Is the US a shitty place to live?

Try going back to, I dunno, atleat page 9 or so??

If people want to join the circle jerk, atleast bother to read and ignore first.
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You avoid it because youb believe its not your right to tell other people how their religion may be flawed or how their regime is the biggest factor in limiting human rights and quality of life.

No, we avoid it because we know it doesn't work. How many countries did America fix through bombing them to the stone age and attempting to transplant their democracy there?

Germany doesn't count because it did have democratic traditions before. But Korea, Vietnam, Central America, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan? Your regime change trick doesn't fucking work.

Why am I always responsible for what the government does? Why is it MY regime change, or MY laws or MY president? Stop blaming people who have nothing to do with it, asshole.
It's aimed at every Murican. Because we all believe the same thing. Exactly. Just automatons force-fed butter and shotgun magazines. Fuck you.
If you go to page 9, you will be informed a bit more. Make your own decision on the topic.
It's aimed at every Murican. Because we all believe the same thing. Exactly. Just automatons force-fed butter and shotgun magazines. Fuck you.
Calm down a little, please. And realize that "your" is aimed at America as a whole, not at every American as an individual.
I have answered everything already, MANY times. You just have to actually read my posts.

And yea, humanitarian work is all good till you hit a roadblock, exactly what I said. Especially in context with my answers above.

No, you just gave your OPINION on the topic many times. That's OK. You're not a crazy lunatic. Far from it.

I just have the feeling that you're a bit to naive when it comes to the US, their foreign policy and intentions which really hasn't changed all that much in the last 60 years. The US foreign policy is for the most part following the concept of shoot first ask questions later. And there have been not just a few politicans which found that approach disturbing. And there are quite a few historians which describe the US as the Roman Empire of our time ...

Considering of all the examples of the last 60 years military interventions by the US have lead to very few results and pretty much no improvement for the nations. They didn't even improve the situation for the US in most cases but leading to extremly high finanial costs and loss in people.

I mean com on! Even if you have the belief that the US politics follows a higher goal and doing everything for the greater good etc, which I respect, but at the end of the day you still have to get at that point where you have to look what the outcomes are of your actions. And can you honestly say that the situations has substantially improved for the American people and the nations which have been attacked? 9/11 was now 14 years ago.
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Considering of all the examples of the last 60 years military interventions by the US have lead to very few results and pretty much no improvement for the nations.

"No improvement" is putting it mildly. The Vietnam War alone cost the lives of 1.5 to nearly 4 million civilians, after which the United States failed spectacularly.

Still, one of the most heinous things Amerika has "accomplished" must be the 1953 Iranian coup. A democratic, independent government that doesn't bend over to the West? HERESY.
Yeah, but you see Pepsi Cola asked Kissinger to change things. You can't get in the way of Pepsi *slurp*
Roman Empire, HEGEMON

A hegemon isn't going to be ALTRUISTIC, atleast not in the sense you folks expect.

A hegemons role is to bring ORDER. Notice we haven't had another WORLD WAR. A big fucking achievement.

You euros had the opportunity, but wasted it mass murdering yourselves for hundreds of years. Then theres all the fucking colonising and religious/cultural repressions. But thats ok by you folks because, its the right of nations to act like fucking children and bring MASSIVE global and regional, TOTAL war (we are talking ACTUAL wars, not proxy fighting here), and kill god knews how many.

We have 3 out of 5 of the most powerful and advanced militaries on the planet working together. 1 of the 2 holdouts is desperate to hold on to a relic of forgotten times. This alliance, with a coup here, a proxy war there, DEFEATED THE SOVIET UNION. A pretty big fucking achievement.

Have we fucked up? Sure. But to willfully ignore the quality of life the S. Koreans, the Taiwanese and Japan, to name a few, have, in order to pull a few murrica jokes and pat eachother on the backs, is just as ignorant as what you claim me to be.

But you know what, if you prefer LAs global clusterfuck idea, have at it. A world where, multiple hegemons exist to fight and screw eachother over, while fucking the little guys over even more. Maybe those countries can all have nukes as LA proposes.

People are always free to stick their heads in the sand.
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Roman Empire, HEGEMON

A hegemons role is to bring ORDER. Notice we haven't had another WORLD WAR. A big fucking achievement.

You euros had the opportunity, but wasted it mass murdering yourselves for hundreds of years. Then theres all the fucking colonising and religious/cultural repressions. But thats ok by you folks because, its the right of nations to act like fucking children and bring MASSIVE global and regional, TOTAL war (we are talking ACTUAL wars, not proxy fighting here), and kill god knews how many.

We have 3 out of 5 of the most powerful and advanced militaries on the planet working together. This alliance, with a coup here, a proxy war there, DEFEATED THE SOVIET UNION. A pretty big fucking achievement.

Have we fucked up? Sure. But to willfully ignore the quality of life the S. Koreans, the Taiwanese and Japan, to name a few, have, in order to pull a few murrica jokes and pat eachother on the backs, is just as ignorant as what you claim me to be.

But you know what, if you prefer LAs global clusterfuck idea, have at it. A world where, multiple hegemons exist to fight and screw eachother over, while fucking the little guys over even more. Maybe those countries can all have nukes as LA proposes.

People are always free to stick their heads in the sand.

1. America didn't defeat the Soviet Union. It fell apart due to internal rebellion and a weak economy. All I can say is actually read some history.

2. You do realize America's aggression in pursuing world order and Russia's aggression in gaining power will probably start world war? And that America/NATO is causing massive suffering in the Middle East. For every successful country you point, I could point to two more failed ones (such as Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Honduras and more). America is causing MORE suffering, not stopping it! If you say that they have to sacrifice the Middle East and Africa for the rest of the world...

3. America fucked up big time. And you are kind of... ignorant. Not yourself but your total lack of consideration for the various wars and destruction in it's name.

4. Wait isn't that already happening? XD
So instead we have one large nation who can fuck with the little nations even more, but can't fight the bigger ones cause they have nukes, so it pretends to fight them and just goes over to spread democracy.
1. And the financial drain that the west was putting on full force with its military power, keeping the soviets from LEECHING off more nations, was completely in-effective, hey, believe what ya want.

2. The failures as you put it, were mostly because of the cold war. Otherwise, the remaining ones are regretful. I never really saw the benefit of Afghanistan and and Saddam should have been removed the first time if they were ever serious about it. We went into the ME, for oil, us and everyone else if not themselves then we did it for them, Iran for example).

3. No world war, is a success to me. Compared to the shit the euros did, its a big fucking success.

4. Global clusterfuck, not on the level I am imagining here, as in, world war.
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1. No that's true BUT they were still not defeated by America. The fall of the USSR was it's own fault, and who knows how it could have been if they had a much better economy.

2. No true. Most of the failures I did were after, pathetic power gains that just caused suffering and death with no actual gain. You can't just ignore them as regretful. For one they're still doing and tell that to the fucking millions in the Middle East.

3. The Euro's are now one of the most peaceful places on Earth. They learned and have adapted. America? Still fucking up other countries and suffering massive violence problems. And how is a Cold war (2) any better? Sure there's no fighting now but come on, America's greed and need for power vs Russia's greed and need for power WILL cause problems.

4. World War: Bullies fighting bullies as they squash the smaller kids underfoot.
Modern Day: Bullies fighting the smaller kids and beating them up, while the other bullies watch.
1. The U.S.S.R., derived much of its power from the folks they dominated. Cutting off its ability to extort causes economic problems for them. Those problems, in turn create, more problems with funding. Internal problems were a big part as well. Regardless, NATO/WEST, if not the SOLE factor in the fall, certainly played a critical part.

2. Again, religious extremists have always been around. Without them, any rebuidiimg from regime change would be a lot smoother. Assisting with reconstruction of Germany and Japan were VERY effective. To ignore terrorism or blame its power growth on the west/conspiracies isn't very productive. Any situation that only serves to benefit corporations is terrible. I have been very clear. The best I can do is petition my congressman to block asshole rulings like what happened to Argentina.

3. And who keeps the likes of Putin off the backs of the europeans? NATO. Only 3 members have the ability to stand toe to toe with Putin. Massive violence problems? Lets not compare a school shooting to war. How is avoiding a world war NOT beneficial? So 2 folks fighting proxy wars compared to 5 or so 70 plus years ago?

4. Competition between bullies causes serious fighting. Lets work on that first. Problem solving from the top down.

Hey, feel free to dis-agree all ya like, its a discussion. Any step towards a unified world requires the primary powers to stop fucking with eachother.
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Roman Empire, HEGEMON

A hegemon isn't going to be ALTRUISTIC, atleast not in the sense you folks expect.

No one ever said it is. Please, don't get the idea that any criticism regarding the US is a criticism to you or any american as individual - not that you think it is, I am just saying!

As far as I see it, the american citizens are in many ways as much victims of their own policy like the nations that happend to fall one way or another under US influence. You have a very hard time to argue in favour for Vietnam when you consider the general situation of Vietnam-War veterans for example - on BOTH sides of the conflict to say that!

And it is interesting in that aspect to mention how the public opinion about the Iraq war changed drastically after the people realized that the information about WMDs in Iraq have been for the most part false informations. The US by far is not the only nation to blame here, if you look at Britain and Blair, it pretty much destroyed his career as politician.

Nowhere does it mean that EVERY SINGLE US politican and military person was a malevolent and psychotic bastard. I would even believe that the majority of leaders in recent US history have been actually for the most part believing to do the right ting and rationale individuals. Kenedy was a heartless bastard and he made a lot of errors with Asia, but he damn well knew what an invasion on Cuba meant.

However what bothers me is the double morale. This idea that american foreign policy would be vastily different from it's motivations and actions compared to other nations. Lik you said, Americans do the job because Europe either can't or doesn't want to do it. The reality as I see it is simply more that we Europeans have a we bit more experience in that department compared to the Americans, considering the history of Europe and the many violent wars that happend directly in western Europe. Or colonialism and it's effect on the non European and European nations. The American idea in gernal is the phylosophy from Clausewitz, war is politics by other means. The European idea is more to see war as Ultima Ratio - last resort. And when you have neighbours like Russia, which was at least two times the enemy of one of the major western European nations in the last century with very bad outcomes for everyone, not a bad concept to follow.

American politicans are not worse compared to the rest of the world, but they are also not better. They always display this policy of either support the troops or shut up if you're a true patriot when ever a war is on the horizon - see 9/11 and the critical voices behind it. And critical opinions are often enough silenced by beeing un-american or lunatics painting them as someone who has a grudge against the american soldier dieing in the field or what ever. See the war for Teror, see the war in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Vietnam in the past. The US is today a notoriously overly patriotic nation that is borderline to nationalism.

As far as I see it, the US is simply aprox. 100 years behind Europe when it comes to foreign policy. Don't take this as an insult though! I have great confidence that you will catch up. :P
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1. The U.S.S.R., derived much of its power from the folks they dominated. Cutting off its ability to extort causes economic problems for them. Those problems, in turn create, more problems with funding. Internal problems were a big part as well. Regardless, NATO/WEST, if not the SOLE factor in the fall, certainly played a critical part.

2. Again, religious extremists have always been around. Without them, any rebuidiimg from regime change would be a lot smoother. Assisting with reconstruction of Germany and Japan were VERY effective. To ignore terrorism or blame its power growth on the west/conspiracies isn't very productive. Any situation that only serves to benefit corporations is terrible. I have been very clear. The best I can do is petition my congressman to block asshole rulings like what happened to Argentina.

3. And who keeps the likes of Putin off the backs of the europeans? NATO. Only 3 members have the ability to stand toe to toe with Putin. Massive violence problems? Lets not compare a school shooting to war. How is avoiding a world war NOT beneficial? So 2 folks fighting proxy wars compared to 5 or so 70 plus years ago?

4. Competition between bullies causes serious fighting. Lets work on that first. Problem solving from the top down.

Hey, feel free to dis-agree all ya like, its a discussion. Any step towards a unified world requires the primary powers to stop fucking with eachother.

1. They would have collapsed anyway because the economy was full blown shit. But I agree, America and NATO did have their part but I wouldn't say they defeated the USSR in any sense. I mentioned internal problems as the defining factor in their fall.

2. Religious Extremists that were funded by America. It's a double edged sword, that harms the target and the wielder.

3. Putin isn't the evil Hitler most paint him. I understand if you think that but as a Russian he's improved life vastly. While his goals are warlike, he was unlucky enough to sit on the wrong side of the Propaganda fence. Hence Russia is now depraved and evil. We're not, but saying Europeans are stupid war mongers is untrue concerning nowadays as America overall is far more violent then even Russia or North Korea in America and in other countries.

4. I know what you're getting at and overall I agree but the thing is... it's not solving ANYTHING. The threat of WW3 has stayed the same since the Cold War and Russia has the military power to stand up to America with nuclear weaponry. If it was solving anything I'd agree but as it's causing more problems..,
I agree with much of what you say Crni, too many murricans ape what the politicians say.

As dark and extreme my opinions are, how else are we going to bring about the Terran Empire to fruition :)

Putin isn't evil, never said he was. He is a competitor, a big one. Instead of just joining the club, he wants to make his own club, just to be president.

Europeans were stupid warmongers in the past. Me bringing them up is an allegory on too many power brokers in play, aka, CPC and Russia.

Much has been done. Again, I think you really do not appreciate how many lives we have saved from world war.

You would scream but the proxy people suffered. I say its unfortunate but any major achievement takes sacrifice. I wish were weren't assholes, I really do. But we ARE.
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I agree with much of what you say Crni, too many murricans ape what the politicians say As dark and extreme my opinions are, how else are we going to bring about the Terran Empire to fruition :) Putin isn't evil, never said he was. He is an obstacle, a big one. Instead of just joining the club, he wants to make his own club, just to be president. Europeans were stupid warmongers in the past. Me bringing them up is an allegory on too many power brokers in play, aka, CPC and Russia. Much

How can he join a club that would only accept Russia as a slave or a weak dip shit? Look at Boris Yeltsin. When he ruled there was NO Anti-Russian propaganda because Russia was weak. Nowadays it's different.