Mass Effect Andromada: What we know so far

With all the Biodrones? They can be almost as toxic like Behtdrones. Let us be honest, the hype machine and the marketing around it with a little help from dady EA, people will buy it, like it was hot cakes :/.

I think you underestimate how hated the ending to ME3 and how annoyed they were with the re-entrenchment.
I've got a video coming up on my thoughts on MEA and why I think it'll fall.

I'd love to see it.

With all the Biodrones? They can be almost as toxic like Behtdrones. Let us be honest, the hype machine and the marketing around it with a little help from dady EA, people will buy it, like it was hot cakes :/.

To be fair the series Bioware built was original and the games themselves were technically competent (with the exception of the Me3 ending).

I'm fairly open minded to the game, but highly suspicious of the recent layoffs/departures from Bioware. There's a nasty rumor-wagon going around that people are jumping ship due to how the game was developed.

It's just astonishing how quickly people will come to conclusions based on a montage of 5 second combat snippets. People are already saying there are gonna be "tons of choices and dialogue" and that it will be game of the year, yet we've seen no such thing to really prove it. Just brief glimpses into a very very awkward disarm sequence that gave @SarcasticGoodGuy a new avatar (briefly), and a small combat montage.

I'm definitely gonna wait for the reviews to hit before considering a purchase.
Eh @CT Phipps , I will believe it when I see it. How often have I thought, "Now! Now is the time when gamers will kick 'Instert big huge money grabing game company' in the nuts!", just to see people rushing to their next pre order again ...

I mean sorry guys, but if people havn't understood what kind of company Bioware is today after Dragon Age 2 ... than there is no hope for their 'fans' and players left. You still remember this guys? SOMETHING AWESOME! PRESH A BUTTON! SOMETHING AWESOME HAS TO HAPPEN ... Dragon Age 2 was one single huge money grab and monetisation campaign by Bioware ... and? Whas Dragon Age 3 a 'failure' due to that? Thought so ... infact there is talk about Dragon Age 4.

I remind you they got together and got EA named the worst company of the year over Mass Effect 3. Which was kind of selfish and lazy of them in a way a self-described Social Justice Warrior thinks is "petty and too far."

I think people will buy it but my enthusiasm is low.

This from a guy who spent time on the ME forums during his honeymoon.
How often have I thought, "Now! Now is the time when gamers will kick 'Instert big huge money grabing game company' in the nuts!", just to see people rushing to their next pre order again ...
As those who feel disenfranchised leave a new crop of gamers grow old enough to replace them.

I remind you they got together and got EA named the worst company of the year over Mass Effect 3. Which was kind of selfish and lazy of them in a way a self-described Social Justice Warrior thinks is "petty and too far."
Wasn't that 4chan simply starting a campaign to vote for EA for shits and giggles though?
Wasn't that 4chan simply starting a campaign to vote for EA for shits and giggles though?

They're involved in just about anything to fuck with people on the internet but the anger was everywhere on the forums I frequented. A 1000 pages on just of nasty ranting against the game.

But Dragon Age 2 was actually really well written and it's only flaw was copypasted environments and trash mobs.

It was DA:I where I realized they'd lost all storytelling skill.
Yes, I'd love Bioware to make it. :)

SWTOR is a crime against humanity.

Jk its an alright MMO, used to play it a lot. Like most MMOs its more fun with friends. But playing as republic is dull because your either the jedist jedi to ever jedi or anakin from the third episode (ie whiny bitch). Empire story is most fun as its really interesting as a good imperial or just fun as a evil bastard.

But yeah its an MMO and kinda frustrating. Has potential to be a good KOTOR but wasnt.
Mass Effect was never a good RPG and it's "lore" was as generic as it could get. At least now it will be a decent Shooter. Not that I will play it on release tho. Maybe on a sale? Altho it being an EA game it will probably be a Origin Exclusive so meh.
Oh EAware... Missing the point of an RPG completely. Since I don't have any interest in getting ME:A, I guess I'll be one of those people waiting to see the reactions of people once the hype dies down.

The premise of the game already turned me off to any notion of torrenting the game (fighting ancient evils again rather than making an experience like Deep Space Nine). As for the combat gameplay... meh. The lack of class restrictions for weapons and skills are making it more easier to disregard ME:A as an RPG (though it already isn't one).
I remind you they got together and got EA named the worst company of the year over Mass Effect 3. Which was kind of selfish and lazy of them in a way a self-described Social Justice Warrior thinks is "petty and too far."

I think people will buy it but my enthusiasm is low.

This from a guy who spent time on the ME forums during his honeymoon.

I thought EA got worst company of the year because of their bullshit DLC buissnesses and shady higher management.

And the shit they pulled with Sim City and that they rushed ME out the door.

While I agree that's not as bad as fucking over the environment and running people's lives, it's still extremely shady.
Paid DLC and a bad game, much worse than those other companies running slave labor rings, causing economical crisis worldwide and even orchestrating political coups! Gamursh are so smert!
Paid DLC and a bad game, much worse than those other companies running slave labor rings, causing economical crisis worldwide and even orchestrating political coups! Gamursh are so smert!
Dude, why are you so ... Columbian? Did you forget that we're talking about the average American Gamers here? South Americans and their little 'civil' wars pfff :roll:. You make us other Millenials look really bad.
Wait wait, nudity and strong sexual content?

So is Bioware doing the CDProjekt red thing and doing witcher intensity sex?

Can we be pounded by a krogan?

Im asking the important questions here.
So is Bioware doing the CDProjekt red thing and doing witcher intensity sex?
Well, Bioware is trying new (old as world) PR tricks. Since CD Projekt Red now leading RPG developer, Bioware tries to pass their trash as the game as good as Twitcher 3.