Is the US a shitty place to live?

Don't forget the most important of all jobs Obama has.

Pushing the red button when the shit hits the fan. Seriously. That's the sole reason to become President of the United States of America!
The honest truth, from an American:

Your mileage will vary considerably based on what state you live in, and which part of that state (the regional differences in the US can be considerable), how much money/material assets you have, whether or not you have a community or are on your own, and how used to American culture you are prior to arrival.

Overall I would say life in America is considerably better than news stories make it out to be, and considerably worse than the standard American Dream mythology makes it out to be - the latter is still surprisingly pervasive, even though it hasn't resembled reality (if ever it did) for forty years at least. Among industrialized countries, I would venture to say it's a fairly mediocre place to live, which still makes it better than the vast majority of places on earth but noticeably worse than many others. If you are used to some level of decent, basic health care provided by the government, for instance, you are really in for a nasty shock. "Obamacare" has not solved the basic problems inherent in the private insurance model; if anything, it's entrenched them.

Most of the European expats I've known have enjoyed themselves for a while, but ultimately found the US to be an incredibly lonely place, if not a place which is also shallow, crass, and somewhat cruel. Often they are not able to get over many of the ugly features of our society. I'm not necessarily talking about things like racism, which exists in some form everywhere, but things like our complete lack of urban design and the fact that most places one needs to own a car just to survive. Many US cities are not walkable in any meaningful sense of the word and are just one mega mall strip after another. Nothing is really ever built to a human scale in the US, and that's quite jarring if you're used to a place where at least a modicum of thought has been put into making it livable at some point.

Then there's the American people themselves. Inevitably, you will either embrace everything about us and enthusiastically become one of us, or you will run screaming back to your own land and your own people. There doesn't seem to be much of a middle ground, here, even among Americans. We're a polarizing people. You will have to spend some time around us to form your own opinion about that.
Among industrialized countries, I would venture to say it's a fairly mediocre place to live, which still makes it better than the vast majority of places on earth but noticeably worse than many others.

I could count those "many" others on my fingers.
"Obamacare" has not solved the basic problems inherent in the private insurance model; if anything, it's entrenched them.
You got that one thing ass-backwards. Obamacare fixed nothing, and it wasn't addressing problems from PRIVATIZED healthcare, it was introducing problems to them. If you have a privatized system on a service where profit can't be a bad thing, and if it's a free market with open competition and enough competing companies vying for customers, the system works PERFECTLY. Lots of healthcare providers, excellent healthcare, extremely cheap. Better than any socialized healthcare system physically possible. The problems come from when you don't encourage the proper level of competition.

Take, for instance, internet providers. Back in "the day", when phone lines were being set up, just like railroads, government was running the show, so they were passing laws to set limits on how many companies could run these services. When phone lines became the method of carrying internet service, those very few companies which existed, empowered by government regulation to do as they pleased without any fear of competition, could set their own prices and had no cause to provide the best service possible. When internet services moved on from phone lines to cables and fiber networks, the ownership was STILL granted to these phone companies, again because of the government's role in the matter. They had nothing to do with it anymore, because the service moved away from phone lines, but they maintained their control of the service. To this day, this handful of companies retains ownership of internet service provision in the U.S. purely because the government actively prevents competition in the field. What do we have, then? We have more expensive internet than much of the civilized world, yet we're NOT on top in terms of transfer speeds. We lag behind third world countries and second world countries in terms of performance, yet it's more expensive than many of them. More companies competing with one another means better services at lower prices, but the government artificially establishes monopolies because of following outdated laws that (in theory) prevent monopolies.

That's what we have here with healthcare. We have the potential for the best possible services at the best possible prices (because it's NOT doctors who are trying to make a profit, it's the healthcare industry [keyword: industry] so there is no conflict of interest here, before anyone starts to argue that) but the system is moved away from being privatized and socialized, where government oversight says what you can and cannot buy. It should be the customer's privilege as to what they buy, not the government's. If you want to pay a lower premium for a different service from a different company, but forsake certain provisions as a result, that's your right. And, if customers do this, companies have less overhead to worry about, so their services improve while their prices drop. The "problems" in the privatized system weren't there because it was privatized. They were their because so many non-Americans who grew up in inferior socialized systems and were used to nothing else EXPECTED this, and the system was always moving towards full socialization for a long time.

It's really tiring hearing about people complaining about privatized industry when they don't even realize that it never was (for at least a very long time), and they're just not aware that what they're complaining about it the opposite of what they think they're complaining about. Very irritating.
I thinks its great here. Most folks do alright even though the libs would have you thinking we got folks starving by the ten thousands. As for a racial melting pot, we do incredibly well. I mean, you do not hear about asian, jewish (well occasionally in the media), Indian, Pakistani, Arab racism. The media made a big stink about it but I personally haven' seen outward racism towards muslims. Thing is, a lot of folks who are racist are passive since our nation has been mostly liberalized to the extreme. I don't even feel comfortable saying black anymore since everyone is essentially ready to pounce on any percieved racism, gotta say african american even though thats actually worse I think.

You hear a lot about income in-equality but that can be fixed most of the time if people would stop being so arrogant and foolish. Most older folks can move back in with their parents, and pool their resources. If mom and dads house is underwater and grown up Billy isn't doing so well, he can move back and assist with the mortgage. The thing is, folks are so fiercely independent and the need to be 'free', is crazy. I would say don't get your information from the media as its mostly about sensationalism.

Healthcare could be better but its so screwed you might as well take what we have instead of obamnuts care. The issues that need to be fixed range from hospitals charging outrageous prices to those who have insurance because they can. They also need to make up for costs from treating people who cannot pay. The insurance companies see this and point the finger at the hospitals saying rates would be cheaper if the hospitals would be more responsible. Then we have to balance between doctor responsibility and the patients who sue over everything. We haven't even delved into doctors over prescribing to patients and diagnosing all sorts of new disorders to get people on more medication. Without adressing those concerns, 9which won't be because of partisan politics', and 'universal healthcare system is doomed to failure. Obama is glad to gloss over these things in his personal bid to cement his presidential legacy.
The healtcare system in the US is the worst one in America, like even Colombia has better healthcare... And that's saying something....
Healthcare could be better but its so screwed you might as well take what we have instead of obamnuts care. The issues that need to be fixed range from hospitals charging outrageous prices to those who have insurance because they can. They also need to make up for costs from treating people who cannot pay. The insurance companies see this and point the finger at the hospitals saying rates would be cheaper if the hospitals would be more responsible. Then we have to balance between doctor responsibility and the patients who sue over everything. We haven't even delved into doctors over prescribing to patients and diagnosing all sorts of new disorders to get people on more medication. Without [addressing] those concerns, 9which won't be because of partisan politics', and 'universal healthcare system is doomed to failure. Obama is glad to gloss over these things in his personal bid to cement his presidential legacy.
It certainly is a clusterfuck, that's for sure. It's hard to try and offer a solution where pulling one link of the knotted mess gets another unwanted part involved. Like the frivolous lawsuits you mentioned. That's something that needs resolving, but it needs resolving on its own. Yet so long as people wanna sue for every little thing, costs will continue to go up, and rights will continue to go down.

I was at a dinner gathering a couple months ago when someone brought up how laws currently favor the law breakers because you cannot impede them without danger of being sued. I had a lengthy "debate" with someone as a consequence of them being incapable of understanding what this means. They kept saying things like "Well what if they attack you?" or trying to come up with scenarios where everything would be okay, and I kept having to remind them that THIS WILL NOT HAPPEN. If you're robbed and you show up in the middle of the burglary, you won't be able to convince the thief to attack you with just enough force so that the laws will accept the measure you use to "defend yourself". They'll just run away with whatever they've looted, and you cannot legally stop them. These guys somehow couldn't grasp that. But then, it wasn't entirely their fault. They were trying to make sense of something that doesn't make any sense at all...

It's what I keep telling family when they announce their confusion about a new law, "That's what a law is. They aren't morality, they aren't sensibility, they're laws." Also, one of my favorite quotes is, "Anytime someone says 'there ought to be a law for that', there probably oughtn't."
The healtcare system in the US is the worst one in America, like even Colombia has better healthcare... And that's saying something....

It's among the worst in the industrialized nations by just about every metric, but try telling Americans that! SnapSlav's comment is a perfect example of what you get when you try. It's also a perfect example of what drives many Europeans nuts about Americans, and why many ultimately decide to leave.
The issue most europeans do not understand is that the U.S. is clusterfuck of ideas and freedoms. Americans have a history of arguing/debating EVERYTHING. I personally belive this brings a lot more good than bad. However, we cannot ignore that this big focus on individuality slows down a lot of processes as well. Most european nations are much more homogenous in regards to social issues ang they fare better in this regard.
If it ain't universally accessible at an equal, good level of service available to everybody regardless of their financial status or any pre-existing illnesses, it's a terrible system.

Considering, you know, poverty, even under cheap privatised healthcare (which is also a terrible idea - someone deserves a relatively inferior medical service for potentially life-threatening illness due to their resources?), would keep many, many people out of even the lowest rung of available healthcare services. Without regulation or benefits/grants, it amounts to 'if you're ill, and poor, you deserve to die from it'. We should take a page from Sweden and co. really.

The issue most europeans do not understand is that the U.S. is clusterfuck of ideas and freedoms. Americans have a history of arguing/debating EVERYTHING. I personally belive this brings a lot more good than bad. However, we cannot ignore that this big focus on individuality slows down a lot of processes as well. Most european nations are much more homogenous in regards to social issues ang they fare better in this regard.
Tbh America isn't really a country of strong negative (defo not positive) liberty unless you have a considerable amount of money. It's a strong example of what happens when corporatism/neoliberalism takes effect, though a free market wouldn't be any better.

Also the political system is massively closed off to leftist and libertarian policy. The red scare still has people convinced that Stalin and Mao were communists. Bernie Sanders is leftist but he sure ain't a socialist, but he can get away with the label. People call Obama leftist but he's centrist at best, and people only call him leftist because he's /socially/ liberal. the whole political system is insanely right wing/authoritarian. Not the the UK is much better.
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IMO, there will ALWAYS be in-equality, its the human condition. Ingenuity (for good or ill), is what drives excellence. How do you convince the majority of the best and brightest to work for you? Incentives of course. A lawyer who is badass is going to be in high demand. He has a finite amount of time for cases so he will work for the most money.

I have always thought it is better to have excellence yet in-equality than equality through mediocrity. Face it, I would love to have the very best specialist at Cedars Sanai on call but that takes money. We simply cannot provide that to EVERYONE, its impossible.
Countries with national healthcare manage to provide for considerably more, chiefly for those who cannot afford otherwise. And like I said, I don't think someone deserves poorer quality care because they're poor. That's messed up on so many levels. There will always be a small degree of inequality due to prejudices around intelligence, but it can really get pulled back. Destroying the class system is vital for that.

and tbh I reject the idea that humans are inherently selfish. We are raised in an economy built upon exploitation, where we must be selfish to survive. We are products of the system that necessitates that behaviour.
Sorry but thats more of a vague blurb than an actual answer.

France, UK, Sweden, jsut some examples. Both France and UK have a population of around 68 million give or take. Sweden, 9 million. To compare, the U.S. population is around 320 million.

It is about numbers.

Better doctors, office locations, quality of treatment, wait times, variety of treatments, etc. More more more. Yes, people want moar.

And people naturally want more if exposed to more.

How did we go to the moon and cure diseases? We wanted to explore more. We wanted to more than die from disease.

In other words, progress is moar.

The idea of a noble savage society is romantic but un-realistic.

You can have an isolated village living on plentiful but basic goods. But what happens when the option of more prsents itself?

You know our brain releases dopamine when we encounter new things.
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Look mate, you keep throwing around that word 'naturally' but I ain't buying there's any basis for use of that word. You also seem to imply that we wouldn't encounter new things, explore, research, discover, etc under national healthcare or a socialist system in general, which is ridiculous. And, you treat curing diseases, space travel as something innately linked to exploitation-based economic systems, which is more than a little odd. Progress in a socialist country is perfectly possible and kind of vital to its continued success (as is the case with most). To imply otherwise is to have no comprehension of the differences in forms of liberty, economy, freedom of will, ownership, public sectors, state-funded research, privately-explored research, the medical profession and their test programs, their combating of constantly newly presenting and evolving diseases, and the presence of the international science community relative to a socialist society and economy. Not trying to be a dick, but your arguments don't seem well informed. Capitalism (or, rather, corporatism in our case) may push progress slightly faster, but largely due to war, greed, etc at the immense expense of the proletariat, and I consider that a filmsy justification for the economic violence big corporations feed into in the name of not progress, but profit. Medical corporations, the private health sector - they don't care about progress; their interest as businesses, the shareholders and heads of the businesses, they're interested in turning a buck.

Also, the US is one of the economic powerhouses of the world. It's about numbers. The scaling up is, though difficult, not impossible, and as before, privatised healthcare is a terrible idea that kills the poorest at worst and provides them with an inferior service as a punishment for being poor at best.

(sorry about the edits, I'm not always great with wording)
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So pretty much your answer in wanting more is exploitation?

What the hell, how did exploitation solely define equality, unless anyone who doesn't get exactly what they want is being exploited.

As you yourself pointed out, we can achieve and HAVE achieved much through cooperation. I have said nothing to the contrary.

However there are clear differences between what is guaranteed and what is not. My and others tax dollars all go to a universally guaranteed thing/things.

Getting access to the best option in a sea of varying options is absolutely NOT.

Getting access to roads, military,
firefighting, police, etc is the norm. AKA, truly social things that are of a set quality mandated by federal standards.

There cannot be a government mandate that EVERYONE, sees only the best doctors and at the closest location of their choice.

Look is there problems, YES.

However, automatically latching on to the idea the government can solve something as complex as healthcare is foolish to me.

By the way, what is your definition that the universal healthcare provided by these nations of yours is superior?
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I said that because you seemed to be saying that capitalism is progressive and socialism is not/is dangerously less so. You also seemed to allude to a noble savage society? IDK if you have me confused with an anarcho-primivitist or something but a democratic socialist defo isn't that. Posts #91 and #93 imply this heavily, suggesting some sort of homogenization and stalling of progress under socialism, which as I discussed, is lazy thinking. I did not say that wanting more is wanting exploitation (I have no idea where you got that), but that the economic system is based upon exploitation in the name of profit, and progress is driven by things extraneous to desire for progress, almost always contributing to economic oppression and at the expense of the proletariat. I do not consider this slightly faster progress to be a good trade-off for the suffering and oppression that it relies on to get going, especially not in the case of America's warmongering, or indeed their institutional class war that manifests in forms such as private health care, where the poorest are forced to choose between food, medication, or their family, if they can afford that.

You still fail to address the class element, the lack of accessibility to private healthcare for those who financially struggle (a large amount of people). If you want to see why it's a terrible system for those low on pocket, read my above posts. And yes, under national healthcare the tip-top of doctors may not be a private service, but that doesn't mean the other doctors are generally speaking broken Auto Docs. And even in heavily socialist countries, you do get private doctors available for hire.

Also you mention national services as the norm (which I agree with as being good things - london has a privatised fire service in the olden days and it was a shitfest), and that's the argument I'm making for healthcare. Your arguments against healthcare seem to be about choice for the best, while ignoring the price:quality ratio and, indeed, the finance problems therein, which, as I've mentioned, almost manifests as a sort of blaming the poor for being poor.
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I am saying that whats good for one is not for another. ROFL points for how often folks say the U.S. should just mind their own fucking business in the world.

I brought up the noble savage comment because your automatic assumption that socialised medicine is the best for everyone argument sounds hippy ish. Also your blanket support for socialised medicine without taking into account the varying amount of racial, dietary, social, etc habits of varying americans also adds to this. Also dramatic use of buzz words like class warfare. Also, the war mongering scenario is a blanket scenario without giving credit that a lot of U.S. intervention is for our allies sake as much as ours. The situation and causes, and also the very definition of poverty is quite complex and your blanket statements do not serve your cause. Sorry for the lack of clarification.

Profit has often been the motivator for progress. Just compare the industrialised nations of the early 20th century and their ridiculous competitive edge versus non-industrialised nations. One could certainly argue that being the most innovative in the quickest time possible is usually the best outcome. Someday science and tech will reach a singularity where utopian ideals reign but in the mean time railing against profit as verbotten sounds hippy ish, sorry wrong section.

You seem to insinuate that progress can be created and achived soley without profit as a motivator but provide no examples of.

A large amount of americans (like me) forgo coverage because the system itself sucks, not just price. As you pointed out, sub-par service sucks whether private or socialised. Whats worse is Obamnuts actually punishes americans for not signing on to shitty socialised healthcare, granting private is better for those who can pay.

Lastly, our government is good at somethings and absolutely terrible at others, most of which seem social in nature.
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Well, since christian values play such a big role for many americans some of us assume that the idea of benelovence should come as natural idea for US citizens. Like health care for those that can't afford it. Unconditional health care of course. But I guess it is one of those things that everyone loves to talk about, it's of course nice to give treatment to the sick and water to the thirsty. That's human. But the reality is that water gets privatized and free health care is pure communism ...
Crni you are correct. I have NEVER said the U.S. have NOT been hypocrits. The amount of nations that are not guilty are small by comparison. If not a major war then definite regional conflicts over border issues.

Indeed socialised medicine is divisive in the U.S. and thats why, among other reasons, its not very sucessful. It's not solely an evil Mr. Burns scenario, as I have stated in previous posts.

Also, plenty of liberals claim the we are richest scenario so we should have a socialest medical paradise without offering a single explanation how to fix this system. Look, medical paradise is good but if it means a revolution and fucking up the established medical system for many, for an unknown length of time and shittiyness, than of course folks arn't happy. I think in this regard, its hardly a U.S. issue.

I have also stated, and so far for the U.S., americans cannot solve the dilemma of providing 320 million people insurance and making sure everyone is satisfied. Other nations that do not have the burden of maintaining an insanely expensive military thats relied on by many allies to maintain the peace have the option of diverting a huge chunk of that money to social programs.
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