This ghoul has seen it all

Kellog is the most boring and dull character to ever be a main antagonist on a game...
This question is answered in the game.And why do they need people related to him? Why not just abduct another couple of popsicles so they could have more backups in case the first died? I mean the institute has access to teleportation technology so they kidnapping a few Vault Dwellers wouldn't even be a hassle to transport, they could've taken the entire Vault. It really makes no sense.
They didn't leave Shaun with Kellogg at all.They also have teleportation technology.... Why did they even left Shaun with Kellog for 10 years? Weren't they after UNMUTATED DNA? Why leave their sole cell donor living in a wasteland city for 10 years? This game introduces "Radiation storms" so wouldn't that just defeat the propouse of getting an unmutated human in the first place?
When you get to The Institute you end up seeing the synth creation process, they aren't robots anymore, they are actually flesh and blood creations.Why do synths need a genetic base exactly?
The idea is interesting but he is still a boring and generic "Merc" character. He doesn't have any more depth than the dude harrassing Jacobstown in New Vegas.
The Institute uses them as spies, so that's one good reason to have them.
When you get to The Institute you end up seeing the synth creation process, they aren't robots anymore, they are actually flesh and blood creations.Why do synths need a genetic base exactly?
You even see them assembling the bones in a suspended gravity field thing, grafting the muscles on, and dipping them into a vat of DNA stuff to finish them.
Because mutant DNA is broken and flawed, and thus they couldn't use it. That and I doubt they wanted to make a race of degenerate mutant synths when the whole point of the project was improving humanity.Why does it need to be unmutated though? And for that matter, why wouldn't the people at the Institute do?
Because mutant DNA is broken and flawed, and thus they couldn't use it. That and I doubt they wanted to make a race of degenerate mutant synths when the whole point of the project was improving humanity.Why does it need to be unmutated though? And for that matter, why wouldn't the people at the Institute do?
And Shaun says the people of The Institute got irradiated themselves, and are thus not viable subjects. Its explained that The Institute didn't always exist as it was, the survivors of the war originally were just camping out in the CIT building's basement, and thus got exposed to radiation. The Institute we see in-game was built over the generations since the war, but the damage from radiation exposure from shortly after the war was already done.
Though the people of The Institute are unlikely to be anywhere as badly damaged as the people on the surface obviously, it was still enough to make them not viable DNA donors.
I disagree but I know you are exaggerating. Kellogg has enough backstory (one of the most interesting parts of the game up to that point) to warrant a little more credit than some random merc with no purpose.
Ok then I guess I missed that part. I usually hate Backstory infodumps in general.
Still I don't get why he was given little Synth Shaun to take care of at all other than to fake out the player for the "He is an old man" reveal.
I actually think they justified the existence of the Synths in this one, but I still don't think that them taking a single person out of such an unique and large sample of specimens makes any sense specially in light of their possesion of teleportation technology.
I disagree but I know you are exaggerating. Kellogg has enough backstory (one of the most interesting parts of the game up to that point) to warrant a little more credit than some random merc with no purpose.
I really foundf him incredibly dull. Must have something to do with the fact that all your interactions with him are a single dialogue sequence that always results in you killing him.
Also the whole "Memory den" sequence gave me crappy anime vibes, where they defeat an enemy in combat and the next 2 episodes are about his sad sad backstory in uninterrumped flashbcks that you get bored of 10 minutes in.