Mass Effect 3 discussion

Ilosar said:
Companions do drive the plot in Bioware games, certainly, which is just how I like it. I am only saying the model they follow is not that rigid.
It doesn't matter if it's one companion or one hundred the game is still following the KotOR model more than the Baldur's Gate model. There is a typical structure to a BioWare game, that structure has rarely changed since KotO, even if they don't stick to it 100%. Dragon Age 2 is probably the biggest departure, sadly due to that game's other problems and the reception from the fans they probably will stick more closely to the tried and tested model in future. Which is unfortunate as it doesn't always fit with the story they want to tell.
yeah I wish they would get away from this Kotor thing they use in all their RPGs now ...

what happened with diversity. It seems like even many characters you have as followers are exactly written like in Kotor, this was in particular true for Dragonage.
I don't actually mind thid model for these types of games. I like talking to my team between missions and getting to know them better, and to have a sort of home base where they all gather. however, I wish you had more choice in who to bring with you, and that people you didn't put in your team will simply disappear, or people you piss off will leave and so on. and more choices in who to bring with you. so that it doesn't feel as static.

ME2 did this pretty well, as you don't really have to gather the entire team. and a lot of them can die off if you do the suicide mission too early or just screw up. more stuff like that, please.
aenemic said:
I don't actually mind thid model for these types of games. I like talking to my team between missions and getting to know them better, and to have a sort of home base where they all gather. however, I wish you had more choice in who to bring with you, and that people you didn't put in your team will simply disappear, or people you piss off will leave and so on. and more choices in who to bring with you. so that it doesn't feel as static.

ME2 did this pretty well, as you don't really have to gather the entire team. and a lot of them can die off if you do the suicide mission too early or just screw up. more stuff like that, please.
Thats not what I mean though. Its more the writing.

Though I agree in ME it didn't felt that close. Dragon Age was MUCh worse in that part. It felt to me like they simply copied each character from Kotor, slapped a new name and face on it just to throw it in a medieval fantasy cliche setting.

I don't know. Maybe its because the same people wrote it. I cant really explain it very well. It just felt TO similar for me. That you have some kind of headquarter is not that much of an issue. Though I am sure there are more ways to do such things.
Look what Blizzard did for April's fool:

Yeah, I saw that. Magnificient. Notch also made a similar website for a joke called Mars Effect, which includes ''an ending that makes sense''. Even the industry is trolling Bioware at this point. I mean, Blizzard are not exactly the best storytellers in the business, but even Starcraft II's sappy, melodramatic ending was miles ahead of the pseudo-artistic, angsty bullshit Bioware served us.

Though I agree in ME it didn't felt that close. Dragon Age was MUCh worse in that part. It felt to me like they simply copied each character from Kotor, slapped a new name and face on it just to throw it in a medieval fantasy cliche setting.

Hm, I can see Alistair being Carth (albeit with an actual personality and sense of humour), Shale being HK-47 except less psychotic and Jolee kinda sorta being Whynne, beyond that I see few parralels. No, the Sten and Canderous are not the same at all, and Morrigan is not Bastilla.

I don't know. Maybe its because the same people wrote it. I cant really explain it very well. It just felt TO similar for me. That you have some kind of headquarter is not that much of an issue. Though I am sure there are more ways to do such things.

Dragon Age 2 had your party members each live at their own place where you visit them and converse. Of course, the game stayed in the same city for all its duration. And let's just say it had myriads of other problems beyond that.

EDIT: it's a joke, but I think I would watch the real show just for kicks
Ilosar said:
Starcraft II's sappy, melodramatic ending

Right up until you consider that Raynor and Kerrigan are planetside beneath a massive fleet of Dominion statships with little more than the Hyperion and some mercs to cover their asses in case the Crown Prince decides to pull a cliche.

But yeah, he decided to do the non-cliche stuff.

Supply Depot is brilliant by the way.
I had this crazy idea at night, that it might've been interesting if the reapers originated in the first cycle. Where the first organic civilizations evolved their technology so much, that they joined into a superconciousness. But then they had no more reason to exist. The essence of life being the diversity of it's existence. So when they all joined into one being/machine they no longer had purpose. And they could not revert back to their troubled, but meaningful, organic lifeform. Therefore their last action was to create the reapers, to ensure life get's it's chance. So they programmed them to start the cycle to prevent this from happening again.
Oh, this is golden. Poking around in the game's files can reveal so much. First that Javik was on the disk, now this


Quote is from Stanley Woo, who hasen't played the game at any rate. But it's still funny.
I am not a ME fan, nor a Bioware fan for that matter, but Egoraptor just upoloaded this yesterday:

Ilosar said:
Oh, this is golden. Poking around in the game's files can reveal so much. First that Javik was on the disk, now this


Quote is from Stanley Woo, who hasen't played the game at any rate. But it's still funny.

I'm getting a 404 here.
Ilosar said:
Even the industry is trolling Bioware at this point.

of course they are, why not jump the bandwagon? scoring points all around and hopefully wooing fans over from your competitor. it's pretty cheap, if you ask me.

nevertheless, even as a fan of the games and the ending, I find these jokes pretty funny. one of Blizzard's best qualities is their April's Fools jokes.

not a big fan of Notch though, I think he's pretty damn full of himself.
You know that they say about graduates in Litterature being pretentious cloud shovelers?

Jesus, that guy is one. He ignores almost every real problem with the ending. His argumentation boils down to #1 that Shepard dying was inevitable (fucking duh, that's not the problem at all, this is not what people say when they talk abouta tonal shift) #2 that accepting the theme of ''entropy'' = being OK with rape = being OK with the ending (his words, not mine) and #3 that forgiveness is a major theme of the series somehow, and that it excuses the Catalyst's bullshit. Nevermind player choice, free will, peaceful coexistence, the right of species to exist, and all that jazz. Nope, daddy issues are far more important to Mass Effect.

Not only that, but his overaching point seems to be that Bioware intended the ending to be deep and shit. Look, dude, I like Bioware, but I also know them. They are not that caliber of writers. Especially not Mac Walters. Character interactions, rough themes and ridiculously heroic moments is what they do best, not big, deep philosophical themes.
HAHA! Loooooosers!

Take that, EA. You lost! You lost! LOST!
Now you have to spend money without ANY PROFIT IN IT!

Oh man, this makes me so happy. I probably won't ever play this DLC - €10 says it's still going to suck either way - but the fact that EA bites the dust makes me so happy.
So I've finally finished it, the ending wasn't as bad as I was expecting given the hype but it was still very dumb, especially the Catalyst. [spoiler:305ae49e3a]I don't know why they didn't end the game after the confrontation with the Illusive Man, they could have still linked the various outcomes to your military strength. Not enough ground forces to distract the reaper you die before you reach the console, not enough space forces the crucible is destroyed before you can activate it. Not enough tech support the crucible doesn't work etc.[/spoiler:305ae49e3a]
What I really can't understand is the high scores this game got from professional reviewers. Some made an excuse about not fully playing the game or only playing one ending and not realizing how bad it was. But the rest of the game is just as bad, the Reapers are finally here and we spend most of the game fighting amongst ourselves. Gathering resources, building the crucible, gaining allies that should of been the plot of ME2 not the Collectors. The side quests were bloody awful, one step above magically knowing who everything belonged to in Dragon Age 2. If we apply the KotOR model to the entire series and not just each game ME3 should of been just about the war, the final battle with the big bad, not system scanning.

Then there's this one boss fight, end of ME2 all over again, though this time without cover or allies, that there was enough to put me off replaying long before I ever reached the ending.