Is Todd Howard a good game developer?

Is Todd Howard a good game developer/designer?

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You could change your answer by *Is throwing a Molotov Cocktail into the flames a good way to turn the fire off?* and the answers wouldn't be much different.

On a more serious note, i don't think he even plays or test the games he is selling the gamers. At best, that guy is attending a few design meeting, where he tell the crowd how the game should look like, and then say another thing at another meeting that might contradict the previous stuff. Then, at presentation to an audience, the guy know the taglines of what he has to sell, but isn't even confortable controlling the character with his gamepad. He is just saying that *it works* when he should be proving it on screen. The guy is a salesman, not a developper. According to the people who hire him, that guy must be good at selling games, not making game, but for company like Bethesda, the former is more important than the latter. (Imo, his childish voice also get in the way of credibility...)
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Didn't they mention they have very little documentation before starting development and don't really plan much? That's just bad practice. I have been on those kind of projects where the "leader" just expects people to work on shit without having an unifying concept or directive and the shit just ends up as a mess at the end and makes you not want to work with them anymore.
Didn't they mention they have very little documentation before starting development and don't really plan much? That's just bad practice. I have been on those kind of projects where the "leader" just expects people to work on shit without having an unifying concept or directive and the shit just ends up as a mess at the end and makes you not want to work with them anymore.
Have you ever heard of the Apprentice (UK)?
You've pretty much described every episode of that.
"This needs more design"
No asshole it needs a fucking concept which you have yet to give me and you reject all the ones I propose.
Didn't they mention they have very little documentation before starting development and don't really plan much?
Yes, in some interviews either before or right after the release of Fallout 3. Todd mentioned a couple of times that they don't really have a 'design phase' or 'pre-production' as they directly go from the brain storming to the actuall development. The effects of this, can be seen in the ending of Fallout 3.

'We wanted to make sacrice a theme of the game, but we forgot that you have some companions with you that are immune to radiation! LULZ! WHO CARES!"
Todd Howard is not a game developer, he is a project leader.
I have no idea if he actually also suggests ideas for gameplay or game lore, but if he does he like Emil is a very average writer with no real creativity of his own.
He can only imitate what others have done before him.

In this current mindset of games development he fits right in, in any time he would have been out of a job quickly.
I do hope there will be some for of renaissance and that it will mean the end of Todd's career.
I don't wish the guy harm or poverty, just that he and people in the gaming industry like him will be forced to pursue a different line of work.
He is a prostitute. He went the easy way, finding out what everyone wants, and dishing it out.

Fallout 1 and 2 was NOT what "everyone wants", at all. Good creative products rarely are, they are niche, they attract small followings who "get it", it has to do with fairly narrow interests.
Try to "sell" FO1 and 2 to a vast majority, I tried, in the olden days before 3. Try to sell Morrowind to the majority of Skyrim lovers.

This isn't to sound elitistic, it doesn't have to do with elitism. Try to sell Jurassic Park to people who aren't into dinosaurs, genetics or "the dangers of uncontrolled capitalism" - then try to sell JP4 to the same people "OMG Hunk! And a Babe! A HUNK AND A BABE!!!"

That's Todd Howard. A whore.
[QUOTE="Crni Vuk]

'We wanted to make sacrice a theme of the game, but we forgot that you have some companions with you that are immune to radiation! LULZ! WHO CARES!"[/QUOTE]

That sounds like something they would actually say.
I'm quite sure that with his experience in the industry, he has all the required capabilities of directing a team in making a "decent" RPG, and even a "decent" Fallout game if he really put his mind to it; if he adjusted his priorities from that simulationist / "go see what's behind that next hill" (etc) bullshit. Obviously that's not what he's been doing the past 10+ years, he apparently just doesn't want to, which makes it even sadder than if he was actually incapable of doing it.
Is Todd Howard a good game developer/designer?

Nope...but he knows that the populaces lap up the shit Bethesda build like crack cocaine...yum, yum. True talent walks away when the creative juices dry up, only hacks stay on thinking they're irreplaceable.
didn't he used to be? I thought he actually cared and all that about us, now I think he is bein controlled by the evil wizards of SKYRimm
Last time I checked Toad blowhard was not a game developer, but a producer.
Given the fact that everything this guy touches turns into massive piles of hyped up garbage I don't see anything worth while to talk about.

Our best bet is to generate a meme with him and Mr. yuck merged together and use that sticker on all crap games in the future.

Think of it as the Mr. Yuck for shovelware.