No, I'd like you to acknowledge that the United States has a pretty damn unique problem when it comes to school shootings. And that that's likely caused both by its gun culture, and white dudes' inability to handle frustration (because the vast, vast majority of mass shootings are perpetrated by white dudes).
So from doing some research into 4Chan and the people there that have conducted violent shit, a lot of them were what they call "Beta's". Basically, Beta's are people who are socially inept, and don't get a lot of human contact. Meaning, they have no girlfriend, not to many (if any) real life friends, and pretty much no life outside their home life at all. And if they are still in school (which 95% of them are high schoolers or college students), they're most likely the nerdy kids that are always getting fucked with.
I wasn't ever a "nerd" so I can't speak for that, but I was (am) a scrub. The primary difference is, people fucking with you and monetary status. Nobody fucked with me, and unlike most of these kids I wasn't raised in a nice little cozy suburban home. I went to school in $10 shoes with jackets we got in gratuity baskets from local charities. But I went to school in a decent school district because my pops didn't want me to go to a school where the teachers basically had a reputation of not giving a shit (at least, unlike most of the other kids I grew up around in my neighborhood in North Las Vegas and later in NM, I had a father who gave a shit. Didn't have a mother though. Still wonder where she is to this day), so in short, I went to a decent school. None of the kids fucked with me, but they didn't exactly jump out to try to be friends either. So I ended up hanging around other scrubs that usually came from the nearby suburban neighborhood where most of the other kids were from, but were from broken ass homes. Like my friend David for example, his mother was a former tweaker (smoked meth) right up until his 18th birthday when she finally quit, and he didn't know his father. He lived in a pretty nice little house, but he never had money for shit, just like me, because his mom was blowing it all on meth. But anyways, life can really suck when the rest of the world considers you an outcast. Not suck so much that you need to shoot up a school, I simply embraced my social status (the poor kid that was tried to pay for school lunch with EBT food stamps on the first day of high school ((because the middle and elementary schools I went provided our shit for free, I had never heard of paying for a school lunch before, but goddamn did that haunt me for the rest of my high school years. I was surprised at exactly how fucking fast that got around school, even the teachers started looking at me fucked up ((Some of them tried to give me their pity. Like my 9th grade math teacher tried once gave me the address for her church which apparently gives out boxes of clothes and food to poor people ((I wasn't fucking homeless lady, jesus)), and she even managed to do it right in front of the entire class. That shit definitely sucked, until I finally dropped out in 11th grade and got my GED instead, which in the US, unless you're trying to get into a really, really good ivy-league type college, a GED and a high school diploma are pretty much the same goddamn thing)).
So back on topic, these aren't your average suburban white boys. These are more like, Columbine High School-shooter cry about not having a girlfriend white boys.