aegis said:
and the trolling continues...
Yes, you are trolling. Or stupid.
aegis said:
see what i mean about not listening! israel was bombed by 1300 rockets by the hizbullah and those are our casualties.
Usually, sentences that start with "So if..." are hypothetical. What is this, some idiotic straw man? I repeat "WHAT IF Israel does the same to Lebanon, would this give Lebanon a default right to return fire in the same way Israel does now?"
aegis said:
here is another provocator from mr humanitarian
Stop trolling or you shall have pain brought by suffer.
aegis said:
i'm so sorry, but you're not the one getting those rockets on your ass, so who are you preaching to your better self?
Better self? Suffer has only one self, self is suffer.
Are you incapable of posting anything beyond these idiotic logical fallacies and straw men? What the hell does your having rockets up your ass (heh) got to do with being right or wrong?
Try to understand this; being in Israel does not make you right. Being in Israel does not give you a special understanding of facts. Being in Israel does not give you the right to discount other people's opinion. This is not arguing, this is trolling.
Again, it hurts suffer to see his side of the argument defended that weakly. Do you realise that you have right on your side? Do you realise that you, yourself, are ruining this right by continuing to argue with only fallacies? Your trolling and statements about being in Israel do not change the fact that you have yet to put forth even one valid argument.
aegis said:
if thats not arrogance...
Oh, fantastic. "Yeah, well, so are you." What the hell is wrong with you?
aegis said:
That article makes no mention whatsoever of Israel warning up ahead when firing missiles, which is what you were supposed to prove. Try again.
aegis said:
funny, so why the outbursts against me and sunny jim, because we are not conducting normal conversations or is that just because we think not like you?
Amusing! The "outbursts" against you and sunny jim have surprisingly little to do with you defending Israel, it's *HOW* you defend Israel; by insulting the intelligence of anyone who even mildly disagree, by making spurious claims about Israeli media, by making spurious claims about you being right simply because you happen to be in Israel.
If you were actually arguing in another way than with one-sentence pieces of arrogant propaganda, you'd find the treatment towards you to be much kinder.
aegis said:
i mean, thats actually funny, that you think i cannot see how you just contradict in the name of trolling, or what ever other reasons you have for just contradicting someone on your forum.
I'm kind of unclear what you're talking about. "Contradict" as a verb simply means he opposes or disagrees with someone. Obviously he does, he contradicts you.
Do you mean he's contradicting himself? That's another meaning wholesale.
Nor was he contradicting himself. In one sentence he mentions that there are supporters of Israel and mentions Fox as an example of this. In the other sentence he mentions purely Israeli newsoutlets vs. the *majority* (not all, unless you think hyperbole = fact) of the world's newsoutlets. The final sentence you posted has nothing to do with the entire statement. There is no contradiction there.
Also, you speak of an "amount of contradictions". Mention more.
aegis said:
Sharp, man.
Now, finally, some attempts at actual arguments. Bit too easy, tho'
aegis said:
we left the gaza strip from any kind of israeli inhabitant
That is completely unrelated. Also that sentence makes no sense.
aegis said:
the fence is to protect us from terrorists
That is the "why". The "why" is also irrelevant, nor did Sander mention why you were doing it or condemn your reasons for doing it. He was talking about the act, the "how", not the "why".
aegis said:
again israel have to apologise for trying to protect itself, what a repeating jokei am sorry to use the same logic again-but if it were your country attacked by terrorists infiltrating your country, wouldn't you build a fence? so if i build a fence i'm provocative?
Again, irrelevant straw men. We're not talking about *why*.
We're talking about the fact that Israel built a wall on ground that is not considered theirs by anyone anywhere, except maybe Israelis themselves. The wall is also known to block off trading routes and cut off Palestinians from one another.
Why you did and how effective it was is irrelevant. It IS provocation.
aegis said:
ph, and there was no such thing as palestinians before 1967, so dont talk about "thier" territories.
Yes. And before 1812 BC there were now Jews. There were no "Americans" before 1776 AD. Does this mean they also have no reason to exist, because the started their "formal existence" at an arbitrary point in time? So how long ago does it have to be before they DO have a right to exist? 50 years? 100 years? 500 years? Are "Americans" a people? Can they "own" territories by your logic?
Why do you think naming an arbitrary year as the beginning to the existence of a populace devoids them of a right to have a country? This is completely irrelevant. Nobody cares how long the Palestinians have existed or even if they "exist" now. That's not how international law works. By international law, they are a people, they have territories, there is no twisting around this in any way, least of all by saying they didn't exist before a certain year.
aegis said:
and thats a really thin grasp of reality too, as you well know, or maybe not, that there are always 2 sides to every story, and in those outlets i see in the news around the world the only thing covered is arabs, arabs, poor arabs.
That's right, a lot of media are islamoapologistic in approach and pro-Arab. A lot of others are not.
There are two sides to every story, so which is the "superior" one? And if there is an arbitrarily named "superior" one, according to you the Israeli side, what would be the good of looking only at that side?
Succinctly put: Before you go pointing your finger, you might want to take a look at yourself.
aegis said:
A media shows only 1 side of the story so you think there is only 1 way.
I'm fairly sure Sander is level-headed enough to look at both sides of the story. The funny thing here is; you are not.
aegis said:
the audicty of your claims to tell me whats going on in my country is incredible
No it isn't. It is no more audacious than your claims to tell us what's going on in your country. You inhabit one fleck of land of a fairly large country (not large by comparison to others, but large by comparison to the fleck you inhabit). You know at most a few hundred people out of the millions that live that. So what makes you so equiped to tell us what's going as opposed to people that do so for a living? Where's your research, where's your knowledge, more importantly, where's your lack of bias?
Funny thing is, being in a country only gives you more knowledge than the average foreigner, it does not give you more knowledge than the average journalist or expert.
aegis said:
but understandable because you dont live here, all you get from the reality of my country is through tv or internet, i actually walk those street serve in the army and meet the people involved.
Suffer will warn you one more time. Straw men are not allowed. "I live in Israel", "I'm in the army", "I'm totally jewish" are all not arguments, they are straw men. You will cease to use them as a form of debate.
aegis said:
Yes, yes you are.