Let's Speculate!

Ausir said:
Apparently, Tramell Ray Isaac worked on NWN2. Is he at Obsidian? Would be awesome to see new Vault Boy pictures by T-Ray himself!

This was already answered but I can never resist: the conversation between me and MCA.
MCA: T-Ray, no, he left Obsidian to work on Duke Nukem Forever.
Me: Is that some kind of industry codeword for "he's dead"?

Ausir said:
Unfortunately, stuff like voice acting will likely be done at Bethesda, not at Obsidian.

Outsource to Chris Borders' company, plz.
heh. i can just see it now:

Sawyer: hey guys! man, you're not gonna believe what we've got in store! we've got quests within quests and dialogue trees taller than redwoods! and not only that bu-

The Todd: uh...sorry to interrupt you, but we spent your budget on Liam Neeson's voice. did we forget to tell you he's not really dead? no, no! you're still looking for him...just in New Vegas! ok, see what you can do with these left-over dungeon crawls our devs discarded. toodle-loo!
haven't done much research on F:NV but is it possible that obsidian would use the Alpha Protocol engine for it?

Or is the dev cycle just too short for that?

I would prefer that one over Gamebryo (from what I've seen of it, wich admittedly isn't much).
Dreadwolf said:
haven't done much research on F:NV but is it possible that obsidian would use the Alpha Protocol engine for it?

i was under the impression they are being forced to use Bethie's engine.
Hey guys, I went into my Delorean and brought a review of Fallout: NV back from PC Gamer circa 2011.

I'm not going to paste the entire thing here, but here are some excerpts.

"While the game doesn't do enough to stand out on its own, it is definitely a breath of fresh air."

"The interface revamp is one of the most welcome improvements. Gone is the cumbersome inventory system, replaced with a more traditional interface we've come to expect from RPGs of yore."

"Animations are a mixed bag. While nothing to be embarassed about, the way they switch is still jarring. We suspect Bethesda's Gamebryo engine is finally starting to show its age."

"The combat was not left untouched. Our staff was split down the middle about how we felt about the new wobbly reticle. On one hand, it felt more realistic, because it connected under-the-hood RPG number crunching with what you see. When you miss a headshot at point-blank range, you really do MISS it. On the other, this brings back unpleasant memories of one of the less enviable gameplay mechanics of System Shock 2."

"Visuals are more lively this time around. We've all heard complaints about how depressingly desolate Fallout 3 made the player feel. Well, if you're one of those complainers, you shall rejoice, for New Vegas is a colorful city, in a delicious, rusty, vacuum-tubed way the originals were known for."

"If you thought Fallout 3's writing couldn't be improved upon, the folks at Obsidian proved you wrong. We're happy to report that New Vegas' dialogue, although at times too flowery and verbose, manages to flesh out the characters better than its predecessor."

"We can't wait for Fallout 4, and we hope that Bethesda and Obsidian join forces to create the ultimate masterpiece".
I hope they rehash the whole arsenal of F3 so it doesn't look sound or feel like you're shooting pebbles with a bb gun. I loved how the guns in the originals felt like guns. Should be easy enough no?
shihonage said:
"The interface revamp is one of the most welcome improvements. Gone is the cumbersome inventory system, replaced with a more traditional interface we've come to expect from RPGs of yore."

"The combat was not left untouched. Our staff was split down the middle about how we felt about the new wobbly reticle. On one hand, it felt more realistic, because it connected under-the-hood RPG number crunching with what you see. When you miss a headshot at point-blank range, you really do MISS it. On the other, this brings back unpleasant memories of one of the less enviable gameplay mechanics of System Shock 2."
I suspect that these predictions are unlikely, at least judging from the way that they are talking about Alpha Protocol (their other multiplatform action RPG). They seem to really dislike accuracy mods in action games. And their interface appears suffer from a pretty serious case of consolitis. Of course, this will be a different team within Obsidian.
What I would like to see- Van Buren, finally done.

What I expect to see, given that this will be a FO 3 like game, will no doubt leaving me feeling