socially awkward/inept people). The people also egged him on, not just encouraging the shooting, but telling him what weapons he should use and how he should kill people. He actually did follow their advice, and used/did several of the things they told him too.
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It was sarcasm.

But yes, you illustrate my point perfectly. SURPRISE, a Murrica shot, you want a damn cookie?


Sergey Gordeyev anyone?

Stan Williamson?

Tim Kretschmer?

Plenty of other examples.

But unlike some here, I have no hate boner or desire to make a scene about crazy.

I did feed a troll though :(
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It happened, what are you expecting?

It only happens in America!

Don't take me literally, just quoting a relatively famous quote.

Well it does happen quite frequently there. Sure, violence happens everywhere. Also people going crazy with guns. But I can't say that something like that was so far necessery in German schools, not even those which are located in so called hot spots with violent students.


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Obamtard/Dr. Fallout said:
Only in America



Crazy happens. Some places more, some less. Canada and Germany have had multiple instances, not to mention other countries. Many factors can be the cause. And NO, socialism won't fix it.

And majority of schools don't need them at all. Keep in mind we have THREE times your population, that would logically mean more kids OVERALL at risk for being a shooter, strictly chance wise. Much different gun laws. Lastly, and agreed, one time is too many. We are a much more litigous society. Some schools freak out and would do ANYTHING or close to it to not get sued or be blamed for causing or enabling the shooting to take place due to lax security. Nice attempt at a cheap shot though.

Talking about freaking out, did you guys really ban paintballing?? Also blames on violent videogames?


After Tim, germans wanted even MORE restrictions.
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No, I'd like you to acknowledge that the United States has a pretty damn unique problem when it comes to school shootings. And that that's likely caused both by its gun culture, and white dudes' inability to handle frustration (because the vast, vast majority of mass shootings are perpetrated by white dudes).
Is school shootings a problem?

Of course they are, no duh.

And unique means it only happens in America so please stop sounding like Crni and company.

The question is how to fix it and NO, your smug, socialism is the answer to everything, is in-correct. Neither is the knee-jerk liberal answer since most gun violence happens in heavily regulated states.

The thing our euro brothers do not understand is America is a very unique place, mostly because we haven't killed ourselves into extreme peace lovingness.

We believe whole heartedly in our right to bear arms. We like to dis-agree on practically everything under the sun. We do not believe the government can do a good job on setting practical and successful educational curriculum standards. We cannot agree on universal healthcare because so many people dis-agree on so many factors that I doubt it will ever be fixed.

Lastly, I believe this is because we are a country of 300 million some people. Our euro brethren run from high 90 million to as low as 7 million.

To ignore these numbers and think we should, and can, operate exactly the same way as the europeans, is folly.
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The problem as a repeated phenomenon is absolutely unique to the USA. While mass shootings happen elsewhere, they are far less frequent -- both when adjusted for population and when not. You can find incidents like this elsewhere, but you won't find it as a consistent pattern.

There are reasons for that. One of them is the easy accessibility of guns -- if you want to carry out a mass shooting, that's a whole lot easier in the USA than it is almost anywhere else in the world. No other place has as many guns, nor does it have them so easily available.

A second aspect is the identity of the shooters: the vast majority are privileged, socially awkward, relatively young white men (97% men, 79% white). A demographic that's consistently told that if they just work hard, they'll get whatever they want. And when confronted with the fact that that's not reality late in life, some of them lash out violently. Other demographics are often forced to face frustration far, far earlier. We've studies this -- there are a lot of sociological studies of school shootings, and the whole frustrated-white-man-lashes-out is a consistent conclusion.

Of course, I don't expect any of this to change your mind -- your "knee-jerk" dismissal of anything remotely critical of American (gun) culture is obvious. But that doesn't make it any less true.
The other alternative is to crack down on gun ownership so badly, any bill would never get off the ground. Out of a population of 70 million, gun ownership in Germany is like 4 million. And its restrictive as fuck.

I have already acknowledged the shittyness of our educational system, something our government is responsible for and failed miserably at. Same with healthcare, as mental health would fall squarely in mass shooter category. We do have standards in place, but due to human fuckups, tragedy strikes. Dylann Roof is a perfect example as a FBI fuckup allowed him to purchase the weapon he killed the church goers with.

The knee-jerk cry, wolf mentality of the liberals do nothing to help the situation as they come off sounding like anti-gun crazies.

Rags to riches bullshit? I agree with you wholeheartedly.

But guess what? I figured that shit out long ago. People need to be held responsible for their actions. The school may love Horatio Alger Jr., but they taught me jack shit about how difficult it is to succeed in real life. Often, it involves knowing the right people, other situations that require flat out luck, or accepting that your life will be miserable as fuck for a prolonged period of time, bowing, scraping and kissing ass, or something as simple as personal responsibility. If Joan or Joey cannot find work or only have limited ours to work, then they need to swallow their pride and move back in with their parents, or find a roommate. Hollywood doesn't help either. The movie 'Her', Joaquin Phoenix plays a guy who writes complicated greeting cards, a job that would normally be minimum wage. Yet he takes vacations when he wants, has a luxury apartment and has lots of cool, expensive gadgets. But I am getting off track here.

As you like to point out, problems are rarely as simple as they initially appear to be. This also applies to anyone who thinks their answer is a magical solution that will fix things.
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I'm not saying there's a magical solution. I am saying, though, that gun culture is a part of the problem. That doesn't mean it's the entirety of the problem, and I never said it was. But I would argue that reactions like yours -- the ones that immediately dismiss anyone even vaguely pointing in the direction of guns as "anti-gun crazies" -- contribute to the issue by making any action taken to limit the damages caused in part by gun culture a complete non-starter politically.
No, I do not paint someone merely pointing out gun culture as anti-gun crazy. You are assuming, as I haven't even told you my views on what is wrong with gun culture or what it is.

Your answer is a perfect example, 'gun culture' is as vague as fuck. Are we talking about lack of firearms education? Lack of respect for firearms in general? Guns are coolz? Who can have guns?, etc, etc.

IMO, my problems with 'gun cultre', as you phrase it, is the lack of respect for a weapon. This has less to do with what Hollywood represents than personal responsibility. You can agree as having the option to be a child killer doesn't mean it will make us child killers in real life.

Second, Guns are not toys, a SMALL percentage of people are very ir-responsible about this and securing their weapons. Checking to make sure the safety is on and there is no round in the chamber after removing the magazine, also a problem for said idiots.

Third, guns are coolz. As explained above, personal responsibility. One fuck head shouldn't ruin it for the rest of us.

Fourth, over complicating bans to the point we start dictating what kind of grip or length of barrel, semi-single action, etc. BTW, full auto weapon ownership is illegal unless one gets a very restrictive level license, yet the gun crazies use full auto liberally. The anti-gun crazies just blanket ban everything.

Fifth, who can have guns. I have explained, we have checks in place already. Many times, its due to human error that those same checks are not followed. Whether it be a government, family, or vendor fuckup.
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All I said was "gun culture" and you went off on a spiel about how Europeans don't understand the US and then veered off into railing against anti-gun crazies in the very next post when I pointed out that the ubiquity of guns is part of the problem. It's that kind of overreaction to anything to do with being critical of gun culture that is everywhere in the US, especially in the political realm.

If the success of your system relies on the elimination of human error, your system is irrevocably broken. That's why people harp on gun safety constantly, but 505 people died from accidental gun discharges in the US in 2013. That's why suicide rates skyrocket when people have access to guns -- because that method of killing yourself is the least subject to human error, and suicides are often impulsive decisions that those who survive regret making.

But let's be clear here: it's not just human error that's the problem. Anyone who can get his ass to a gun show or find a private seller can buy a gun legally in most states, no questions asked. Anyone who lives in a house where one person owns a gun, can get his hands on one and use it in a shooting. If you live in the US and you want to get your hands on a gun, it's pretty damn easy regardless of whether or not you can pass a background check.

And all of that is caused by gun culture in the US: the widespread feeling of entitlement to the ownership of a deadly weapon that serves no real purpose in modern-day life, and the moral panic when anyone suggests that maybe some limits would be healthy for society in general.
No, I'd like you to acknowledge that the United States has a pretty damn unique problem when it comes to school shootings. And that that's likely caused both by its gun culture, and white dudes' inability to handle frustration (because the vast, vast majority of mass shootings are perpetrated by white dudes).

So from doing some research into 4Chan and the people there that have conducted violent shit, a lot of them were what they call "Beta's". Basically, Beta's are people who are socially inept, and don't get a lot of human contact. Meaning, they have no girlfriend, not to many (if any) real life friends, and pretty much no life outside their home life at all. And if they are still in school (which 95% of them are high schoolers or college students), they're most likely the nerdy kids that are always getting fucked with.

I wasn't ever a "nerd" so I can't speak for that, but I was (am) a scrub. The primary difference is, people fucking with you and monetary status. Nobody fucked with me, and unlike most of these kids I wasn't raised in a nice little cozy suburban home. I went to school in $10 shoes with jackets we got in gratuity baskets from local charities. But I went to school in a decent school district because my pops didn't want me to go to a school where the teachers basically had a reputation of not giving a shit (at least, unlike most of the other kids I grew up around in my neighborhood in North Las Vegas and later in NM, I had a father who gave a shit. Didn't have a mother though. Still wonder where she is to this day), so in short, I went to a decent school. None of the kids fucked with me, but they didn't exactly jump out to try to be friends either. So I ended up hanging around other scrubs that usually came from the nearby suburban neighborhood where most of the other kids were from, but were from broken ass homes. Like my friend David for example, his mother was a former tweaker (smoked meth) right up until his 18th birthday when she finally quit, and he didn't know his father. He lived in a pretty nice little house, but he never had money for shit, just like me, because his mom was blowing it all on meth. But anyways, life can really suck when the rest of the world considers you an outcast. Not suck so much that you need to shoot up a school, I simply embraced my social status (the poor kid that was tried to pay for school lunch with EBT food stamps on the first day of high school ((because the middle and elementary schools I went provided our shit for free, I had never heard of paying for a school lunch before, but goddamn did that haunt me for the rest of my high school years. I was surprised at exactly how fucking fast that got around school, even the teachers started looking at me fucked up ((Some of them tried to give me their pity. Like my 9th grade math teacher tried once gave me the address for her church which apparently gives out boxes of clothes and food to poor people ((I wasn't fucking homeless lady, jesus)), and she even managed to do it right in front of the entire class. That shit definitely sucked, until I finally dropped out in 11th grade and got my GED instead, which in the US, unless you're trying to get into a really, really good ivy-league type college, a GED and a high school diploma are pretty much the same goddamn thing)).

So back on topic, these aren't your average suburban white boys. These are more like, Columbine High School-shooter cry about not having a girlfriend white boys.
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Is school shootings a problem?

Of course they are, no duh.

And unique means it only happens in America so please stop sounding like Crni and company.


I can't remember the last time that any of our schools or work places required metal detectors. Oh. Wait. That's because they never had those.

But yes, yes, let us continue to pretend that this is not a problem unique to the US american society.

No, I do not paint someone merely pointing out gun culture as anti-gun crazy. You are assuming, as I haven't even told you my views on what is wrong with gun culture or what it is.

Your answer is a perfect example, 'gun culture' is as vague as fuck.

USA has one.

Gemany doesn't


Easy enough, I think.

You know, I even agree with you! That is the funny part. The gun laws here are strict as fuck. To strict in some cases probably. Because people, particularly politians tend to get on a useless ramble against guns and video games and such when it comes to a person running amok with a gun. However, banning guns won't solve the problem. Nor will it prevent crazy people from doing crazy things. But, Germany is not a gun culture. Neither is France, Italy, Britain and a couple more. Like Sander said. There is no easy solution. So much is clear. But this really isn't rocket science. And when you compare the cultures in Germany or France with the US you can easily identify SOME of the differences. Part of it is the gun industry which obviously has a very understandable reason (from their point of view) to NOT want restrictions of any kind. Most gun owners are reasonable and normal people. I will not argue about that, because that is pretty much obvious. But we are not talking about owning guns, we are talking about gun-culture. And there is a very unhealthy obsession with firearms and anything militaristic in the United States. I noticed that for example when it comes to history and the German military. There is a substantial number of people in the US that have a deep fascination with the German military of WW2. Up to the point where it often enough is a form of glorification. But, let's not make this even more complicated than it already is. I am just saying, it is quite obvious you know.

And unique means it only happens in America so please stop sounding like Crni and company.

Could you please stop insulting me

*Ah you know I am just joking, love yah all!
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