Megamod 2.3 technical issues and suggestions

MIB88 said:
aFalloutDude said:
(Unless, you mean as a list of what's included. That was in there back when it was Megamod 1. But, perhaps I could change it, as I wrote the v2 + readme files as though the player had seen all the earlier versions... and that readme is also included in the folder.)

Yeah, that's it exactly. To be honest: Most of the descriptions in the mod sections are very poorly. Take this for example:

The smart installer will install the mod for you along with the FO2 patcher and a separate config file for MR, this will allow you to play Mutants Rising without effecting your existing FO2 install (though the installer will automatically remove the patch000.dat file). The FO2 patcher only supports the US and UK versions of Fallout so I don't know what will happen for the rest of you.

The description should not be how to install the mod or what changes in this version have been made, it should be what the fuck this mod is about.

I don't care if some half-assed mod has a terrible description but since you put a lot of effort into your mod (or so I guess) and I kind of like it I felt I should give you some constructive critics :)
Hi guys!

So I took my time to read through the whole thread. Sorry that I didn't do it before and asked about an old error.

I just deleted my data folder and installed the newest version from the MegaMod (from FMC). But theres still one problem that occurs.
Someone had it before but it seems to be a pretty rare error.

Its the crash when leaving the Toxic Caves. I tried everything now. But it doesn't matter what I do as soon as I want to leave them the game crashes, giving me an "Application Error in Fallout2.exe"
Don't know what do to (well something other than avoiding the TC)

I know that MIB88 can't experience the bug but I hope someone here can and had in the past and I hope even more, that someone has a solution for it ^^

Plz help me or I can't save the post apocalyptic world ^^ (or destroy it hrhr)

Thanks for your time :)
No, I am still not getting this error. I just tried it again. But please tell me what you have done in the Toxic Caves.
Did you rescue Smiley?
Did you just go in and leave right away?
Did you go all the way to level 3 (level with the security bots)?
What are you doing inside the caves?
Do you have the car with you?
What party members are with you?

This will help me track down the error.
The first time the error came I had Smily with me but he had become hostile down the caves after he got some damage (his boots melted). So I went there again and gave him some more boots. Then we reached the exit and it crashed.

Now I just entered and left again and it crashed. I didn't do anything. I have NO party members, no car and nothing ^^ Just started the game this time and ran as fast as I could to the caves.

I will just try it now with Klint by my side.
May I join conversation? ;)
Got the same bug. Heres my test results:
1) entering with car results only in car disappearing, you still cant exit TC without error
2) whenever you leave location, after killing geckos, after entering 2nd lev, after Smiley's speech or even just after arriving, black screen & FO2 winerror
3) there is no difference in entering TC with or without party
Hope this help :P

Question. Is this could help to my save, if I would delete files related with TC both from my save and from data folder? Do I'll get 'old' TC or it will mess my game?
Ha! I solved it! ^^

I entered the cave again... this time I made an extra save for testing. I wanted to leave and the game crashed again. Then I startet the game again and loaded and... I can leave! ^^ No crashes anymore. Can go in and out as many times as I want now. But I think only at this savegame.

Strange error ^^
is the bookshelf in the doctor's office (the one with the poison and heart pills in the original FO2), supposed to be non-accessible?

Harry Canyon said:
is the bookshelf in the doctor's office (the one with the poison and heart pills in the original FO2), supposed to be non-accessible?

Honestly, I don't remember. I'll check this out. If you can't take anything from just 'using' it, though, I think steal works. Something has to work, because I always took things from there in my games. :)
MIB88 said:
I think steal works. Something has to work, because I always took things from there in my games. :)

i've tried every skill there is, even when i was sneaking. none worked.

EDIT: my steal skill is at 100%
jet seemed to take care of the problem in ncr without voiding bishops quest. i've never tried using it before actually.
killap said:
This was an issue in my patch work. Check the use of script_overrides MIB88.

Gotcha. Thanks. I guess I'm gonna have to go back and do something about that! :)
As to the crashing when leaving Toxic Caves, it doesn't matter if I do anything at all there. This happens to me in every new game I start. I just save before trying to leave, and keep trying, eventually it works. This also happens to me when I enter inner Vault City (map2), and whenever I try to enter Klamath after game completion. It's irritating, but seems to work itself out. I can't seem to force these crashes or avoid them, just randomly happens, maybe we are pushing Fallout2 past it's maximum ability.

I have been doing a lot of testing with Klint, and the only time he gives me problems is if I equip him with a Mark 2 armor, Hardened PA, or Advanced PA (Mark 1 or 2). Otherwise I haven't been able to replicate any problems anyone else has had with him. After giving him a Mark 2 armor, just ask him to remove armor, then you can trade it for something else, and he is completely ok. Maybe he got fixed in the last update.

Any time I try to enter under Carson City I get a black screen that gives repeating cursor images everywhere. It happens in other places sometimes, usually fixed by quitting FO2 and loading game prior to entring area with error. Never worked under Carson.

After game completion, I can no longer choose to enter combat with mantis or roaches random encounters. I say yes to encounter and then continue moving on map as if nothing happened. I haven't had it happen to other encounters than those yet.

Also after game completion, attempting to use Mr. Fixit causes CTD, always.

EDIT: Added Mr. Fixit error.
As always, thanks for the report.

Solon said:
As to the crashing when leaving Toxic Caves, it doesn't matter if I do anything at all there... I can't seem to force these crashes or avoid them, just randomly happens, maybe we are pushing Fallout2 past it's maximum ability.

Something I always think about when I hear about random crashes.

Solon said:
I have been doing a lot of testing with Klint...

Any Mk II armor? Interesting. I need to take apart his script again. I wonder if there is a code to even make him recognize he is wearing a MK II armor. The way that Klint works, Klint's stats should actually be the same whether he is wearing a regular armor or a Mk II. If there is no code telling Klint what to do when wearing a Mk II armor, then he would revert to a version that you could not trade with or set his disposition. I never considered this before...

Edit: The script is sound. It does properly reference Mk II armors in the same line of code as the regular armors. I'll keep looking.

Solon said:
Any time I try to enter under Carson City I get a black screen that gives repeating cursor images everywhere...

Either I have forgotten to add some critter or item proto to the folders, or (more likely) I have mislabeled Carson's map/city number somewhere. I will check this out.

Solon said:
After game completion, I can no longer choose to enter combat with mantis or roaches random encounters...

Weird. Just out of curiosity, what happens if you say no?

Solon said:
Also after game completion, attempting to use Mr. Fixit causes CTD, always.

I'm betting there's some mislabeled global variable in there messing things up. I'll take a look.
If I say no to the encounters it functions as expected, and I move on. Almost like it always takes no for an answer. I would never have noticed except I was hoping to get a cave encounter to check if the heavily armed people are working right and feel like giving up a bozar or that weapon that the Bounty hunter chief has. Steyr Aug IWS 2000 or something. I want one!
Harry Canyon said:
toxic caves, level 3 has a wall that can be walked through.

Thanks. Yeah, I just fixed that a few days ago. And Klint decided to do some exploring on his own, eh? :lol:
sorry if this has been mentioned, i've always had the attention span of a gnat. but anyways... there seems to be a couple VC quests i can't complete.

thomas moore: i can deliver the briefcase to bishop and get the reward and all but when i go back to VC and talk to moore, he keeps asking if i delivered the briefcase yet. which i have.

lynette: i brought the holo disk from bishops safe and ledger from the raiders hangout to her, she gives me a quest to bring one to weston in NCR, i never get the disk and can't complete the quest.

if it matters, this is how i did the quests leading up to: i got the briefcase from moore and delivered it, i took the quest from bishop to ice weston, took westons counter offer, i waxed bishop and company. got the disk and map. i did not immediately go and tell weston the job was done, i went to the raiders hangout first. got the ledger. went to VC and told lynette the news. took the quest to take the disk to weston. i headed to NCR and went to see weston, the only dialogue i get is "i took care of your problem". even after waiting a few months and then going back to see him, all i get is the "oops" dialogue.
I have problem with guy, that digs tunel from Modoc to Ghost Farm. He asks me for bringing him explosives, but plastic explosives, dynamite, own-made thingies, even the grenade does not work anyway. Is this a bug... or I have to search more carefully?
My savegame got corrupted after finishing the quest at modoc where you have to save the tanners son.

I could reproduce the bug, however if I don't make the tanner teach me how to make the leather stuff my savegame remains intact.