Is the US a shitty place to live?

That's not a Christian thing anyway. Celtic people in Britannia have provided free medical care and food in their hospitals to their men, 400 years before Christ. When those fucking ignorant Romans arrived later they ruined it all.
Crni you are correct. I have NEVER said the U.S. have NOT been hypocrits. The amount of nations that are not guilty are small by comparison. If not a major war then definite regional conflicts over border issues.

Indeed socialised medicine is divisive in the U.S. and thats why, among other reasons, its not very sucessful. It's not solely an evil Mr. Burns scenario, as I have stated in previous posts.

Because it has never been done right. Of course if not done right it's bound to fail.

I have also stated, and so far for the U.S., americans cannot solve the dilemma of providing 320 million people insurance and making sure everyone is satisfied.

Isnt it one of the richest nations in the world? I don't see why that is in any way a solid argument. What a dilema! It takes effort to provide people with a working insurance and providing health care to those that need it. So money is a problem? Well. There is obviously enough to spend it rather on Stadiums, like 12 billion dollars between 2000 and 2011 on building new fascilities. Like Detroid spending 283 million dollar from taxpayers to build a new arena. And aparantly there have been comunities cuting down on schools and hospitals just to finance a stadium, even though the owner of the sports team is a billionair (...). I feel it is rather clear where the true interests lie here.

I am also not saying that you have to really try to satisfy everyone, that's stupid. But at least the basic human needs. That's not impossible. And not to much to ask for. There is enough. Definitely. More than enough even when you consider how much money is spend on totally ridiculous fluff. I am talking about helping those that really need help.

Other nations that do not have the burden of maintaining an insanely expensive military thats relied on by many allies to maintain the peace have the option of diverting a huge chunk of that money to social programs.

I have a solution. Spend less on the military. The US is spending a large amount of its resources on the military, more than most of the other western nations combined - per capita. And this kind of critizm is actually not a new one.

This is not a conspiracy or some crazy lunatic idea. It simply is the reality that the military and the supporting industries are a multi billion dollar business, and they will do everything to keep it. The US and many nations in Europe have seen a large privatization going on in the last 40-50 years. And I find that worrysome because in most cases it means that the population on large is the looser, except for those that have the luxury to chose the better quality, for the higher prize. As how it happend with water in France. And how it happens now with retirement security in Germany.

There are billion dollar industries with share holders and they spend a lot of money on lobbying. There is no trouble on spending billions of dollars (and euros ... ) to save corrupt banks and gamblers and military projects of which half of them don't even ever see the light. But ask for a few more bucks to schools, social security, hospitals, infrastructure ... and it's always the same, there is not enough. You can't help everyone and so on.

Well, since christian values play such a big role for many americans

No they don't, your are talking out of your ass again.

You're Right. I am really sorry, you got me :/ I do.

No wait. I dont.




Of course I am talking about this here in a very very broad sense here. But it is all over the US government. Yes it is more about symbolic nature than a direct literal meaning, the US is not a theocracy and lead by religous figures, but it still has some relevance when the US president says In god we trust or when it is written all over US courtrooms. Next time you see one go and ask the judge if it would be alright for the next President of the US to swear on the hustler. Now that would be a sight.

I am not saying that every US american is religious. Nor do I say that every US american is a christian. Nor do I say that evey US american is a fanatic. But different societies have different values. And there is no doubt that traditional christian values play a large role in western societies. The values with the highest impact on the US society are CHRISTIAN values. Which makes sense, considering the roots of the US American Government and todays western society.
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^tbh there's not even a shortage of money on that scale (debt-wise is a very different case, but). If we were to strip the assets of the top 5% of society that basically own everything, maybe put their heads on stakes or feed their corpses to rats, and distribute their hoarded, stolen wealth, a huge amount of problems could be cleared up for a decent period of time. But apparently that's unreasonable.

Anyway, please mate (darkcorp), come back when you can eloquently justify the class gap in healthcare (you can't without being a heartless bastard, really), and argue a consistent case where you address the points I've made. It's also strange to call economic violence a buzzword (dismissing a very clear and established term and practice) and then write off socialist policy as hippy? C'mon m8 u being weak. There are some serious gaps in your arguments and you aren't really answering the problems I supposed to you.
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Crni Vuk said:
Because it has never been done right. Of course if not done right it's bound to fail.

Ugh, it's never been done right in the U.S. FOR A REASON.

Crni Vuk said:
The US and many nations in Europe have seen a large privatization going on in the last 40-50 years.

Could there be the slightest chance that this trend is happening because certain programs may sound wonderful but hard to put into practice. Maybe euro leaders are waking up and smelling the coffee?

Crni Vuk said:
there have been comunities cuting down on schools and hospitals just to finance a stadium

The federal government says the federally mandated guidelines are perfect for educating our children. As long as the teachers produce high results on test scores, they do well and are rewarded while punishing those teachers who teach outside of the box. The teachers on the other hand blame the government for mindless rinse and repeat tests. Kids cram for them the night before, get an A, then forget everything. Then we have parents who disagree with what schools should or should not teach. You see, the U.S. is a lot more complex than foreigners really think so they simply do not understand as it is a cultural issue. So simply put there is no one solution fixes all and the socialists who would have you believe otherwise are not fully appreciating the picture.

Great hospitals, but again, I have pointed out a multitude of fuckups in the private insurance industry, something Obamnuts has YET to fix. He won't though because Obamnuts KNOWS that anything resembling the NHS is not going to get off the ground.

Crni Vuk said:
Spend less on the military. The US is spending a large amount of its resources on the military, more than most of the other western nations combined - per capita.

Well me might as well tell our allies fuck you, were not going to defend/assist you anymore, we going to downsize and become a pacifist social utopia. In order to stay on top of the military game, ones gotta spend the money so to speak. There is a reason we have 10 carrier battlegroups to support our allies and our interests. There is a reason why we have a full decade plus head start on stealth programs on the chinese and the russians.

Crni Vuk said:
But at least the basic human needs.

I agree we need to do more for the most unfortunate but that doesn't necessarily mean we need to adopt socialism to do so.
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Moosick said:
If we were to strip the assets of the top 5% of society that basically own everything, maybe put their heads on stakes or feed their corpses to rats, and distribute their hoarded, stolen wealth, a huge amount of problems could be cleared up for a decent period of time. But apparently that's unreasonable.

Yeah because folks like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao did absolutely so fucking well implementing exactly what you are proposing.

Moosick said:
you can't without being a heartless bastard, really

Moosick said:

Moosick said:
economic violence

It IS incredibly overly dramatic and for a reason.

I have really but you can feel free to disagree with my arguments as I do yours.

I do not feel heartless for not supporting idiots who continue to smoke even though there are CLEAR AS DAY warnings about the serious health risks. I am not going to support those who abuse substances consistently while me and my family make the CORRECT fucking decisions and stay the fuck away. Great attempt at a guilt trip though.
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Crni Vuk said:
Because it has never been done right. Of course if not done right it's bound to fail.

Ugh, it's never been done right in the U.S. FOR A REASON.

I never disputed that, so we both agree here.

The reason however ...

I agree we need to do more for the most unfortunate but that doesn't necessarily mean we need to adopt socialism to do so.

Is that the only problem? Than we can give it simply a different name. Like care-for-your-citizenism and instead of public health care we will call it public-make-sure-people-have-a-human-treatmentism.

I mean maybe I am bit to hard, for that I am sorry, because you say it by your self, you agree that we have to do more. But what kind of alternative is there to socialism? When I say socialism, I do NOT say communism, mind you. Or even strictly about the political parties. As far as I know simply beeing social is not tied to one strict political idea. You can be coservative. And still believe in beeing social. You can be a republican. And still believe in health care for everyone. Hell even a bloody fascist might believe in some forms of it.


I think it is interesting that even in Britain some die-hard conservatives from the old guard which have resigned from politics decades ago argue for more fair wealth distribution. So even THEY notice that we have a serious issue here. Most of the resources, wealth and power is in a few hands today.

I am not saying it is a way of thinking that can fix every problem. But I feel that isn't even the point because we should not fall back to the perfect-solution-fallacy, also known as the nirvana fallacy.

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing
because he could do only a little.”
– Edmund Burke

I mean when I think about it our governements have no issue to send troops across the globe for what I see as a rather shody try to defend our safety - no perfect solution! But when it comes to serious plans with socialism, or what Europeans see as socialism you are very often greet with violence and ignorance. And I personaly believe one of the reasons for it is because the upper class spends a lot of time to divide the lower class. Particularly those that are really low. There you have many different groups blaming and fight each other. Like people in low paid jobs blaming immigrants. I mean if even some billionairs start to call it a conflict between the rich and poor - where the rich are winning. There is a serious gab here, and I fear it might lead to very serious issues in the long future.
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Moosick said:
If we were to strip the assets of the top 5% of society that basically own everything, maybe put their heads on stakes or feed their corpses to rats, and distribute their hoarded, stolen wealth, a huge amount of problems could be cleared up for a decent period of time. But apparently that's unreasonable.
Yeah because folks like Lenin, Stalin, and Mao did absolutely so fucking well implementing exactly what you are proposing.
Moosick said:
you can't without being a heartless bastard, really
Moosick said:
I have really but you can feel free to disagree with my arguments as I do yours.
I do not feel heartless for not supporting idiots who continue to smoke even though there are CLEAR AS DAY warnings about the serious health risks. I am not going to support those who abuse substances consistently while me and my family make the CORRECT fucking decisions and stay the fuck away. Great attempt at a guilt trip though.
And the countless poor who have to choose between food and medicine? Throw the baby out with the bathwater? Again, you fail to address the way the poor are often unable to access medical help, and instead use a caricature in an attempt to justify a system that denies people life-saving treatments if they don't have money *shrug*

Mao and Stalin weren't communists, really. You can't have a communist country with a dictator who has an elite circle and has control over the means of production, and indeed with a class system, or a military police who have secondary control over the workers. There's also the heavy presence of the state which Marx wasn't at all big on. Additionally, Lenin+Stalin actually brought in overseas managers to rule the workforce essentially re-creating that class system as a privileged hierarchy, thus negating it being communism in any way whatsoever. Orwell talked about this in Animal Farm, in his own adorable little allegorical way. Both Mao and Stalin were monstrous hypocrites who used communism as a means to get wealthy and powerful in a propaganda/personality game. Their tyrannical rules bear about as much resemblance to the core principles of communism as a butthole full of cum resembles a chocolate eclair. Not that I'm surprised - they used the moniker for their own ends so it's not surprising that the opposing side would start a red scare till long after the cold war was over with, and as propaganda it worked excellently.

democratic and anarchic communists/socialists (not the same thing but there is some overlap) often refer to authoritarian "communists" (they were really a sort of bourgeoisie socialism, where undesirables were given nothing close to socialist treatment) as 'tankies', and those shitheads are rightly vilified. Marx, Chomsky, Engels etc would sooner die than live under the likes of Stalin.
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The healtcare system in the US is the worst one in America, like even Colombia has better healthcare... And that's saying something....

It's among the worst in the industrialized nations by just about every metric, but try telling Americans that! SnapSlav's comment is a perfect example of what you get when you try. It's also a perfect example of what drives many Europeans nuts about Americans, and why many ultimately decide to leave.
You're spouting nothing but ignorance when you say that. I am an EXCEPTION when it comes to Americans. Americans are falling into line about nationalized and socialized healthcare like you wouldn't believe. I am in a tiny, tiny, indistinguishable minority. And you think I typify what most Americans think when you bring up socialized healthcare? I actually put a lot of thought into what I want, I don't just toe the line. I consider, I don't just go with the flow. I will never be typical of most Americans, ever...

Take for example the above (thoughtless) uses of images with words to sell ones point, RATHER than stating ones point and cause and reasons for the statement. That "The radical idea of sharing" is a fine example of blatant ignorance. Right, "sharing". How about "trading"? Is there something inherently evil with the latter? Why do I need to give you something without getting something in return? What's so honorable about that? That picture is exactly the same as one of the pro-Wii (and we all know where that previous console war ended, don't we?) image that showed the PSX controller, the Dualshock controller, and the SIXAXIS controller, with the words "Sony: because change is scary". That's nothing but ignorance and spin. You could take the SAME image at write "Sony: because why fix what isn't broken?" and it would be exactly the same. Just some spin.

Using cute pictures means the poster doesn't have a good handle of the topic they're talking about. Even if you have an issue with people who write so-called "walls of text" and you want your information fed to you in bite-sized bits, you can probably figure that someone such as myself who puts the effort into explaining themselves at every opportunity THINKS considerably about what they're saying. The same just cannot be said of memers. So it is also the case with people who just repeat the popular rhetoric: They're not saying anything fresh, they're just channeling a zeitgeist. They're puppets, not progressives.

People here go into a tizzy when yet another fanboy thinks he's the first person to say that FO3 wasn't as bad as people here say that it is. Do you think it's an exception that people groan with justified indignation when their carefully considered philosophies are simply waved off as "typical of [insert group being belittled]" because all they're doing is falling in line with popular thought? It's the same damn thing. Everyone's so up-in-arms against individualism and capitalism and so in-bed with moralism and socialism and altruism that they never bother to actually THINK about what those philosophies mean, or their serious drawbacks, or how they measure up to a clashing ideology. They don't wanna bother with discussing it. Just fall into line like they always do.

If America HAD purely privatized healthcare, and we had a terrible situation going on, AND I was espousing the virtues of a privatized system, then you'd have a solid case for likening me to someone who just thinks like the hivemind and doesn't really consider his options. But guess what? That's NOT what's happening here. Systems have been moving more and more towards a socialized system for DECADES, not just since Obamacare was written into law. I'm a person HEAVILY considering what works better, who's living in a situation that ISN'T what he wants, because I recognize I'm living in a situation that isn't ideal but I would like to achieve a better (if not ideal) situation. And what's better for me has the inherent quality of being better for others, as well. Except I achieved it though individualism, not socialism.

To sum up ideas that people have a real hard time grasping: individualism is a concept where what's good for me HAPPENS to be good for everyone, because someone other that me is "me" by their own perspective, so what's good for me MUST be good for them, too. The difference between individualism and socialism, in this sense, is that individuals aren't FORCED to pursue their own best interests. They do so of their own accord.
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I am an EXCEPTION when it comes to Americans. Americans are falling into line about nationalized and socialized healthcare like you wouldn't believe.You're spouting nothing but ignorance when you say that. I am an EXCEPTION when it comes to Americans. Americans are falling into line about nationalized and socialized healthcare like you wouldn't believe. I am in a tiny, tiny, indistinguishable minority. And you think I typify what most Americans think when you bring up socialized healthcare? I actually put a lot of thought into what I want, I don't just toe the line. I consider, I don't just go with the flow. I will never be typical of most Americans, ever...

You sound EXACTLY like every other Tea Partier/Republican/Randroid/Lolbertarian/disgruntled Ron Paul voter I've ever encountered, right down to the utterly imagined sense of persecution. Whether you realize it or not - you're toeing their line. And it's a line that is so common you can hardly turn on a television or radio in the US without being bombarded with it. American culture is literally saturated with these ideas, and has been since the Reagan administration. The fact that you think you are somehow an original, independent thinker for rejecting "socialism" and embracing "individuality", makes this even more hilarious, but sadly typical for many Americans.

Everyone's so up-in-arms against individualism and capitalism and so in-bed with moralism and socialism and altruism that they never bother to actually THINK about what those philosophies mean, or their serious drawbacks, or how they measure up to a clashing ideology. They don't wanna bother with discussing it. Just fall into line like they always do.

More regurgitated right-wing talking points. This isn't about ideology. Nationalized healthcare doesn't conflict with capitalism. There are literally dozens of capitalist countries with a universal healthcare service that pay less then we do and have better health outcomes. It's a simple fact that among industrialized nations, the US pays the most for the worst healthcare.We have abysmal statistics on life expectancy, infant mortality, basic medical safety, and a whole host of other metrics. Every country that does better than us has a comprehensive national system that provides care to all its citizens, or is a lot closer to a nationalized universal system than we are.

Obamacare is not a socialist plot. On the contrary, it represents a huge windfall for private health insurance providers, since people are now mandated to become their customers! The central feature of Obamacare is that people are required to purchase health insurance from PRIVATE providers. In some states, some people within a certain income bracket MAY qualify for public programs, which are generally pretty limited in terms of procedures that they will cover. For everything else, they will pay out of pocket. If that's your idea of "socialism", then you have a pretty warped idea of what that word means, but given that you're using the randroid/libertarian/Fox News definition, that's not surprising.

I think it is interesting that even in Britain some die-hard conservatives from the old guard which have resigned from politics decades ago argue for more fair wealth distribution. So even THEY notice that we have a serious issue here. Most of the resources, wealth and power is in a few hands today.

Part of the issue is that in the US today there are no real conservatives, just various species of reactionary radicals who parade around under that name.

The US political spectrum doesn't really even have a right and left wing anymore; it's basically a spectrum of kooks and opportunists. Anyone who appears to be on the right is a kook, anyone who appears to be on the left is an opportunist. And centrists are just kooky opportunists, or possibly opportunistic kooks.
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Please, tell me more about what I think and what goes through my mind, because you clearly know better than I do, don't you?

What sense of persecution? Did I say I'm being unfairly targeted or something? No? That's right, I pointed out that your accusation of comparing me to a majority was unfounded and generalizing. That has nothing to do with a misplaced sense of persecution. The fact that I pointed out your comments were "typifying" me and the fact that you said IMMEDIATELY afterward that my comments were "typical of most Americans" just proves my point. You're placing labels because it's easy street for you.

Kilgore Trout said:
This isn't about ideology. Nationalized healthcare doesn't conflict with capitalism.
There is NO helping your ignorance if you can say that with full sincerity. You are a hopeless fool if you can't see how two opposites conflict with one another. Capitalism is all about industry and personal ownership. The rights of the individual. Free market trade. How can taking away personal ownership and transfer it all to the state NOT conflict with that? Good lord.....

At no points did I make ANY mention of any "socialist plots", so once again you're trying to put words in my mouth, you myopic regressive. I mentioned trends, and trends are not plots anymore than systemic conflicts of interests are not conspiracies. Mandatory healthcare by government legislation IS socialization of the healthcare system. You don't have the choice to pick and choose whatever you want, and the policies both directly and indirectly limit the policies available for anyone to select from, so this is CONSIDERABLY greater control over the system in the hands of the state compared to leaving it all in the hands of the buyers. Pointing out a trend towards socialization has nothing (read: ZERO) to do with flighty accusations of socialist plots.

Just because SOME words I'm using HAPPEN to be the same as certain hot-button conservatives does NOT mean I am "regurgitating" anything spoken. Unlike folks during the Red Scare who espoused the virtues of Capitalism whilst demonizing Communism, I don't have a preference for one over the other because I was taught to. I arrived at my personal conclusions after YEARS of consideration and investigation of different social and economic and ideological precepts and notions. I studied my choices and the lessons of the past. I learned. I made choices. I didn't get raised on "Yay Capitalism! Boo Socialism!" and just come out swinging without a thought in my head. In that respect, I AM original, contrary to your insinuations. Just because you want to see a boogeyman in your average conservative doesn't mean I have even the remotest in common with them.

Now, maybe you'd like to depart from your circle jerk and consider opposing ideas instead of continuing your auto-fellatiation ?
What people in the US often see in the public as socialism doesn't even fall much under socialism here. We no clue ... see it as ... normal :look:. Helping those which are in need of help? The radical idea of sharing!
Ok, I'm not sure if I got you correctly there, SnapSlav. It is exceptional to not be in favour of nationalised and socialised health care in the US? It always looked to me that half or maybe even more than half of the US population is very much against any form of socialised health care.
There is NO helping your ignorance if you can say that with full sincerity. You are a hopeless fool if you can't see how two opposites conflict with one another. Capitalism is all about industry and personal ownership. The rights of the individual. Free market trade. How can taking away personal ownership and transfer it all to the state NOT conflict with that? Good lord.....

It's pretty laughable that you ignore all of the capitalist countries with nationalized healthcare systems: the UK, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Taiwan, France, Canada...all are capitalist nations well integrated into the global economic system (which is a capitalist system the last time I checked, perhaps you are posting from an alternate universe where the Soviet Union won the cold war?). And all of them have some form of nationalized healthcare.

Based on this prosaic observation, it should be fairly obvious that nationalized Healthcare =/= "taking away personal ownership and transfer it all to the state." Nationalized healthcare doesn't even mean an end to private insurance! Most countries have a universal system of healthcare right alongside private health insurance options.

But like all Randroids, your idea of "socialism" is a confused jumble of completely unrelated things. And your idea of capitalism is a utopian system which has never existed in human history, instead of the actually existing system the rest of the world calls "capitalism". In that regard, you and your ilk are exactly like the Marxists who insist that actually existing Marxist-Leninist regimes in the 20th century weren't really communist. And like all dogmatists, anyone who doesn't subscribe to your doma is "ignorant".

Mandatory healthcare by government legislation IS socialization of the healthcare system. You don't have the choice to pick and choose whatever you want, and the policies both directly and indirectly limit the policies available for anyone to select from

Mandating people to buy private insurance is not the same thing as a national health service like the ones in virtually every other industrialized nation.

And what is this about choice? Under the current system, you can pick and choose whatever you can afford. That part is literally no different than the system you're proposing, where all healthcare would be privatized. The only major difference is that in some states those who can't afford insurance might be given some kind of basic public health insurance, if there is funding allocated for such a program in their state. The only people affected by this are the ones who have no choice in the matter already, because "choice", in both the actually existing capitalist society we live in and in the free market fantasyland you envision, is a function of much money you have.

But I'm glad we can at least agree that the government mandating people to buy health insurance as a solution to inadequate healthcare makes about as much sense as the government mandating that everyone buy a house as a solution to the problem of homelessness. A number of conservatives said that they didn't think it was the government's place to mandate people buy the products of private industry, and on that I have to agree with them. But to claim that state support for private industry amounts to "socialism" is absurd on its face.

Just because SOME words I'm using HAPPEN to be the same as certain hot-button conservatives...

If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

Seriously I could care less about how you arrived at the exact same position as Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party. Every right wing nutjob I've ever met also thinks of themselves as an independent thinker who has worked out the secrets of the universe all on their own.

It is exceptional to not be in favour of nationalised and socialised health care in the US? It always looked to me that half or maybe even more than half of the US population is very much against any form of socialised health care.

It is very much UNexceptional to hold the views SnapSlav does in the US, but painting yourself as part of a tiny minority that understands TRUTH and everyone else as ignorant sheeple really bolsters one's self esteem.
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Just gounna say Kilgore, see my above post (#108) RE: marxism-leninism. It meets none of the criteria for communism, unless your definition of communism ignores all of Marx, all of the core principles he and many left-libertarian theorists followed, and think socialism is a right wing, authoritarian system and that communism can ever have a class system, Stalin and his chums weren't communists.

(also it should be noted that free market capitalism is vastly different to neoliberalism and it should be noted that many of the problems inherent to capitalism are exacerbated by neoliberal policy (and new problems are made, too), and when people like SnapSlav discuss capitalism it's not as likely they're discussing neoliberalism as opposed to free market cap, and he actually discussed that a little bit IIRC. this tends to muddy the waters in the same way as those discussing communism often refer to it as authoritarian, and thus all point get stretched out and often require many caveats)
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What people in the US often see in the public as socialism doesn't even fall much under socialism here. We no clue ... see it as ... normal >_>. Helping those which are in need of help? The radical idea of sharing!
Already dismissed this for the hollow rhetoric that it is, and still he persists. Just ask yourself serious questions. Such as: What's so virtuous about giving without receiving? What's so bad about exchange instead of sharing? What's so much more remarkable about altruism that individualism lacks? If all you can do is call up hollow statements, then you're not thinking at all. You don't know a thing about what you're talking about.

Ok, I'm not sure if I got you correctly there, SnapSlav. It is exceptional to not be in favour of nationalised and socialised health care in the US? It always looked to me that half or maybe even more than half of the US population is very much against any form of socialised health care.
Indeed. You did NOT get me correctly... something of a pattern, really. I did NOT say that either "it" or "I" were "exceptional", I said that I was an exception to the vast majority of Americans. Speaking purely with regard to those who chant "democracy!" and "capitalism!" without any regard to what those things ACTUALLY means, or worse, simply grew up with these terms shoved in front of their faces and simply ended up repeating them without any true consideration for what these things means... In that sense, I am a total exception to the rule. Meaning, not the same as the normal, but NOT meaning "best of the best, better than the rest".

Most Americans just repeat things without actually having taken much time to mull the ideas over on their own. Understandably, these are tough concepts. It requires work and effort and it tests your mettle as an individual to put your ideologies to the grinder. But that doesn't forgive that it's lazy to avoid these things. I spent much of my life doing all that philosophical pondering and putting what I believed up to be tested. For some years I considered myself a communist (in the actual sense, not the Red sense) and I was thoroughly anti-capitalist for that time. Then at one time I was an anarchist (in some senses I still am, though much less radical), though I can't quite recall how long that lasted. But after I found my "calling", and spending more years of study and education and pouring resources into these studies, I came away with my conclusion that capitalism is the right way. This took YEARS of study on my part, it wasn't imparted upon me by the masses or popular opinion. And I had to turn away from it to come to any reasonably conclusions that it might actually have good ideas. Most Americans..... just don't do that.

So yes, I am an exception to that rule. No, you got me wrong, most Americans are NOT "exceptional".

It's pretty laughable that you ignore all of the capitalist countries with nationalized healthcare systems: the UK, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Norway, Taiwan, France, Canada...all are capitalist nations well integrated into the global economic system (which is a capitalist system the last time I checked, perhaps you are posting from an alternate universe where the Soviet Union won the cold war?). And all of them have some form of nationalized healthcare.
Somehow more laughable than your ignorance of the difference between Communist countries and Communism and Socialism as ideas and ideologies? No, unlike your spil, not laughable at all. There's a distinction one must make between a system that calls itself something yet bears aspects of its title's opposite, and a system which actually represents fully what it calls itself. You fail (on multiple levels) at recognizing that distinction.

Based on this prosaic observation, it should be fairly obvious that nationalized Healthcare =/= "taking away personal ownership and transfer it all to the state." Nationalized healthcare doesn't even mean an end to private insurance! Most countries have a universal system of healthcare right alongside private health insurance options.
National standard means even private firms must abide by the legal precedent. This is one of Obamacare's biggest pitfalls, because contrary to the President's promises that "you can keep your plan that you have right now", the law forced many plans to change because of the nationalized standards. The EXISTENCE of "private" insurance companies does not, contrary to your mistaken beliefs, negate the nationalized model. Rather, the latter complicates and slowly erodes at the former, which you happily disregard to suit your interests.

But like all Randroids, your idea of "socialism" is a confused jumble of completely unrelated things. And your idea of capitalism is a utopian system which has never existed in human history, instead of the actually existing system the rest of the world calls "capitalism". In that regard, you and your ilk are exactly like the Marxists who insist that actually existing Marxist-Leninist regimes in the 20th century weren't really communist. And like all dogmatists, anyone who doesn't subscribe to your doma is "ignorant".
For once, you're CLOSE. But you can't step off your podium long enough before you can compulsively refer to groups you disagree with by using derogatory slurs. Notice, despite my misgivings and disagreements with socialists and communists... I have yet to refer to them with some form of slur? Right, I have the integrity and respect to treat human beings who I BELIEVE have come to their own conclusions on their own through thought and consideration by not deriding them and childishly transforming their titles into an insult for my own personal shits and giggles.

But, back to you ALMOST being right. Yes, TRUE Capitalism has NOT yet existed in any culture as fully as I would like it to, any more than TRUE democracy. Or are you going to argue that republics are truly democratic? I can EASILY see how statist and dictatorial systems are not TRULY socialist or communist systems, and those points I can respect. However, you find that to be a laughable concept worth your caustic, haughty derision? Fine then. Have your little soap box if it makes you happy. I'll be waiting for you on the floor with the rest, willing to have an adult conversation, when you're ready.

And what is this about choice? Under the current system, you can pick and choose whatever you can afford. That part is literally no different than the system you're proposing, where all healthcare would be privatized.
Nothing could be further from the truth than what you suggest in that bold section. A nationalized system means that mandatory government standard is cast upon ALL insurance providers. This means that plans which were able to offer less at lower prices for more targeted care suddenly have raised costs to take on plans they would have chosen not to implement if the system were fully privatized. A consumer has a limited list to choose from because the government mandates limit the list. They also CANNOT choose to simply buy nothing, if they want, because the law makes a compulsory purchase mandatory. So they're given limited options, higher prices, and no part of the system has done anything to change quality for the better. Where does personal choice make a huge impact in this system?

Contrast this with the private model, where separate firms can choose their plans based on market principles. They can choose to lower their prices to increase demand, they need to factor in population density when considering their value, they can choose to offer better services in order to drive up demand, they can choose to offer the cheapest services at the cost of being lower quality to be an alluring choice for customers with fewer financial options open to them. They have to compete with separate firms (because there is no standard public model) so they can't just set their own prices to whatever they want without serious consequence, and they have to worry about being outdone in performance and quality as well. So under the private system, where CHOICE and personal interest are the primary motivating factors, the system encourages cheaper prices and higher quality services.

The results aren't instant improvement and instant lowering of prices in a private system, but neither are the results of grinding to a halt or quality never moving forward or economic collapse instant in a fully nationalized system, either. But each moves in a separate direction, and the former clearly has better consequences than the latter. THAT'S what's so important about "choice". The current system is NOT a private system. Simply because private companies exist does not change that. They still have to abide by a compulsory government mandated model, and that makes even their private practices nationalized, at least to a degree. That is a shift toward the opposite of choice, where all you have is door number 1, or door number 1. It's not immediate, but it's moving in that direction. After all, one of the major PUBLICLY ACKNOWLEDGED shortcomings of Obamacare was how many insurance firms went under because of the changes to the system that the law enforced. That's an immediate fewer choices, and many customers who already paid for plans of their choice lost them once the law was signed in.

But I'm glad we can at least agree that the government mandating people to buy health insurance as a solution to inadequate healthcare makes about as much sense as the government mandating that everyone buy a house as a solution to the problem of homelessness. A number of conservatives said that they didn't think it was the government's place to mandate people buy the products of private industry, and on that I have to agree with them. But to claim that state support for private industry amounts to "socialism" is absurd on its face.
What perhaps you don't understand is that my perspective is plainly such: I don't NEED your agreement or your approval. You input is not necessary. If you can stand as an intellectual equal and hold up your ideals to clash them with someone else's, that's the wise use of agency and integrity to arrive at (possibly new and different) better ideas. But bickering and complaining and lobbing insults making sweeping generalizations lowers your standing. Your input is all that amounts to: insults and complaints. Whether you agree with me or not becomes irrelevant.

Good for you that you can agree with some of the things less-unreasonable people have stated. But getting immediately caught up on the definitions and stopping any forward movement or progression simply because you refuse to acknowledge that is a massive shortcoming. The day that taxes don't have to be paid 100% for every and all policies across the board, regardless of whether you benefit from them or utilize them or not at all, is the day that further levels of nationalization cannot be compared to levels of socialization. But as it stands, all U.S. citizens pay for a social healthcare through taxes, whether they wish to benefit from it or not. The people pay for their neighbors, in effect, and by force, not by choice.

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If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck...

Seriously I could care less about how you arrived at the exact same position as Rush Limbaugh and the Tea Party. Every right wing nutjob I've ever met also thinks of themselves as an independent thinker who has worked out the secrets of the universe all on their own.
I need make no comments. I only need preserve this shining gem of ignorance for what it is. Anyone with an ounce of scrutiny will be able to tear this to shreds on their own. I don't need to help them along.

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It is very much UNexceptional to hold the views SnapSlav does in the US, but painting yourself as part of a tiny minority that understands TRUTH and everyone else as ignorant sheeple really bolsters one's self esteem.
The definition of ironic, self-oblivious hypocrisy. Criticizing someone for sounding just like "right-wing nutjobs", then proceeding to use the term "sheeple" to describe them all.

Also see the correction I made above about misunderstanding my comments. So, that's a combination of misunderstanding plus hypocrisy. Congratulations on your healthy baby bullshit.

Just [gonna] say Kilgore, see my above post (#108) RE: marxism-leninism. It meets none of the criteria for communism, unless your definition of communism ignores all of Marx, all of the core principles he and many left-libertarian theorists followed, and think socialism is a right wing, authoritarian system and that communism can ever have a class system, Stalin and his chums weren't communists.

(also it should be noted that free market capitalism is vastly different to neoliberalism and it should be noted that many of the problems inherent to capitalism are exacerbated by neoliberal policy (and new problems are made, too), and when people like SnapSlav discuss capitalism it's not as likely they're discussing neoliberalism as opposed to free market cap, and he actually discussed that a little bit IIRC. this tends to muddy the waters in the same way as those discussing communism often refer to it as authoritarian, and thus all point get stretched out and often require many caveats)
Bingo. Right here. -^

Paying lip service to an idea is NOT the same thing as truly embracing nor supporting that idea. What many people call "capitalism" is NOT true capitalism. Meanwhile, when all I do is use the word as literally as possible, how can you be so sure that I'm any different than the rest? Easy, you don't make assumptions, you discuss and ask questions.

ALSO, it need go without saying, but I will say it anyway, "Fuck this keyboard!"
Communism, the idea of communism was never achieved in any kind of state in human history. Communism is as far as I get it an ideal, a state that is at the end of a cycle. It is an utopian ideal. So in reality communism can't be achieved, because there will always be classes, rich, poor, leaders and followers. If not rich in money, than rich in power, knowledge or skills. Equallity just like many other constructions are nothing more but noble motives that should be treated as good ideas to follow till they get replaced by better ideas. But at no point should one believe that they can be trully achieved, as that might simply lead to what we saw in China or the Soviet Union under Mao and Stalin when they used force and violence to convince people of their ideas. So no, neither the Soviet Union nor China have ever been communistic states in their history.
Generally speaking I follow the 'final economic stage' theory in that, due to a large amount of people being needed to be 'on board' for any sort of socialism and its more developed children, what would move towards any far left-libertarian economic system that functioned as intended and effectively would require the past system to 'prove' itself to be ineffective once and for all. for major reform to happen through zeitgeist or a further sociopolitical shift, huge environmental damage/natural disaster, war, or - what I predict will happen - as a result of large or total economic and societal collapse that may involve the former few. I give it 150 years if they don't go further left in general, 250 if they manage to stave it off a little longer. I'd expect a more libertarian general socialist model or, more likely, somewhere between that and syndicalism to take place depending on the damage. Alternatively, if somewhere like Sweden moved towards a reduced or dissolved government after cementing their socialist policies (the former unlikely but not impossible, the latter going pretty well, and the country and its people doing very well), that could pave the way to a more commune-based 'economic' system without the 'need' for an authoritarian implementation. But the US would probably have another crack at their destabilise-the-government policy before that happened.

The problem with anarchic leftism (anarcho capitalism is self defeating, so I won't discuss that) is that implementation is required, and usually the Stalinist route has taken hold, thus negating it being libertarian. The above is what I consider to be the most likely and efficient way of that happening, but it would be at great expense of the population, so there's no 'good ending' for humanity no matter where we go. The alternative would be a horrible slow burn where, 1000 years from now, we select one powerful chosen individual to cast themselves into the flame of the world, granting brightness once more dear god it's late why the fuck am i typing this
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