Main Questline: Better or worse than Fallout 3's?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Question in the title. What do you think? I've watched a couple of vids, and my initial impression is that the MQ is not worse than Fallout 3's. In fact, in many ways, it's actually better, what with there being multiple paths to complete the game - something that was kind of there, but actually wasn't, in Fallout 3. I've also thought that the character of "Father" isn't as cringeworthy and pathetic than I thought it would be. Loads better than James or any of those morons in FO3, that's fo sho.
Considering how you had no choice but to side with the Brotherhood in 3, having the option of siding with the Institute, Minutemen or the BoS is a definite improvement.
I F3 you were the child looking for your parent, now you are the parent looking for the child.

Think about the writing genius it took to come up with that revolutionary storyline and..... exhale.

I bet if Emil is still the lead writer for Fallout 5 we will be the grandchild looking for our grandparents.
From what I heard, I liked the fact that unlike Fallout 3, where the person you are looking for (your Father) is always a paragon and you can't side against him (even if you are a total jerk to him you still have to continue his work), in Fallout 4 however your son (ironically with the title "Father") is the leader of the Necessary Evil faction known as The Institute, and you can in fact side against him if you so choose.

Both James and Shaun believe what they are doing are for the good of the Wasteland, but unlike James who cares more about the "little guys", Shaun is more concerned with Humanity as a whole. Ironically, very close to the ideals of the Brotherhood The Institute is against.
Well, at least you get to choose factions this time. And honestly, did we really need a flawed Karma system? If i kill a person in cold blood, I doubt I care if that makes me "evil", and good people dont care if some higher power considers them "good"
Well, at least you get to choose factions this time. And honestly, did we really need a flawed Karma system? If i kill a person in cold blood, I doubt I care if that makes me "evil", and good people dont care if some higher power considers them "good"

Tell that to religious people...
I repeat, good people don't care what a higher power thinks of them, they do good for goodness's sake.
Speaking of stupid, the reason the Institute kidnapped your son is one of the dumbest things I have heard with the only thing being dumber is the explanation for the Reapers in Mass Effect 3 by Star Brat. They kidnapped your son because the Institute needed someone with clean and radiation free DNA in order to perfect their synth making technology. :wtf: WHAT!? How the fuck is human DNA needed to make androids. This feels like something that Beth pulled out of their ass. What the fuck happened during the writing for this game Beth?
Speaking of stupid, the reason the Institute kidnapped your son is one of the dumbest things I have heard with the only thing being dumber is the explanation for the Reapers in Mass Effect 3 by Star Brat. They kidnapped your son because the Institute needed someone with clean and radiation free DNA in order to perfect their synth making technology. :wtf: WHAT!? How the fuck is human DNA needed to make androids. This feels like something that Beth pulled out of their ass. What the fuck happened during the writing for this game Beth?

Why couldn't they have used you or taken you... you being left there is stupid.
Probably a stupid alternative, but what if the player's son was some kind of child prodigy on the field of robotics and miniaturization?
He/she attended Commonwealth Institute of Technology before the war and because of that was eligible for a place in a Vault. (Vault 111's purpose rather than just testing cryonic technology was also to preserve some of the greatest minds and upcoming minds from before the war.

Centuries later the Institute starts to run into problems with their synth development project.
They learn from their records that other than House there was also a child genius attending the CIT who was going to make it big in robotics, advanced electronics, and cybernetics, and that he was put in cryonic hibernation in a Vault. So several Institute members and their escorts are send on an expedition to the Vault to locate this kid and bring him/her back to put the synth project on track again.