Vault Dweller

You're not understanding my point here.Because of how anyone can just make an account on Metacritic and review something however they like, as many times as they like with multiple accounts whether they own it or not alone makes the site not a credible source for reviews. If you do not see that as flawed I do not know what to tell you.More accurate reviews can be found from sites like Steam, Amazon, Green Man Gaming - basically any place you buy it from where at a minimum it's ensured they actually own what it is they're reviewing.That doesn't stop players with bad reviews, and reasons to back up their reviews, being written off as trolls, or players who simply gush praise and say little else giving out 8's, 9's, and 10's. (For this game, the reviews on Metacritic that are less than 6 are better written as reviews, while many of the ones above an 8 do little but gush praise, demean every negative review as trolling, and blatantly say that the reviewer has never played a Fallout game in the past yet this one is pure gold.)And as for Metacritic, you seem to be forgetting the other ways console players like me can play games, that being rentals and borrowing. In which case, so what if you don't own the game? You still played it.
I know what you were saying, but all it was was an excuse to write off what Metacritic, or any open reviewing site, allows. That being opinions directly from users/buyers. By the way, whatever happened to judging these reviews by the content they contain instead of some vague worry about review spamming?
ASNd while we're on that subject, positive reviews written to "balance out the troll ones." You can't say with a straight face that that's not review spamming.
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