What was it that europeans have said about their parties. Something like our liberals are right and the american right is far right. Guess that makes American far right into something much more extreme. Thats a significant difference would you not agree?
The EU doesn't have a combined euro army, strengthened as it were, to pursue global policies of intervention. You folks have, as Crni put it, lived through a bit too much war to really care about other nations. Of course your doing humanitarian concerns, but the minute fixing those concerns revolves in some kind of regime change, cultural or religious shift, you avoid it. You avoid it because youb believe its not your right to tell other people how their religion may be flawed or how their regime is the biggest factor in limiting human rights and quality of life.
If there is one thing true about Americans, we love to debate, argue, and disagree. how else would folks like Rush Limbaugh, the religious crazies, and the bleeding heart liberals, make their arguments. In this very thread, I pointed out that many factors stand in the way of universal healthcare.
1. How to deal with litigation?
This is a big issue that has far reaching implications and ripples. I could be wrong but I do not really hear about europeans suing their government, or eachother, over every little goddamned thing.
2. Insurance.
Insurance companies say that hospitals, doctors, etc, can charge whatever the fuck they want for services. $5 or $10 dollars for a tiny box of serial. Recommending every procedure and test under the sun, government/state regulation, etc.
Doctors and hospitals on the other hand, say they need to have these charges to cover the cost for constant litigation. They charge what they need to charge because of stuff like EMTALA. They recommend every procedure and test under the sun, because they fear a lawsuit if some complication is discovered down the road, that wasn't detected because certain tests or procedures weren't done.
3. Health issues.
Smokers, drinkers, folks who enjoy high risk activities, sexual re-assignment surgeries, etc, etc. We all disagree on who should, or what should get covered. In someones early quote, 'throw the baby out with the bath water'.
4. Pre-existing conditions and what Obama calls, the individual mandate.
Accepting pre-existing conditions will simply add a drastic cost to premiums as no sane company is going to take additional risk and loss of profit because of governmental regulations. We will penalise you for not buying insurance because we need people paying in to get the discounts we so often say make Obamacare so excellent.
Thats just an example and very limited one of how things are complex here.
If America is making advances into acceptance of LGBT, and racial discrimination, europe had that down pat much earlier than we did. Minus the gypsies of course.
This is not meant to put a damper on things as America has many positive qualities as well. Its more of an indication that, unlike what others may think, I am far from the average 'murrican', others think I am. I can admit Aericas mistakes instead of JUST crying anit-americanism.