The Witch Doctor said:
Let's talk religion. I am going to write a little bit about my own experience with religion, as it stands.
WOW MAN! You've had a more religiously involved life than most people by far and you never let any of them control or mislead you. If our God is any God worth worshiping he'd agree and if he didn't he would not be the benevolent God anyone would want.
Akratus said:
Personally I just combined all of these facts, that religion inspired and was spread through violence, that different cultures created different religions, how god in his creation was humanized, how it was used to soothe the masses, how much of a psychological crutch it is, how much reason one has to believe in the christian god over zeus, or apollo, or ra, or etc. etc. . . and that's what belief is about for me, rejection of the concept, based on those facts.
I swear if anyone wants to practice their religion properly they need to educate themselves on history first and then try and reconcile the problems it creates. You know that well.
SnapSlav said:
In the end, what do I believe? Well I've shared enough that you can probably take a stab-in-the-dark guess. I have faith. But what do I have faith in? Well, does it really matter? I'm the only one who needs to know what I believe, because I'm the only person it will affect. I keep my faith to myself, and I wish others did as well, in most cases.
Here's some support:
“Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason, then that of blindfolded fear.”
~Founding Father Thomas Jefferson, letter to Peter Carr, August 10, 1787
“The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others. But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.” ~~ Notes on the State of Virginia , 1781 – 1785
There are countless more by many others, but those two are my favorite.
Wumbology said:
Religion has never been apart of my life, except for Scientology. I was a Scientologist until I was 14, but I don't consider that religion. It's business. I'm also not religious, but I do RESPECT religion.
And I will defend religion. It's not a crutch, nor is faith- it's an incredibly valid and ancient way of looking at the universe. Anyone who dismisses it as a 'crutch' is seriously over-confident in their own worldview.
Really, some basic tenants of Christianity: charity to the poor, selflessness, love for all men. Bad, outdated how?
Certain portions are outdated, but again, Christianity is a moral philosophy and is still valid after 2000 years, because some basic social problems never go away (and civilizations are always prone to the same errors). Religion is a way to cope with basic human problems in agrarian civilization. Is it the perfect solution? No.
While my personal experiences with faith are exceedingly complicated what you've stated is the closest thing I have to a "summary" if I were forced to give one.
The Witch Doctor]One of the primary problems with Christianity - is with the Bible. After so many years of re-translations being written in another language said:
The basic idea, is that you better be able to put your ideology on the table and let the criticism come, because we all look at the universe through a keyhole, and opening the door is death itself.
This needs to be a world-famous quote.
TorontRayne said:
I believe there is some sort of higher power outside the boundaries of our known universe, but I'm sure he/she/it/they/? doesn't give a fuck if my friend is gay, or how much money they give to a church that wasn't ever meant to exist in the form it is in today. I'm sure this hypothetical God doesn't advocate mass genocide, burning at the stake, Jihad, molesting young children, etc.. Actually if this God (or Gods if you like) exists I'm sure they want you to be happy, not a miserable sack of shit that protests at gay soldiers funerals, or preaches against contraceptives in Third World countries. I'm sure religions of all kinds would get more converts if they actually preached tolerance of others as opposed to harsh condemnation. I've seen shit that would turn your hair white, so I believe in something beyond our comprehension, but not one of us can imagine what a Godlike being would even begin to think, do, or look like. I'm sure if they do exist they don't look like animal hybrids, Father Time, or some sexy whore Goddess. Of course that's, just, like, my opinion man.
If a religions doctrine doesn't work when perfectly applied to reality then it can't be believed. You know that well.
SnapSlav said:
For example, that according to some philosophies, the reason shellfish was condemned so heavily in Christianity (and the reason ANY fish is accepted as "not meat" and thus totally okay to eat during Lent) was because of consequences of the story of Noah. If you ruminate on a story that you believe signifies that God drowned away all the sin and impurities of the world with a catastrophic flood, but you recognize that the fish were completely unaffected by this, then you come away from this with the notion that fish are sinful, or unclean, or whatnot. Ergo, you are making a personal sacrifice (the purpose of Lent) if you elect to avoid eating meats, because these are God's creatures; meanwhile fish made no sacrifices during the flood, so they get no free pass from you, so you are free to eat them and you're not avoiding an elected sacrifice at all.
It's not to be taken as an absolute rule, it's to be considered and pondered. Various religions take the time to condemn homosexuality because the homosexuality does not biologically result in childbirth. But these are taken to mean that ANY non-heterosexual philandering is instantly evil, and regardless of the situation or reasons, any homosexual deeds or thoughts are to be treated with zealous hatred. Taking the texts and stories and traditions leads to a potentially enlightened lifestyle. Taking them literally more than likely leads to a regressive and bigoted lifestyle.
Excellent statement.
Attention all!As someone who has never spoken about his personal thoughts on faith whether online or IRL and whose often been asked many times and always kept quiet I've often thought I should write and share them somewhere. The problem was (and is) that I don't feel right saying anything if I can't explain the circumstances behind why (I blame my educational background in Science demanding I be thorough and cite sources) and those are numerous and complicated. Additionally I've found people are terribly effected by what I have to say regardless of what they believe or what I would intend (I try to remain fair and neutral as a reporter in what I say). Granted I obviously don't believe in anything severe or dangerous, but I do so many "strange" things I know it makes people wonder.
As much as I loathe having to write so much it's something I've carried as a small, but constant burden I mean someday to tell for other peoples sake.
Give me at least a few hours.
The Vault Dweller