Roman Empire, HEGEMON
A hegemon isn't going to be ALTRUISTIC, atleast not in the sense you folks expect.
No one ever said it is. Please, don't get the idea that any criticism regarding the US is a criticism to you or any american as individual - not that you think it is, I am just saying!
As far as I see it, the american citizens are in many ways as much victims of their own policy like the nations that happend to fall one way or another under US influence. You have a very hard time to argue in favour for Vietnam when you consider the general situation of Vietnam-War veterans for example - on BOTH sides of the conflict to say that!
And it is interesting in that aspect to mention how the public opinion about the Iraq war changed drastically after the people realized that the information about WMDs in Iraq have been for the most part false informations. The US by far is not the only nation to blame here, if you look at Britain and Blair, it pretty much destroyed his career as politician.
Nowhere does it mean that EVERY SINGLE US politican and military person was a malevolent and psychotic bastard. I would even believe that the majority of leaders in recent US history have been actually for the most part believing to do the right ting and rationale individuals. Kenedy was a heartless bastard and he made a lot of errors with Asia, but he damn well knew what an invasion on Cuba meant.
However what bothers me is the double morale. This idea that american foreign policy would be vastily different from it's motivations and actions compared to other nations. Lik you said, Americans do the
job because Europe either can't or doesn't want to do it. The reality as I see it is simply more that we Europeans have a we bit more experience in that department compared to the Americans, considering the history of Europe and the many violent wars that happend directly in western Europe. Or colonialism and it's effect on the non European and European nations. The American idea in gernal is the phylosophy from Clausewitz, war is politics by other means. The European idea is more to see war as Ultima Ratio - last resort. And when you have neighbours like Russia, which was at least two times the enemy of one of the major western European nations in the last century with very bad outcomes for everyone, not a bad concept to follow.
American politicans are not worse compared to the rest of the world, but they are also not better. They always display this policy of either support the troops or shut up if you're a true patriot when ever a war is on the horizon - see 9/11 and the critical voices behind it. And critical opinions are often enough silenced by beeing un-american or lunatics painting them as someone who has a grudge against the american soldier dieing in the field or what ever. See the war for Teror, see the war in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Vietnam in the past. The US is today a notoriously overly patriotic nation that is borderline to nationalism.
As far as I see it, the US is simply aprox. 100 years behind Europe when it comes to foreign policy. Don't take this as an insult though! I have great confidence that you will catch up.