I have a love hate relationship with the first game, I've got both the 360 and pc versions and have taken a character through to level 60 on both platforms. All told I've finished the game eight times, and had a couple of characters I've abandoned half way through (I just can't stand Biotics).
When the game came out there wasn't much available for the 360 I was interested in so I perhaps played it more than I would have and I really like some of the art direction. Plus I was reading a lot of Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space novels at the time so the story really appealed to me. Though really what sold me on the game is just how long have I been waiting for a space adventure/shooter that would allow me to fly around visiting alien planets.
But I hate the whole concept of cinematic gaming. For me the cinematic experience means sitting back and being told a story, that doesn't gel well with gaming let alone the most interactive of gaming genres rpgs. Then there was the streamlining and slow elevator rides and lack of real consequences (for that matter a lack of real choices). I could go on about how the streamlining took away from what I used to enjoy about rpgs but to be honest it just highlighted what I don't enjoy about rpgs anymore. The pinballing between quest givers and npcs with something to say, the looting and monetary system, the false choices etc.
Mass Effects biggest failure though was the way the main story was just given to you, you are dumped straight into the thick of things literally into a race against time (though without an actual time limit). Which makes it hard to role play and justify doing the side quests. There's no sense of accomplishment, no sense of discovery which is a pity because several of the side quests look like they were originally written to give you clues to parts of the main quest.
On the other hand I can't get into Mass Effect 2, I don't mind that they've streamlined it even further getting rid of inventory management and looting almost entirely. I am worried though that they chose to remove the broken system rather than trying to fix it, it doesn't bode well for future rpgs. But why did they have to break the combat? Since that's pretty much all there is to both games you'd think they'd strive to improve it not make it worse. The new reload system doesn't make sense in universe, oh it would if all the weapons in ME never went over level 5, but level 10 weapons with the right upgrades almost never overheated unless you got hacked or were using the high explosive ammo mods. But really would you go from using a weapon with virtually unlimited ammo to having to carry a (small) cache of heat sinks which leaves you with a useless weapon once they are gone? Oh I understand why the developers changed it, they've stripped virtually every other interactive element out of the game that with unlimited 'ammo' they might as well have made it a point and click adventure. But it's still jarring and for me immersion breaking that in just two years the new weapons have become so ubiquitous. It would help if there were still some of the old style weapons around but so far every tom dick and harry dirt port street gang and lowly thug has such an abundance of heat sinks that they just leave them scattered around.
You can't crouch anymore unless standing behind cover, and duck walking is totally out and in the pc version was it really necessary to bind so many functions to a single key. Like that's never caused problems before. My biggest problem though is the new powers or lack of them. Instead of improving on my beloved infiltrator like a good sequel should do, they've stripped most of his abilities and replaced they with dumb powers like a invisibility cloak that's as effective as hiding by placing a damp dishcloth over my head. And don't get me started on the ammo powers, ammo powers? Ammo fucking powers WTF!

Plus being only able to use one power at a time (until it cools down) effectively neuters characters, no wonder they gave the Engineers, Adepts etc more weapons to use. Plus combat is so sign posted, if there's a lot of crates and low walls in an area then you just know there's a firefight with your name on it coming up.
Finally the new UI is bloody awful, no hotkeys to different sections, so small that I can barely read it and the colour scheme is just puke inducing.
zioburosky13 said:
Simple Question:
Should I play Mass Effect?
Yes despite it's problems it's fun, but skip the second game and wait and see about the third.