If the VD can claim the spaceship
The Vault Dweller is the hero of FO1. The FO3 PC is called the Lone Wanderer.
If the VD can claim the spaceship
Ausir said:But they did put the solar scorcher in another Star Trek special encounter.
Per said:Not unique: any source of electrical damage (forcefields, Cattle Prod) will cause it.
This is more a case of obscurely inserting an old item into the game than attributing its circulation to aliens.
That's because some people in-game claim that they are aliens, and the game sometimes call them "aliens" to keep up the uncertainty.
Cimmerian Nights said:And Twinks, depending on how you view FOBOS, thongs are already in baby. Or so I'm told.
Black said:One more thing about the alien blaster(s).
In FO1 and 2 they work on small energy cells, ammo made by *dun dun dunnnn* humans, earthlings. Doesn't make sense that a weapon made by aliens would use human ammo and it doesn't have to, because it's an easter egg.
Only in FO3 the alien blaster uses alien power cell, not small energy cell.
It's like alien blasters were taken seriously only in FO3. And why isn't that surprising.
...what? They design a gun in the hopes that alien technology will happen to work in it (not that it makes any sense given how batteries work and the shear number of different designs and possible designs) and make it larger so that you can fit on a second rechargeable battery in order to due this? This is one hell of an ass pull. The reason it used small energy cells was most likely because it was an easter-egg which they didn't care about the player using if s/he so choose for fun.your evil twin said:Presumably an advanced alien civilisation that builds spaceships with faster-than-light technology has developed devices that doesn't have problems with needing adaptors on plug sockets. Stick a battery in the hole, the gun drains the battery of energy, job done.
Black said:One more thing about the alien blaster(s).
In FO1 and 2 they work on small energy cells, ammo made by *dun dun dunnnn* humans, earthlings. Doesn't make sense that a weapon made by aliens would use human ammo and it doesn't have to, because it's an easter egg.
Only in FO3 the alien blaster uses alien power cell, not small energy cell.
It's like alien blasters were taken seriously only in FO3. And why isn't that surprising.
Quit trying to canonize everything. It's a game. Not a real event. A game. The story isn't some sacred document that only half-gods can change. Since nearly everything in Fallout 1 and 2 is explained with a "DURR, FEV DONE IT" kind of attitude, it's a bit biast to complain how Bethesda is being careless with the franchise.
If you could put Fallout's story in short, it'd be just "60's Science! in future, where nukes have taken out everything." 60's Science! theme includes aliens with hostile and abductive tendencies. Like in Zeta.
Brother None said:You didn't even get the time period right, Minorkos.
You aren't very good at this, are you?
Ulysses said:Nothing I hate more than the argument you're religiously devoted to something just because you care about it more than someone. Sort of a "Heh, nerds" shot.Bethesda's being careless with it in that they seem to be obsessed with making stuff their idea of fun, which seems to drift towards the "cool sh**" side of things rather than trying to keep things coherent.
Ulysses said:Fallout was 50's not 60's, and just because something was big in the 50's doesn't mean it'll fit in the game's universe (or will the Klan make an appearance?).
Minorkos said:They also happen to have resources and the license to make their speculations a part of the franchise. Sure, most here agree that they're really not the ones to decide it, but neither are you. So, it's either guys who love the series and have money, or just the guys who love the series.
More like post-apocalyptic 50's retro future. "SCIENCE!" is too broad a term.Minorkos said:50's Science!...?
Per said:"they have the license so everything they do fits by default and you should just accept it"?