This ghoul has seen it all

More ponderings on SHAUN:
If he lived in the world of prewar Fallout as seen through Bethesda's eyes, wouldn't Shaun just already have exposision to Radiactivity right outof the womb? The Milquetoast family even has a Robotic nanny taking care of him, and he seems to work on some form of atomic battery and constantly does things like change his diapers and prepare their food. Not to mention that his dad is a soldier so he would've been exposed to one form of damaging radioactivity. There is also the segment at the beginning where they see a Nuclear detonation and the shockwave quickly got close to them while they descended on an elevator that one of the people you are with even calls Slow. Even assuming they somehow managed to avoid the negative effects of the, according to canon, much more radioactive nukes the Chinese used, he still has been around robots with nuclear bateries since birth. Also Kellog wasn't wearing any form of sterilized suit like the Institute Scientist accompanying him and he is apaprently a Merc that just walks the wasteland like mad so his clothes would probably be a biological hazard all by themselves.
Let's not even get into the damage cryostasis would do to a baby either. Shaun would be just as unsuitable for the Institute's synth project as all the other Vault Dwellers in there. Would've made more sense to get the genetic and reproductive material of the Dwellers and Invitro conceive a new actually unmutated human to get cells for.... not much use kidnapping a baby for that...
Let's not even get into the damage cryostasis would do to a baby either. Shaun would be just as unsuitable for the Institute's synth project as all the other Vault Dwellers in there. Would've made more sense to get the genetic and reproductive material of the Dwellers and Invitro conceive a new actually unmutated human to get cells for.... not much use kidnapping a baby for that...