Yes, this game increasingly looks like a train wreck. I say this as probably the only person on these boards who was not only a Mass Effect fan but a *HUGE* Mass Effect fan.
I'm a pretty big Mass Effect fan, to the point where I consider it to be my 3rd favorite game franchise of all time.
I'm a fan to the point I'm writing a Mass Effect PnP RPG campaign.
Heck, the ending didn't bother me as much as it should (it still sucks through).
But yeah, as a big ME fan, I didn't really care for MEA from day one.
The premise is something that should get me really excited, but Bioware will find a way to fuck it up.
With the overbearing light tone, it doesn't interest me.
I understand that the first ME game was very light hearted in places, but there was at least massive tension in the game.
There www backlog with a few of the characters, with one even two dying in the game.
I don't see MEA touching any of that, Bioware just wants to make the game as goofy as possible.
I do plan on picking up the books, comics and DLC for the original mass effect and going through them one day.
I hope MEA is good, I will buy it eventually (hopefully on PC).
But for the time being. I don't really care for it.