Jeff Gardiner on aliens


Vault Consort
Staff member
GamePro interviewed Jeff Gardiner who is the person you interview where Fallout 3 DLC is concerned.<blockquote>Travis Moses, GamePro: How does Mothership Zeta DLC tie in to the Fallout 3 story and world?

Jeff Gardiner: The alien menace--err, presence--has been hinted at throughout the history of Fallout. In Fallout 3, there is a crashed alien space vessel hidden deep in the Capital Wasteland. With the Mothership Zeta DLC, the player will pick up a radio beacon broadcasting a signal with a very foreign language, which will lead the player to this site and start their new adventure.

Travis: Tell more about the aliens themselves. What are they like, what are they called, why are they "pissed"?

Jeff Gardiner: The aliens are the same type that people claim are currently abducting people around the globe, small grayish-green with long appendages and big heads with huge eyes. They are studying humanity to see if we're a threat, they have no proper name.</blockquote>"Hinted at throughout the history of Fallout"? It was an Easter egg, you ninny.
I think Per that its now assured that Godzilla and Doctor Who could definitely make an appearance in Fallout 3 as well as there were also hints towards them.

I wonder which incarnation of the Doctor they will use.
"Could aliens be the new zombies?" - this is actually a direct quote from a real person, and I couldn't agree more.
Even disregarding that aliens are "hinted at" in Fallout about to the same extent that Doctor Who is "hinted at", aren't the Whitley Strieber-type "greys" an 80s thing?
Per said:
Even disregarding that aliens are "hinted at" in Fallout about to the same extent that Doctor Who is "hinted at", aren't the Whitley Strieber-type "greys" an 80s thing?

Oh definitely, I think that concept of aliens came when the abduction craze started.

Before that it were usually strange dressed up people, bug eyed things, lizards and so on.
Jeff Gardiner said:
The alien menace--err, presence--has been hinted at throughout the history of Fallout.

Sooner or later, maybe they'll make a large colony of talking brahmin, some Star Trek redshirts and King Arthur, as well :(
Travis: Will there be different types of aliens, such as Face Huggers and full-grown entities?

Jeff Gardiner: Yes there are different versions of the standard alien, an alien robot and another creature I can't spoil just yet.

Travis: Will the level cap increase with Mothership Zeta, and/or will there be new perks that involve alien technology?

Jeff Gardiner: There are new perks, but those are quest related. The level cap will not be increased. It will be 20 if you only have the main game, level 30 if you've downloaded and installed Broken Steel, since that's the only DLC that changes the level cap.

The best method for forcing people to give you money for crap. Not very supportive of the fan base are they?

Which is why I pray something happens that takes the license away from them and then we can forget this terrible, terrible nightmare.
did I really read ... face ... ff .. face huggers ? :shock:

Do this journalists (or something) even know WHAT kind of stuff might fitt Fallout really
I hope you can see a few whales plummeting through the atmosphere from those glass rooms.

Maybe the big cannon fires whales. God I hope.
Ausir said:
Travis: Will there be different types of aliens, such as Face Huggers and full-grown entities?

Jeff Gardiner: Yes there are different versions of the standard alien, an alien robot and another creature I can't spoil just yet.


No, deathclaws.

OMFG deathclaws are aliens?!

Yip. M Night Shyalaman school of storytelling, biatch.
The fact that the FO3 artbook has concept sketches of wanamingos makes their appearance pretty likely IMO.
Mentions alien menace hinted at throughout Fallout and then mentions one thing in Fallout 3, hm. I wonder why they're even bothering now as we've almost killed ourselves off - what threat could we be
Ulysses said:
Mentions alien menace hinted at throughout Fallout and then mentions one thing in Fallout 3, hm. I wonder why they're even bothering now as we've almost killed ourselves off - what threat could we be

I think that's going to be the twist.

The aliens will call us the "real" monsters shortly before unleashing some sort of terrible quad-barreled Gatling plasma on us.

Then we'll blow their spaceship out of the sky and save the world.
hey, maybe they should make a DLC focused around Godzilla, or portals that take them into the past...

why not?