Meet the devs - Meet Todd Howard

I admit there was quite a bit of dog wagging in his response. He got a little overly sentimental, as well.

Those things hardly matter to me, though. I say, at least he gave a response instead of just ignoring us.

Did you all really expect anything more than what he wrote? They don't divulge. It's how they have always been.

Here's to hoping after the trailer is released they will begin answering specific questions about the game. I doubt the trailer will be anything more than some cut scenes, heroic music and captions that go something like this: A desolate wasteland... Great evil reigns... All hope is lost... Until a hero rises... To claim the wasteland in the name of righteousness! FALLOUT 3... Christmas 2009...

Or something like that. :roll:
Autoduel76 said:

It is also the same spin and not-telling-one anything that we've grown used to through the past few years. We can't trust Todd to be candid, and if people want to read ill intent in it, that's up to them.
Well, its definitely up to them, like I said in the last line of my post.

I don't think there is anything wrong with stating the other side as well, however.
I know we don’t have all the right answers, or the one’s you would make when it comes to how it should be or look. We can only do what we think is right and what makes us the most excited, and that’s what we’ve done. We’ve left no stone unturned in trying to find Fallout’s “soul”, but those decisions are ours, not yours. I just hope you give the game a look and decide if that soul is there for you.

This alone makes me very sad.
I almost am certain of what's coming in Fallout 3...
Oh the sadness.. :(
Brother None said:
Nothing, as long as you avoid phrases like "
How...rational. :roll: "

Seems like a pretty mild statement, compared to what gets said about people who like Oblivion, or are optimistic about F3.

note: I don't like and, in fact, haven't even played Oblivion, because I hated Morrowind. and I'm neither optimistic or pressimistic about F3. Just would like to keep things fair, if a sarcastic comment about rationality is considered a flame here. If its a simple matter of keeping any thoughts out of line with the herd here bottled up, that's fine. I'd just like to know before hand.
Autoduel76 said:
Seems like a pretty mild statement, compared to what gets said about people who like Oblivion, or are optimistic about F3.

note: I don't like and, in fact, haven't even played Oblivion, because I hated Morrowind. and I'm neither optimistic or pressimistic about F3. Just would like to keep things fair, if a sarcastic comment about rationality is considered a flame here. If its a simple matter of keeping any thoughts out of line with the herd here bottled up, that's fine. I'd just like to know before hand.

I liked Morrowind more than Oblivion. I don't really like any of the TES games, tho'.

It's not a flame, it's a troll. It's a troll not because it disagrees with the herd, it's a troll because the post's timing and tone means it is obviously intended to provoke other people into flames. I could be misinterpreting, then so be it, comes with the job, but it is against the rules.
Role-Player said:
I like the concept. "We looked at everything but Fallout in order to bring you a game that's just like Fallout".

Nah. It's more like "We looked at Fallout and determined that it's better than sex. But it's also old-hat. So we'll take it's "soul" and put it into our new game! Like that guy did with Batman! Mmm.. Batman. So even if you ungrateful peons don't like it, it'll still have Fallout's "soul". Because I say so. Batman."
ben-ten said:
"FU, bastards! We will do what we want, what we think is right and what will sell our game!" Is it what most people in this tread wanted to hear? I think, no. Todd tried to be gentle with fans, but people see in his words only bullshit. Fucc buds, who dreams about "Fall Out 3 same as previous two with improved sound and grafx".
Most of us played NES in early 90's... Everybody remembers games like Castlevania, Mario, Contra... And sometimes we think - "yeah, that was a time... games was simple and very fun... Today powerfull gfx - is main goal. And it's boring"... Today are new standarts. I don't believe, that FO3 will be tha same. Devs looking for things, which will save "soul" of the game with innovations (like FP, no fuggin desert - only city, no vehicles)...
I'm just glad, that they're making new FO. RPG FO.

What you say?
That it became a real world to them, that they got to escape and play a stronger/different person then they are in real life, and it helped them.

they aren't stronger... Their enemies are just leveled to match them on a personal level so there is little challenge :wink:

How can anyone say Dr. Strangelove is generic, and turn to the LOTR and super hero movies for PA thematic influence?
That it became a real world to them, that they got to escape and play a stronger/different person then they are in real life, and it helped them.
That's really pathetic :( . I hate nothing more than games ceasing being an art or even "fun" and becoming a medicine for people that can't handle reality.
"I obviously replayed the games, and Fallout 1 remains the truest inspiration for what we’re doing"

This is tremendously inspiring. No mention of FO2 or Tactics. No toilet/juvenile humor. No gunz, senseless swearing and sex and whorz to the 10th degree. And hopefully, no tribals.

"Treat it with respect, and don’t cheese it up."

Ala FO2/Tactics. Few others of you are satisfied, but I am more at ease after reading these two bits than before. I'm glad the game is at least in seemingly mature hands. My expectations are still low, but at least I don't have to worry about geeky high school sex humor and lots of stupid drugz and whorz crap. Give me a game that's at least as half forlorn, mature, and darkly humorous as the first and I'll be happy that at least it's not a total pile of dung. FO1 will never be reproduced again. At this point all I can do is hope for something that doesn't totally reek.
to me, the most important thing he said is this:

"I really liked the first game and thought Fallout would be a great fit for us, it has all the big things I love about RPGs – player freedom, big world, go do what you want type of stuff."

.................and thats it. thats all he liked about fallout!? Oblivion had big world, player freedom (Oblivion style freedom), go do what you want( but dont go killing important NPCs).

WHY couldnt he have said that he liked TB combat, SPECIAL, '50s retrofuture, branching dialogue, etc? I know he made a parallel with a generic RPG, but still, thats all he liked at Fallout? If I wasnt banned from Beth$ forum, I would have said something very interesting to him.

"I became far more interested in the “pre-war” world, then the “post-war” world."

fucking shaitan! I hope he doesnt makes Fallout 3 situated before Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 in the time line.
Grotesque said:
"I really liked the first game and thought Fallout would be a great fit for us, it has all the big things I love about RPGs – player freedom, big world, go do what you want type of stuff."

WHY couldnt he have said that he liked TB combat, SPECIAL, '50s retrofuture, branching dialogue, etc? I know he made a parallel with a generic RPG, but still, thats all he liked at Fallout? If I wasnt banned from Beth$ forum, I would have said something very interesting to him

Because he said what he liked about RPGs. If he'd put TB combat, SPECIAL and 50's retrofuture in that sentence it would change the meaning to mean that he was saying he didn't like games like Planescape, Arcanum, Ultima, etc.
Grotesque said:
WHY couldnt he have said that he liked TB combat, SPECIAL, '50s retrofuture, branching dialogue, etc? I know he made a parallel with a generic RPG, but still, thats all he liked at Fallout? If I wasnt banned from Beth$ forum, I would have said something very interesting to him

Yeah, I do wish he'd make mention of the retro-future theme (and other such aspects) that so defined the original game. In the realm of computer gaming, FO1 is unique in that it's not a great game simply because it's big and open-ended and a hell of a lot of fun to play. So much of that greatness has to do with its theme, dialogue, music, look and feel, and generally speaking its artistic merit as a whole.