"Obamacare" has not solved the basic problems inherent in the private insurance model; if anything, it's entrenched them.
You got that one thing ass-backwards. Obamacare fixed nothing, and it wasn't addressing problems from PRIVATIZED healthcare, it was introducing problems to them. If you have a privatized system on a service where profit can't be a bad thing, and if it's a free market with open competition and enough competing companies vying for customers, the system works PERFECTLY. Lots of healthcare providers, excellent healthcare, extremely cheap. Better than any socialized healthcare system physically possible. The problems come from when you don't encourage the proper level of competition.
Take, for instance, internet providers. Back in "the day", when phone lines were being set up, just like railroads, government was running the show, so they were passing laws to set limits on how many companies could run these services. When phone lines became the method of carrying internet service, those very few companies which existed, empowered by government regulation to do as they pleased without any fear of competition, could set their own prices and had no cause to provide the best service possible. When internet services moved on from phone lines to cables and fiber networks, the ownership was STILL granted to these phone companies, again because of the government's role in the matter. They had nothing to do with it anymore, because the service moved away from phone lines, but they maintained their control of the service. To this day, this handful of companies retains ownership of internet service provision in the U.S. purely because the government actively prevents competition in the field. What do we have, then? We have more expensive internet than much of the civilized world, yet we're NOT on top in terms of transfer speeds. We lag behind third world countries and second world countries in terms of performance, yet it's more expensive than many of them. More companies competing with one another means better services at lower prices, but the government artificially establishes monopolies because of following outdated laws that (in theory) prevent monopolies.
That's what we have here with healthcare. We have the potential for the best possible services at the best possible prices (because it's NOT doctors who are trying to make a profit, it's the healthcare industry [keyword: industry] so there is no conflict of interest here, before anyone starts to argue that) but the system is moved away from being privatized and socialized, where government oversight says what you can and cannot buy. It should be the customer's privilege as to what they buy, not the government's. If you want to pay a lower premium for a different service from a different company, but forsake certain provisions as a result, that's your right. And, if customers do this, companies have less overhead to worry about, so their services improve while their prices drop. The "problems" in the privatized system weren't there because it was privatized. They were their because so many non-Americans who grew up in inferior socialized systems and were used to nothing else EXPECTED this, and the system was always moving towards full socialization for a long time.
It's really tiring hearing about people complaining about privatized industry when they don't even realize that it never was (for at least a very long time), and they're just not aware that what they're complaining about it the opposite of what they think they're complaining about. Very irritating.